Wednesday 2 August 2017

Bulls Moving Average Xb

P o w e r p l a n t s Motores alternativos Os motores que estavam em uso popular durante o período deste trabalho eram incrivelmente numerosos e variados. Tal como acontece com os construtores de aeronaves, foi um tempo de free-for-alls que pediu experimentação, conversão do que fosse útil e pura invenção. Alguns que nasceram no início desta era ainda estão por aí, mas a maioria é história. Com exceção dos motores estrangeiros, essas entradas serviram na maioria dos casos. Atualmente, a cobertura AeroFiles de motores a jato está em desenvolvimento, e o trabalho preliminar pode ser visto aqui. Crédito especial e agradecimentos ao Clyde Bishop, que recuou recentemente com um antigo livro maravilhoso, a Enciclopédia do Motor de Aviões de 1921, de Glenn Angle, repleta de informações sobre powerplants iniciais15, algumas das quais nunca ouvimos falar da maioria dos gráficos antigos dos motores vistos Aqui é daquele tesouro. Os anúncios mostram a designação do modelo (face ousada) e o ano da primeira fabricação (c. Circa), ATCGroup 2 Memorando (entre parênteses), potência básica, deslocamento, número de cilindros e tipo: A arrefecido a ar H horizontal I invertido L inline O oposto R Radial V V-head W X ou X refrigerado por água ou refrigerado por líquido. O designer de registro está sublinhado. Dados infundados ou incertos. VEJA TAMBÉM: Jack Ericksons desenvolvimento extensivo de motores de aviões horizontalmente oponentes Ace American Engr Corp, Horace Keane Airplane Co, North Beach, Long Island, NY. Keane Ace (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) 1919 40hp 4LW. Horace Keane. Convertido e modificado Ford T. ACE 1928: American Cirrus Engines Inc, Belleville NJ 1929: A. C.E. Corp, Marysville MI. LA-1 19. (ATC 31) 140hp 7RA. Evoluiu para Jacobs LA-1. American Cirrus (folheto da fábrica) Mk III 1929 (ATC 30, 44) 90hp 310ci 4LAI (44) para modelo com sobrealimentação 110hp. Mk III Hi-Drive 1930 (60) 95hp 310ci 4LAI. ACT c.2000 Aeronave Cilindro Turbina Co, Sun Valley CA. R-1340 Super 600 2001 (TC -) modificação de 600hp de PW R-1340 com cabeças de cilindros R-2800. Adams-Farwell Adams - (F O) Farwell Co, 21 Athol St, Dubuque IA. 1896 3RA. O primeiro motor rotativo de sucesso do mundo tornou-se primeiro um motor de ônibus de 1903. A teoria e o design, por sua vez, foram copiados liberalmente por engenheiros franceses que compareceram ao Salão Automóvel de Chicago de 1913, aparecendo mais tarde como o Gnoumlme rotativo. 1907 63hp 621ci 5RA com peso seco rotativo: 250. Emile Berliner. Primeiro vôo rotativo (helicóptero berlinês, 1907). 1909 36hp 248.25ci 5RA rotativo. Cilindros de aço sem aviões de refrigeração. 1909 55hp 541ci 5RA rotativo. 1910 72hp 843ci 5RA rotativo, aumentaram mais tarde para 135hp. Peso seco: 285. Farwell Double Rotary (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) Double Rotary 19. 280hp 1017.9ci 6RA rotativo seco wt: 279. POP: 1. ADC Aircraft Disposal Co, sem localização. 19. Conversões de British Cirrus. AEADC Aircraft Engine Accessory Development Co, Jenkinstown PA. Gryphon M, O-510 1932 150hp2000rpm 511.1ci 8HOA peso seco: 420. Gryphon N, O-810 1932 225hp2200rpm 811.1ci 12HOW peso seco: 500. Aeromarine 1914: Aeromarine Plane Motor Co (fdr: Inglis Uppercu), Avondale NY 1917: Keyport NJ. 19. Burnelli Aircraft Ltd. Aeromarine 90hp (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) 1914 85hp1400rpm 449.16ci 6LW seco wt: 430. A versão Geared era K-6. AR-3 1931 (ATC 74) 50hp 3RA. AR-3-40 19. (ATC 119) 40hp 3RA. AR-5 19. 65hp 3RA. Aeromarine B-45 (1921 Enciclopédia de ângulo) B-45 1915 150hp2275rpm a 170hp2635rpm com engrenagem 8VW peso seco: 420. Velocidade de suporte ajustada em .571. Cilindros de alumínio fundido ajustados a 45 ° C. Aeromarine B-90 (Enciclopédia de ângulo 1921) B-90 1915 148hp2275rpm a 166hp2635rpm 423.2ci engrenado 8VW peso seco: 460. Velocidade de suporte ajustada em .571. Cilindros de ferro fundido montados em um suporte de 90deg montado em dois rolamentos de rolos cônicos capazes de empurrar a extremidade em qualquer direção. D-12 19. 150hp1400rpm 898.32ci 12VW peso seco: 750. AeromarineK-6 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) K-6 1915 Modelo redutor da 90hp. 100 hp2000rpm 449.16ci 6LW peso seco: 435. Velocidade da propulsão reduzida por relação de transmissão de .571. Aeromarine L-6 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) L-6 1917 130hp1625rpm a 215hp3000rpm 553.25ci 6LW. Aeromarine L-6D L-6-D, L-6-G 1917 D para transmissão direcionada direta foi o sufixo G seco wts: 400-500. L-8 1918 192hp1750rpm 737.67ci 8VW peso seco: 556.5 RAD 1930 (ATC 41) 115hp 9RA. T-6 19. 200hp tipo desconhecido. Aeromarine U-8D (1922 Aircraft Year Book) U-6, U-8D 19. Mais tarde, versões melhoradas de L-6 e L-8. (U-8D): 220hp1800rpm 737.67ci 8VW. Aero Motors 1928: Beaver State Motor Co, Gresham OU. 1929: Aero-Motors, Portland OR. Aerobat 1929 150hp 326ci 8RA. Guy Thayer. Aeronautical Enginering Co, Oakland CA. 1929 300hp 542ci 2-ciclo de duas fileiras 9RA. Aeronca Aeronca Aircraft Corp, Middletown OH. E-107, O-107 1930 30hp 106.9ci 2HOA. E-113A, O-113 1930 (ATC 71) 36-45hp 113.5ci 2HOA. E-113C 19. (ATC 189) 40-45hp 113ci 2HOA. Aero Products Aeronautical Products Corp, Naugatuck CT. Scorpion 1928 100hp 336ci 4LAI. Aircraft Aircraft Engine Co Inc, Oakland CA. 1911 80hp tipo desconhecido. Airex Airex Engineering Corp, Astoria NY. RX-2 19. 200hp 632ci 11RA. RX-10 19. 1000hp 2170ci 11RA. Albatross Albatross Co, Detroit MI. 1910 50hp1230rpm 477ci 6RA peso seco: 250. Fred Weinberg. Geralmente aceito como o primeiro design de motor radial fixo nos EUA. C.1911 100hp1230rpm 712.43ci 6RW peso seco: 275. Similar ao anterior, mas maior e à água. Alexander Alexander Aircraft Co, Denver CO. 1928 5RA. W D Campbell. Nenhum registro de produção encontrado. Alfaro Aircraft Engine Development Co Inc, Boston MA. 1938 155hp 167ci motor de barril de 4 cilindros. Heraclio Alfaro. Construído por Indian Motorcycle Co (Hendee), Springfield MA. Allen Allen Aircraft Engine Co, Compton CA. 1928 200hp 673.4ci 8HOA wt: 575. Alliance-Hess Alliance Aircraft Corp, Alliance OH. Hess Warrior (1930 Aircraft Year Book) Guerreiro c.1929 (ATC 24) 115-125hp 7RA. Allied Allied Aviation Corp, Van Nuys CA. Monsoon 1939 (ATC 208) 100hp 243ci 4LAI. Licença de francês Regravegnier 4-L. Allison 1915: (James A) Allison Engr Co, Indianapolis IN. 1926: Allison Engine Co. 1935: General Motors, Allison Div. Começou com os motores de corrida de automóveis, mudou para a construção contratual da Liberdade 12 para a Primeira Guerra Mundial, depois reorientou-se em motores aero. V-1410 1926 420hp 1410ci 12VAI. Versão refrigerada a ar, invertida do Liberty 12. V-1650 1929 420hp 1650ci 12VWI. Liberty 12. V-1710 1931 1040-1450hp 1710ci 12VWI. Primeira entrega em 21235 para o dirigível USS Macon. Primeiro motor de aeronave projetado especificamente para usar glicol como refrigerante. V-1710-A 1930 650hp 1710ci. POP: 1 construído como um testador. V-1710-C8 1937 Um protótipo de produção de turbocompressão 1000hp, testado em Curtiss P-36 modificado (XP-37). Redesign: R M Hazen. POP: cerca de 47,000. A produção de motores de pistão terminou em 1947. Allison V-1710-C15 (1941 Aircraft Year Book) V-1710-C15 1939 Allison V-1710-F (1941 Aircraft Year Book) V-1710-F 19. V-3420 aka W -3420 1939 2800hp sobrecarregado duplo V-12 como 24VAI, ostensivamente dois V-1710 combinados e com algumas partes comuns em peso: 3275. Alegadamente primeiro voou em um B-29. POP: milhares pedidos para Fisher P-75, mas contrato cancelado. POP: 1, construído, mas nunca voou. O V-3420 foi composto de dois V-1710 (série E ou F, dependendo do modelo) acoplados a uma caixa de câmbio comum, com um ângulo de 30 ° entre os bancos de cilindros centrais. A produção variou de 2.600 a 2.885hp. O trabalho de design começou em 1937 e o primeiro registro de um vôo que eu posso encontrar foi no Fisher XP-75 em novembro de 1943. O Boeing XB-39 também voou com esses motores, que nunca entraram em produção regular. (151 Aaron Jimenez 102000) X-4520 1928 1500hp 24X. American American Motor Aviation Co, Denver CO e Long Beach CA. 1911 35hp 6RA rotativo. S-5 19. (ATC 181) 100-125hp 441ci 5RA. AeroMotion (AMI) AeroMotion Inc, localização desconhecida. Twin, O-100 1984 53-110hp 100.2ci 2HOA. Desenvolvido a partir do Chevrolet V-8. Twin, O-101 1982. Hp 100.5ci 2HOA. Angle Glenn D Angle, Detroit MI. 1939 100hp 184ci 5RA. Arrow V-8 Arrow Aircraft Motor Co, Lincoln NB. 1940: State Securities. F 19. (ATC 151, 161) 82hp 8VW. Conversão de Ford. Ashmusen (Henry W) Ashmusen Mfg Co, Providence RI. 1908 60hp 8HOA peso seco: 235. Ashmusen (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) 1908 105hp1800rpm 596.4ci 12HOA peso seco: 345. O-150 1912 25hp 149.6ci 4HOA. O-595 1917 105hp 596.4ci 12HOA. Atwood (Harry N) Atwood Aeronautic Co, Williamsport PA. Atwood 12-180 (Enciclopédia de ângulo 1921) 12-180 1915 120hp2000rpm 150hp2500rpm 190hp3200 rpm 519.54ci engrenado 12HW seco wt: 580. POP: 1. M-1 1916 140hp 12VW. POP: 1. M-2 1916 350hp 12VW. POP: 1. Atwood Twin Six (ad: 1915 Flying) Twin Six 1915 Sem dados. AVCO-Lycoming SEE Lycoming Axelson (J C) Axelson Machine Co, Los Angeles CA. 19. (ATC 16) 115hp 7RA. Axelson-Floco (J C) Axelson - (Leonard) Flo, Los Angeles CA. B 19. 150hp 612ci 7RA. Babcock SEE Rover Bailey Não há dados. C7R Bulls Eye 1927 140hp 7RA. Bakewell Shaw-Palmer-Bakewell Co, Los Angeles CA. Wingfoot 19. 165hp 452ci 4XA. Bat Airman Engineering Co (Noran Co), San Francisco CA. 1928 30hp 115ci 3RA. Barrett (Monty) Barrett Precision Engines Inc, Tulsa OK. 1985- Motores de Lycoming modificados para aviões não certificados. Bates (Carl S) Bates Airplane Co, Chicago IL. Bates Motorcraft Co, Chicago. 1912: ativos e direitos vendidos à Heath Aircraft. 1908 20hp 2HOA. 1909 30hp 4HOA. 1910 8-10hp 2HOA. 8-B c.1914 110hp 8VW. Junior, O-120 19. 36-40hp 120.3ci 2HOA. O-77 1924 26hp 77ci 2HOA. - Harroun 1910 24hp 2HOA peso: 95. POP: 1 para (Roy) Harroun-Bates Bleacuteriot XI. Beatty George W Beatty, Nova York, NY. 1914 40hp 4LW. Wright cópia. 1915 50hp 4LW. 1915 60hp 301ci 4LW. 1914 80hp 481ci 8VW. Beecher (B L) Beecher Co, New Haven CT. Beecher (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) 1919 8HOA. Beilgard Mechanical Research Laboratory, Hollywood CA. C.1938 motor de barril de 9 cilindros, possivelmente o que teria sido alimentado por butano. Besler SEE Doble. Blue Streak Blue Streak Motors Co, Wichita KS. 70 1929 70hp 3RA. Cilindros duplos de dois ciclos, em forma de U. 125 1929 125hp 5RA. Boland (Frank E) Boland Airplane Motor Co, Rahway NJ Newark NJ. Boland 60hp (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) 1911 60hp 402ci 8VW peso seco: 240. 1913 70hp 452ci 8VW peso seco: 255. 1913 100hp 700ci 8VW peso seco: 325. Boulevard Boulevard Engine Co, St Louis MO. 1910 30-35hp 4LW. 1911 60-70hp 8VW. Breese c.1920 40hp1400rpm 226.19ci 3RA. Peso seco: 163 Brooke Brooke-Kuhnert Co, Chicago IL. Multi-X c.1915 24hp 230.88ci 6RA rotativo com duas linhas de 3 cilindros cada. Non-Gyro 1911 85hp 602.9ci 10RA rotativo. Dois giradores rotativos em rotação em tandem correriam em 5 cilindros. Brooks (Harold C) Brooks, Indianapolis IN. AF 1931 50hp 4LWI. Brott A Brott, Denver CO. 1910 35-45hp 4VA. Brott (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) 1911 60hp1200rpm 8VA. Brownback Brownback Motor Laboratories Inc, Pottstown PA. 1930: Light Mfg Foundry Co. C-400 (Tiger 100) 1930 (ATC 33) 80-90hp 397ci 6RA. Veja Light. Tiger Kitten 19. 20hp 3RA. Versão licenciada do francês Anzani. Burgess-White W Starling Burgess Roland (gt: Rollin) White, Marblehead MA (fabricação em Cleveland OH). X-16 1913 500hp 16XA. R White. Dois motores V-8 unidos possivelmente nunca foram concluídos. Ligue para Aerial Navigation Co of America, Girard KS fdr: Henry L Call. Ligue para E-1 (1911 Aeronáutica) E-1, OL-295 1910 45-50hp 296.31ci (gt296.9ci) 2HOW peso seco: 135. Ligue para E-2 (Enciclopédia de ângulo 1921) E-2, OL-595 1910 90 -100hp 593.8ci 4HOW peso seco: 225. Cameron 1928: National Aero Corp, Nova Iorque, NY. 1946: (Everett S) Cameron Aero Engine Corp, Reading PA. 60 1928 60hp 4LAI. 100 1928 100hp 7RA. C4-I-E1 1946 125hp 301ci 4LAI. Caron Victor J Caron, Haverhill MA. O-155 1941 75hp 153.9ci 4HOA. Cato Joseph L Cato, San Francisco CA. VEJA também Marlin-Rockwell. 1912 60hp1400rpm 349.88ci 4LW. Houve também experiências indocumentadas com outros modelos de motor neste período pré-WW1, incluindo um rotatório bem-sucedido que foi usado em seu monoplano Cato-Bounds de 1915 (qv). Cato C-2 (Enciclopédia de ângulo 1921) C-2, O-270 1919 72hp1800rpm 272.3ci 2HOA peso seco: 154. O-125 1910 35hp1500rpm 125.66ci 2HOA peso seco: 146. Chamberlin Rover 1939: Clarence D Chamberlin. Jersey City NJ, na aquisição dos direitos da Rover de Jean Rocheacute. L-496 1939 (ATC 37) 100-110hp 6LAI. Reabastecimento de Michigan Rover. Chevrolair (Arthur) Chevrolet Aircraft Corp, Indianapolis IN. D-4 1929 (ATC 35) 90-120hp 352ci 4LAI. D-6 1929 (ATC 56) 165-180hp 529ci 6LAI. Chevrolet (Louis) Chevrolet Aircraft Corp, Baltimore MD (na fábrica de Martin Co). 333 1929 (ATC 59) 120hp 4LAI. Continuação de Martin 333. Christie Não há dados. C.1912 Radial, sem dados. Christofferson Christofferson Bros, Oakland CA. . Christofferson (Enciclopédia de ângulo 1921) 1915 120hp1400hp 637.98ci 6LW. Contudo, uma versão de 12 cilindros 240 cv foi construída algum tempo depois. Chrysler (Walter) Chrysler Motors Inc,. IV-2220, XI-2220 1941 2500hp 1387.5ci 16VWI. Dois V-8s acoplados back-to-back com mid-drive. POP: 1 em 1945 para testes de vôo no XP-47H, redesignado a partir de P-47D, que atingiu uma velocidade de 490 mph, então o projeto foi cancelado. Este foi tecnicamente o primeiro dos famosos motores Hemi de Chrysler. Church James Church, Chicago IL. J-3 Marathon 1929 41-46hp 3LA. Motor de motocicleta Henderson convertido. V-8 B 19. (ATC 224) 93hp 248ci 8VA. Cleone 1929: Cleone Motors Co, St Louis MO. 1929 25hp 2HOA. VEJA Cyclomotor. Cleveland Cleveland Aero Motor Co, Cleveland OH. 4 1917 150hp 706.86ci 6RA. Walter C Willard. Conceito único de cada pistão que opera uma engrenagem cônica, que por sua vez engrenada com uma engrenagem principal para conduzir o eixo de transmissão. Também produziu como 140hp. Comet Comet Engine Corp, Madison WI. Comet 7-D (1930 Aircraft Year Book) 7-D 1928 (ATC 9) 150hp 612ci 7RA. 7-E 1929 (ATC 47) 165hp 612ci 7RA. 7-RA 1928 (ATC 9) 130hp 7RA. Continental 1928: Continental Motors Corp, Aircraft Engine Div, Muskegon MI. Continental c.1923: Aviation Engr Corp, Detroit MI. 19. Continental Aircraft Engine Co. 19. Teledyne Continental. A-40, O-110 1931 (ATC 72, 174) 37-40hp 111,2ci 4HOA. Crédito como o motor de pistão de produção de aviação mais simples já construído. A-50, O-170 1938 50hp 171ci 4HOA. A-65-8F, O-170 1939 (ATC 205) 65hp 171ci 4HOA. A-70 1928 (ATC 32) 165-170hp 544ci 7RA. A-75, O-170 193 75hp 171ci 4HOA. A-80, O-170 193 (ATC 217) 80hp 171ci 4HOA. A-90 19. 90hp 4HOA. A-100, O-255 1945 (gt1941) (ATC E-241) 100hp 256.5ci 6HOA. Duas versões: uma desenvolvida a partir de um caso C-145 (-125) e virabrequim como 6HOA, e o outro como radial. Informações necessárias. C-40 19. 40hp 4HOA. C-50 19. 50hp 4HOA. C-65 19. 65hp 4HOA. C-75, O-190 1945 75hp 188ci 4HOA. Continental C-85 (1941 Aircraft Year Book) C-85, O-190 1946 (ATC 233) 85hp 188ci 4HOA wt: 170. C-85-8 A-65, mas 188ci eixo côncavo, peso: 188. C-85- 8F C-85-8 com argadeira flangeada. C-85-12 C-85-8 com iniciador. C-85-12F C-85-12 com ardão flangeado. C-90, O-200 1947 (ATC 252) 90-95hp 201ci 4HOA. C-90-8F O-200-A, mas peso: 184. C-90-12F C-90-8F com iniciador. C-90-12FH C-90-12F com suporte hidráulico manual. C-115, O-280 1945 115hp 281.9ci 6HOA. C-125, O-280 19. 125hp 281.9ci 6HOA. C-140, O-280 19. 145hp 281.9ci (gt301.4ci) 6HOA. C-145, O-300 1947 145-175hp 301.4ci 6HOA. E-165, O-470 1947 165hp 471.1ci 6HOA. E-185, O-470 1947 185-205hp 471.2ci 6HOA. E-225-8, O-470 Militar 225hp GIO-470-A com turbocompressor de transmissão direta 8087 combustível. FSO-526-A 19. (ATC 292) Motor de helicóptero. 270hp 526ci 6HOA 6: 1 compressor com engrenagem wt: 575. O-170 1941 Versão militar da A-65. O-200-A 19. (ATC 252) 100hp 201ci 4HOA peso seco: 190. TSIO-200 145h O-200A turbocompressor, sistema elétrico wt: 239. O-240 1971 125-130hp 239.7ci 4HOA. O-300-A 19. (ATC 253) 145hp 301ci 6HOA liga direta do motor de partida: 267. O-300-B O-300-A com suporte hidráulico manual. O-300-C O-300-A com ardimento ARP-502 modificado. O-300-D O-300-A com entrada, ignição blindada. GO-300-A 19. (ATC 298) 175hp 301ci 6HOA drive de partida direto: peso: 309. GO-300-B GO-300-A com suporte hidráulico governado. GO-300-C GO-300-A com pescoço de enchimento de óleo curto e tubo de respiro. GO-300-D GO-300-A com starter, sistema elétrico, ignição blindada. GO-300-E GO-300-D com suporte hidráulico governado. O-315 1952 150-175hp 314.2ci 4HOA. O-346, IO-346 1962 (TC E3CE) 165hp 346.4ci 4HOA injeção de combustível em peso: 270. O-360, IO-360-A 1962 (TC E1CE) 210hp 360ci 6HOA injeção de combustível em peso: 294. O-360-B 180hp IO-360-A com menor compressão wt: 334. TSIO-360 19. 225hp. LTSIO-360 19. 200hp. O-368 1979 180hp 368ci 4HOA. O-470-G, - P 19. (ATC 273) 240hp 471ci 8: 1 432 6HOA cárcrute ascendente, depósito de óleo fundido. Da E-165-185. OO-470-H O-470-M com eixo prolongado 455. OO-470-J 225hp O-47-K 380 cilindros de cilindros revisados ​​8087. O-470-K 230hp O-470-G 7: 1 404 carvão atual, depósito de óleo de chapa metálica, combustível 8087. O-470-L, - R O-470-K com deslocalização de carboidratos. O-470-M 9196 combustível. O-470-N O-470-M com nova virabrequim. IO-470-C 19. (TC 3E1) 250hp 471ci 6HOA orientado 8: 1, injeção de combustível. Peso: 426. Combustível 9196. O-470-D 260hp ajustado 8.6: 1, combustível 100130. O-470-E, - F, - L, - M, - S 100130 combustível. O-470-G, - R 250hp IO-470-E com velas de ignição curtas. O-470-H, - N IO-470-C com cilindros -470-D, pistões, rolamentos de combustível 100130. O-470-J, - K IO-470-C, mas 225hp ajustado 7: 1. Camadas lisas, combustível 8087. O-470-P IO-470-G com suporte prolongado. GIO-470-A 19. (TC E2CE) 310hp Injeção de combustível 6HOA, combustível 100130. TSIO-470-B 19. (TC 3E3) 260hp 471ci 6HOA geared 7.5: 1, turbocompressor, injeção de combustível: 467. TSIO-470-C, - D TSIO-470-A para várias aplicações. IO-520-D Continental (Teledyne-Continental) O-520, IO-520 1963 (TC E5CE) 250-325hp 519.5ci 6HOA. TSIO-520 19. 285-325hp 6HOA. GTSIO-520 19. 340-435hp 6HOA. O-526, FSO-526 1957 260-340hp 526ci 6HOA. O-550, IO-550 1983 280-360hp 552ci 6HOA Continental I-1430-9 (Museu da USAF) OL-1430, V-IV-1430 1938 Começou como um teste McCook Field em 1929, um 1008ci 12VW como V-1430 com Hyper cilindros de topo de pistões hemisféricos e cabeças de cilindros e válvulas de escape refrigeradas com sódio. Harold Morehouse et al. POP: 23. Em 1934, o Exército queria ampliá-lo para 1425ci e entregou o projeto à Continental, que o redesenhou como oposto O-1430 (1426ci 12HOA). Um protótipo invertido 1000hp foi testado em 1938, mas uma decisão foi tomada em 1939 para reverter para um 12VWI, superalimentado como 1600hp IV-1430 (mais tarde, aka XI-1430), em torno do qual o Lockheed XP-49 e McDonnell XP-67 foram projetados . No entanto, quando ficou claro, a guerra terminaria antes que qualquer produção pudesse ser esperada, o projeto de 15 anos foi descartado em 1944, apesar de um teste desse ano dar um notável 2100hp 3400rpm e 87.7. R-9A 19. Wright R-975. Possiby licenciado. R-670 1931 (ATC 80, 120) 210225hp 668ci 7RA. Originalmente um motor de tanques que desenvolve 235-250hp 2400rpm. Tiara 4-180, O-270 1970 180hp 270.6ci 6HOA. Tiara 6-260, O-405 1965 260-300hp 406ci 6HOA. Tiara 6-285, O-405 1969 285hp 406ci 6HOA. POP: 46 produção interrompida c.1972. Tiara 6-320, O-405 1969 -260-300hp 406ci 6HOA. Tiara 8-380, Tiara 8-450, O-540 1970 -380-450hp 541.3ci 6HOA. V-1650 1942 Wartime contrato de produção de Rolls-Royce Merlin V-1650-3, -7, -9 e -17. POP: 897. Voyager 200, OL-200 1986 100-110hp 200.9ci 4HOA Voyager 370, OL-370 1990 190-225hp 368ci 4HOA Voyager 550, OL-550 1990 300-400hp 552ci 6HOA Continental W-670 (1941 Aircraft Year Book ) W-670 1934 (ATC 168) 210-240hp 668ci 7RA. Derivado da A-70. - Honda, OL-370 (Japão) 2002 225hp 370.6ci 4HOA. Crosley Crosley Aircraft Co, CincinnatiSharonville, OH. 113, O-113 1929 40hp 113.5ci 2HOA. Cobra 1929. 100hp. Ci 4LAI. Max O. Griffith. Relacionado apenas com o nome do motor auto Cobra de Crosley Motors 1940s. (151 Michael Banks 72104) Crouch-Bolas C-B Aircraft Co, Pawtucket RI. Dragon Type IVD 1932 65hp 214ci 4LAI wt: 195. Direct Drive. Dragon Type IVG 1932 90hp 214ci 4LAI wt: 245. Movimentação com engrenagem. Para testes práticos sobre certas teorias em relação aos aviões de baixa velocidade. Os motores, dos quais várias das principais peças eram comuns aos motores de automóveis padrão, foram construídos em versões direcionadas e com engrenagens. O IVD teve uma entrada e uma carcaça em torno dos cilindros para ajudar a refrigerar o ar. O IVG tinha, além disso, um ventilador de quatro fivelas accionado por engrenagens em uma abertura circular na entrada revisada para este capô para capacidade de resfriamento adicional. O IVG aparentemente era o modelo instalado na Libélula Crouch-Bolas. No geral, na minha opinião, os motores Dragon, em conjunto com a estrutura Dragonfly, foram um passo inicial significativo e bem projetado no desenvolvimento da capacidade STOL. Parecem ter abordado a combinação de estrutura de automóveis de uma maneira que hoje seria chamada de abordagem de engenharia de sistemas. (151 Jack Erickson 72700) Curtiss Curtiss C-2 não identificado (Enciclopédia de ângulo 1921) Curtiss (Glenn H) Curtis Airplane Motor Co, Hammondsport e Buffalo NY. C.1917: Curtiss Engineering Corp, Garden City NY. 19. Curtiss Airplane Motor Corp. 1909 25-30hp 177ci 4LW. 1909 37-45hp 504ci 8VW. A-2 1904 7hp1500rpm 60.14ci 2LW peso seco: 50. Construído para TS Baldwins dirigible ff: 8304. A-4 19. 15hp1800rpm 107.84ci 4LA peso seco: 90. A-8 19. 30hp1800rpm 215.68ci 8VA peso seco: 140. AB 1917 Motor experimental conceitual de 12 cilindros como força de baixo arrasto e de baixo peso para aviões de combate. POP: 1 projeto arquivado, mas a tecnologia adquirida foi desenvolvida pelo Curtiss-Kirkham K-12. B-8 1907 40hp1800rpm 268.32ci 8VA peso seco: 150. Construído durante o envolvimento de Curtiss AEA com Alexander G Bell. O primeiro motor Curtiss para sustentar uma embarcação mais pesada do que o ar, também pensou ser o primeiro a levantar um helicóptero. C-1 1904 () O primeiro motor Curtiss. 3hp1800rpm 26.96ci peso seco: 40. Single-cyl, ar-arrefecido furo e curso ambos 3.25 altura: 17 comprimento: 10 largura: 3.125. C-4 19. 25hp1800rpm 165.12ci 4LA peso seco: 110. Curtiss C-6 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) C-6 1922 (Grupo 2) 161hp1750rpm 572.54ci 6LW peso seco: 448. K-6 redesenhado por Arthur Nutt. Curtiss C-12 (Enciclopédia de ângulo 1921) C-12 1919 Redesigned K-12. 427hp2250rpm 6LW peso seco: 705. CD-12 c.1920 C-12 com suporte direto. 325hp1800rpm peso seco: 680. Crusader 19. 120hp 6-cyl tipo desconhecido. Curtiss D-12 (1922 Aircraft Year Book) Curtiss-Rolls Uma coisa estranha, não é, que os EUA nunca reconheceram Glenn Curtiss como, de longe, o maior homem que a América já produziu na Aviação. E os motores D-12, dos quais o Rolls Falcon e, finalmente, o Merlin, são descendentes. Até onde eu sei, não há ninguém no mundo que tenha afirmado ter influenciado o design e produção de aeronaves como ele fez ou tinha feito. Charles Gray, fundador e editor do The Airplane 1911-1939 editor de Janes All The Worlds Aircraft 1916-1941 e um inglês (c.1950). D-12, -12A 1922 (ATC 10) 400hp2000rpm 1145ci 12VW peso seco: 660. C-W K-12 redesenhado por Arthur Nutt. E-4 19. 50hp1500rpm 392.7ci 4LA peso seco: 250. Primeiro motor Curtiss refrigerado a água. E-8 1909 100hp1500rpm 785.4ci 4VW peso seco: 350. Versão de duas linhas da E-4. Prêmio premiado em 1909 Revisão do ar de Reims. Curtiss H e K (Enciclopédia de ângulo de 1921) H, K 19. 40hp1500rpm 251.32ci 4LW peso seco: 175. H-1640 Chieftain 1926 (ATC 8) 600hp 1640ci 12RA (hexágono de duas filas). Desenvolvido como competição pela PW Wasp, mas não teve êxito, sofreu problemas de resfriamento para os cilindros traseiros. K-6 1917 (Grupo 2) 150hp1700rpm 572.54ci 6LW peso seco: 417. Charles Kirkham. Direct-drive, versão curta do K-12 tornou-se C-6. K-12 SEE Curtiss-Kirkham. Curtiss L (1922 Aircraft Year Book) L 1911 80hp1500rpm 502.64ci 8VW seco: 285. Vencedor em Reims, França, competições em 1903. O modelo 1912 Melhorado L, refinado novamente como a lendária linha OX. 75hp1100rpm 8VW. Por que o OX-5 Curtiss queria divulgar seu modelo de O-model melhorado, nomeando o O43. No entanto, uma de suas coortes insistiu que nem O43 nem O-Plus pareciam impressos e sugeriram que o sinal de mais fosse girado 45deg, de modo a não se confundir com um T. Curtiss concordou e seu novo modelo tornou-se o OX-2 Ou, entre os seus trabalhadores, o Oh-by-Two. OX-2 1913 85-90hp1200rpm 502.64ci 8VW peso seco: 390. Bosch magneto, carburador Schebler. Curtiss OX-5 (1921 Aircraft Year Book) OX-5 1917 (Grupo 2) 90hp 502.64ci 8VW peso seco: 390. Quase idêntico ao OX-2, mas ao magneto Berlim e ao carburador Zenith. O primeiro motor de aeronaves de produção em massa nos EUA. OXX-2, -3 1916 100hp 567.44ci 8VW peso seco: 401. Excepto para um talho maior, quase idêntico ao OX. OXX-5 1917 75hp 567.44ci 8VW. OXX-6 19. (Grupo 2) 102hp 567.44ci 8VW. R-1454 1924 400hp 1454ci. O Exército. Emitiu uma especificação para um novo motor, conhecido como o R-1454, em 15 de agosto de 1923. O desenvolvimento do próprio mecanismo havia sido realizado pelo Exército através de Wright, Lawrance e um engenheiro independente, SD Heron, e passou por muitos Mudanças, aos cilindros em particular. O contrato de preço fixo foi conquistado pela Curtiss, após a sua oferta em 13 de novembro de 1923, e foi para a construção de três motores com uma opção para mais três. O primeiro motor foi entregue em setembro de 1924 e deu até 405hp 1650rpm. Um cilindro modificado desenvolvido por Heron (Tipo M) foi montado no motor, e o Exército instruiu Curtiss a prosseguir com os outros motores exigidos sob o contrato em fevereiro de 1926. (151 Pat Fleming, oldengine. org 122707) Curtiss S (1921) Enciclopédia de ângulo) S 1912 60hp1600rpm 376.98ci 6LW peso seco: 245. Curtiss V-2 (1921 Enciclopédia de ângulo) Curtiss V-3 (Enciclopédia de ângulo 1921) V-2, -3 1914 180-200hp1400rpm 1009.56ci 8VW peso seco: 690. Charles Manly. O primeiro Curtiss V-8. A Rússia comprou vários V-3, mas nunca os recebeu. O seu cargueiro foi afundado no caminho por um U-boat alemão. V-4 c.1911 40-60hp 1649.34ci 4VW peso seco: 1.086. V-8 1912 75-80hp 8VW. O mesmo que a série OOX. V-1400 1925 620hp 12VW. POP: 12, dos quais 3 usados ​​em pilotos Curtiss. V-1550 1926 (ATC 6) 575-600hp 12VW. Avançado D-12. Curtiss Conqueror V-1570, GV-1570 Conquistador 1929 (ATC 7) 575-650hp 1569ci 12VW. Desenvolvido a partir de V-1550 por Arthur Nutt. V-1570-A Conquistador 1931 700hp 1569ci 12VW. V-1570 Super Conquistador 1933 Conduzido e sobrealimentado 800hp 1569ci 12VW. VX 1916 Modelo V com algumas pequenas mudanças. 180hp1400rpm. Curtiss-Kirkham (Charles B) Kirkham Airplane Motor Co, Savona NY. Curtiss-Kirkham K-2 K-12 1917 397hp2250rpm 1145ci 12VW. Charles B Kirkham. Evoluiu para Curtiss C-12. O triplane Curtiss projetado especificamente em torno deste motor capturou um registro de altitude mundial para um avião não supervaldo e um registro de velocidade mundial (p: Roland Rohlfs). Curtiss-Wright SEE Wright Cyclomotor Cycloplane Co Ltd, Los Angeles CA fdrs: H S Myrhes, Omer L Woodson .. 1931 22hp 72ci 2HOA. Daniel (Paul) Daniel Engine Co, Bound Brook NJ Daniel Rotary (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) c.1914 7RA rotativo. Dawn Dawn Aircraft Motors Inc, Los Angeles CA. Duplex 1929 5RA. Lee Bowman. Como uma cópia do francês Gobron-Brille com dois pistões em cada cabeça de cilindro. Dia Charles H Day. Los Angeles, Califórnia. 1909 25hp 5-cyl motor refrigerado a ar usado em seu avião de Day no Dominguez Hills ar meet. Dayton 1927: Dayton Airplane Engine Co, Dayton OH 1930: Pawtucket RI. Urso 1928 (ATC 11) 100-120hp 444ci 4LA. Modificado Hall-Scott A-7. - Grant, O-765 1929 225hp2000rpm 763.4ci 8HOA wt: 500. POP: 1. Detroit Detroit Airplane Co, 74 Crane Ave, Detroit MI Detroit Mg. Syndicate. Aero, O-240 1910 20-30hp1500rpm 237.48ci 2HOA. Fred Weinberg. Detroit Aeromotor (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) Aeromotor 1910 30-50hp 4LW. Aeromotor 1910 60-75hp 6LW. Viking 1919 140hp 16XA. Detroit, Detroit-Rickenbacker c.1918: Detroit Aeronautic Construction Co, 74 Crane Ave, Detroit MI. C.1920: Detroit Aircraft Engineering Corp (Glenn D Angle Edward V Rickenbacker). 1928: Vendido para LeBlond Co, Cincinnati. C.1920 30-75hp 4LW e 6LW. Air Cat 1925 60-85hp 234ci 5RA. Double-Besler Doble Steam Co Co Boeing School of Aeronautics, Oakland CA. Doble V-2 1933 Um conversor convertido-locomotiva powerplant d: Nathan C Price. Potência de vapor de dois cilindros equipada com um motor alternativo de 150 CV projetado por William Besler no total de 650 com seus acessórios, líquidos e caldeira a óleo combustível. Montado em um Travel Air 2000 para vôos bem-sucedidos, uma característica era silêncio relativo. Os observadores no chão podiam ouvir o piloto Besler quando ele ligou para eles quando voavam por cima. VEJA a entrada do Besler nas páginas da Aeronave. Dodge Dodge Tool Co, Grinnell IA. Dodge Victory (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) Vitória 1918 125hp 706.86ci 6RA peso seco: 394. Douglas Nenhum dado. Bearcat 19. 70hp (modificado Ford A). Douseler Não há dados 1909 40hp 4-cyl motor refrigerado a água usado em seu avião por Douseler no Dominguez Hills ar meet. Duryea-Turnbull (Charles E) Duryea Power Co, Reading PA. . OL-185 1905 16hp 184.8ci 2HOA wt: 120. Construído para o aviador pioneiro canadense W Rupert Turnbull. Earl (Harry W) Earl Aviation Corp, Portland OU. 1929 300hp 18RA. Eggenfellner (Jan) Eggenfellner Aircraft LLC, Edgewter FL. 1993 Conversão de motores automáticos 4HOA e 8HOA Subaru para aviões não certificados. Elbridge Elbridge Engine Co, Rochester NY. A 1908 6-10hp 77.32ci 2LW peso seco: 88. Elbridge Aero Special (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) Aero Special 1910 60hp 6LW. Aero Special 1911 40hp 4LW. Sem biocas de dois ciclos. B 1909 Motor experimental de 4 cilindros vendido para um Dr Green. Sem dados. C 1909 18hp 226.8ci 3-cyl forma desconhecida peso seco: 235. Elbridge Peso pênsual 3-cyl (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) Peso em penas 3 1910 30-45hp1400rpm 226.8ci 3LW peso seco: 150. Peso pênalco 4 1910 40-60hp1400rpm 302.4ci 4LW peso seco : 200. Elbridge Peso pena 6 cilindros (Enciclopédia angular 1921) Pena 6 1910 60-90hp 453.6ci 6LW peso seco: 250. Emerson Emerson Engine Co, Alexandria VA. 4 1911 60hp 4LW. 6 1911 100hp 6LW peso seco: 300. Antena 1910 120-150hp 6LW. Endicott J L Endicott Airplane Co, Medford, Long Island, NY. 1910 60hp motor de dois ciclos de 3 cilindros para uso em seus aviões produzidos. Divisão de Engenharia US Air Service, McCook Field, Dayton OH USAS Divisão de Engenharia W-1 (1921 Enciclopédia de Ângulo) W-1 1920 700hp1700rpm a 750hp1800rpm 2778.66ci 12VW peso seco: 1.725. W-2 1921 1000hp1400rpm 4479.66ci 18VW peso seco: 2.400. Excelsior Nenhum dado. VEJA TAMBÉM Lawrance. 19. Motor de moto 15-30hp. Fairchild Caminez Fairchild Engine Div, Fairchild Industries, Deer Park NY. VER Ranger 447-B 1927 150hp 447ci 4RA. David Caminez. Fairchild Caminez 477-C (Kimble McCutcheon) 447-C 1928 (ATC 1) 120hp 447ci 4RA. Farwell SEE Adams-Farwell Floco Frank L Odenbreit Co Inc, Los Angeles CA. A-7-R 1927 150hp 612ci 7RA. Ford Ford Motor Co, Detroit MI. O-145 1927 36hp 143.1ci 4HOA wt: 118. Somente o uso gravado para o vôo foi nos aviões Ford Flivver. Curiosamente, Henry Ford nunca perseguiu a idéia de oferecer um motor de aviação, embora seus modelos de automóveis T e A fossem bastante populares entre os construtores de casas nos anos 20. Fox Dean Mfg Co, Newport KY. Fox Deluxe de dois ciclos (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) Aero Motor 1911-1912 36-200hp vários 3468LW. Franklin 80-90hp (1941 Aircraft Year Book) Franklin 1936: Doman-Marks Engine Co Inc, Syracuse NY. 1937: Aircooled Motors Div, Franklin Engine Co. c.1942: F W Woolworth Co. c.1945: Republic Aviation. 1961: Allied Aero Industries, Pottstown PA. 19. Franklin Engine Corp (p: Nathan Abbott). 1975: PZL-Franklin, Rzeszow, Polônia. 2A-120, O-120 1964 60hp 117,6ci 4HOA. 2A-120-C (Polónia) c.1980 2A4, 2A-110, 2AL, O-110 1945 (ATC 240) 49-60hp 111.3ci 2HOA. 4A-235, Sport 4, O-235 1964 116-130hp 235,2ci 4HOA. 4A4 1938 (ATC 239) 75-100hp 4HOA. 4A4-75. -85, -95, -100, 4A-225, O-225 1945 75-125hp 222.7ci 4HOA. 4AC-171, O-170 1939 60hp 171ci 4HOA. 4AC-176, O-175 1940 65-94hp 175.9ci 4HOA. 4AC-199, O-200 1941 80-113hp 198.6ci 4HOA. 4AC-150, O-150 1938 (ATC 194, 206, 221, 226) 50-65hp 149.6ci 4HOA. Carl T Doman . 6A-350, 6V-350, O-350 1964 200-235hp 352.8ci 6HOA. 6A4-124, -130, -135, -140, -145, 150, -165, -178, -1854, -200, -300, O-335 1945 125-240hp 334ci 6HOA. 6A8-215, O-500 1945 215hp 500.7ci 6HOA. Franklin 6AC-298F (1941 Aircraft Year Book ) 6AC 19. (ATC 222, 225) 110-130hp 6HOA. 6AC-264, O-265 1940 117-138hp 263.9ci 6HOA. 6AC-298, 6ACV-298, O-300 1941 130-160hp 297.9ci 6HOA. 6AC-403, 6ACV-403, O-405 1942 215-245hp 403.2ci 6HOA. 6ACV-405 1944 6HOA. Vertical fan-cooled helicopter engine. 6AL-315, O-315 1945 (ATC 234) 175hp 315.7ci 6HOA. 6V4, O-335 same as 6A4 data. 6V6-245, 6V6-300, O-425 1944 240hp 425.3ci 6HOA. 8ACGSA-538, O-540 1942 300hp 537.6ci 8HOA. 8AC-398, O-400 1941 200-235hp 397.2ci 8HOA. 12AC-596, O-595 1941 450hp 806.4ci 12HOA. Apparently the engine had no civil application and only a limited military use, as the O-805 in Interstate XBQ-5XTD2R. (151 Pat Fleming 102003) 12AC-806, O-805 1942 450hp 806.4ci 12HOA. O-200 (TC 4AC) 19. 115hp 4HOA. O-425 19. 245hp unknown type (was R-680). R-680 19. 245hp HOA. Frederickson Worlds Motor Co, Bloomington and Chicago IL. Frederickson (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 5A 1916 70hp1000rpm 377.7ci 5RA 2-cycle rotary Walter Brock . POP: 1. 10A 1916 140-150hp 755.4ci 10RA 2-cycle rotary. Frontier Frontier Iron Works, Buffalo NY. Frontier A-1 (1911 ad Aeronautics ) A-1 1912 35hp 253.92ci 4LW dry wt: 175. 1911 ad describes A-1 as 60 to 70hp 8 cyl. A-2 1912 55hp 507.84ci 8VW dry wt: (cast iron cyl jackets) 315 (copper cyl jackets) 292. Funk Akron Aircraft Co Inc, Akron OH. E 1938 (ATC 201) 63hp 4LIW. Modified Ford B auto engine. Gallaudet Multi-Drive 1200hp experimental engine, c.1920 (magazine clip) Gallaudet (Edson) Gallaudet Engr Co Inc, Norwich CT. General General Aeronautic Co, 110-112 W 40 St, New York NY. General motor (clip: Apr 1916 Flying ) 1916 12-cyl semi air-cooled. No data.. General Moore General Airmotors, Scranton PA. 1929 (ATC 36) 120hp 5RA. General Ordnance General Ordnance Co, Derby CT. 19. 200hp 921.52ci 8VW dry wt: 876. POP: 1. Grey Eagle SEE Kemp . Gryphon Aircraft Engineering Accessory Development Co, Jenkintown PA. M 1932 150p 511ci 8HOA. N 1932 225hp 811ci 12HOW. Guiberson (S Allen) Guiberson Diesel Engine Co, Dallas TX. A-980 1932 (ATC 79) 185hp 9RA diesel. Fred A Thaheld. A-918 1934 250hp 9RA diesel. C C Spangenberger . POP: 4. A-1020 1939 (ATC 220) 310hp 1021ci 9RA diesel. A T-1020 version was coincidentally produced for use in tanks. To demonstrate its capability to military and civil aviation officials in 1940, a 1500-mile flight from Dallas to Washington DC took 10h:35m flying time at an average 142mph. Cruising at 3000 altitude at 1800rpm on Caterpillar tractor fuel (6 cents a gallon) consumed at the rate of 11.5 gph, cost was only 6.90. Three gallons of lubricating oil added 4.20151a total of 11.10 for fuel and oil for the flight. Its fuel cost of less than 12 cents a mile was an unheard-of figure for flight operations at the time C - c.1942 - This 6HOA was built for a military contract during the war as a drone engine. It was a C-series 6-cylinder with A-series cylinders and pistons and was used, as I remember, on the twin-engine Interstate Target Drone. (151 Bill Higdon72701) Gyro Gyro Motor Co (fdr: Emile Berliner), 774 Girard St, Washington DC. 1911 22hp 3RA rotary. Fred Weinberg . 1911 35hp 5RA rotary. Fred Weinberg . Duplex J 1914 50hp1250rpm 477.12ci 5RA rotary dry wt: 170. Gyro Duplex K (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) Duplex K 1914 90hp1250rpm 667.97ci 7RA rotary dry wt: 215. Gyro Duplex L (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) Duplex L 1914 110hp1200rpm 858.82ci 9RA rotary dry wt: 270. Haines No data . M-2 19. 25hp unknown type. Hall Harold Hall, no location. 1928 300hp 884ci 6LW. POP: 1, installed in a Fokker D.7 for testing. Hall-Scott 1911: (Albert John) Hall-(Bert) Scott Motor Car Co, Berkeley and San Francisco CA. 1910 60hp unknown type. A-1 1910 32-40hp1500rpm 251.32ci 4LW dry wt: 165. A-2 1911 60hp1400rpm 402.08ci 8VW dry wt: 260. Hall-Scott A-3 on 1912 Fowler-Gage (Dan Shumaker) A-3 1912 80hp1400rpm 502.64ci 8VW dry wt: 290. A-4 1912 100hp1200rpm to 120hp1500rpm 785.4ci 8VW dry wt: 535. Hall-Scott A-5 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) A-5 1915 125hp1250rpm 824.67ci 6LW dry wt: 525. A-5a 1915 165hp1475rpm 909.22ci 6LW. Hall-Scott A-7 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) A-7 1916 90-100hp1400rpm 549.78ci 4LW dry wt: 410. A-7a 1916 100hp1400rpm 606.14ci 4LW dry wt: 420. Hall-Scott A-8 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) A-8 1917 450-500hp 1649.34ci 12VW dry wt: 1,000. L-4 1919 (Group 2) 125-130hp1675rpm 549.78ci 4LW dry wt: 380. Used Liberty cylinders and valve gear. L-6 aka Liberty 6 1919 224hp1700rpm to 244hp1830rpm 825.67ci 6LW dry wt: 546. Hallett Hallett Aero Motors Corp, Inglewood CA. H-526 1928 130hp 526ci 7RA. Hamilton No info Hamilton (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) Vee c.1920 8VW. Valves in cylinder heads with superimposed camshaft and operating mechanism. Hamiltonian Charles K Hamilton, Mineola NY. 1909 60hp 4LW. - Christie c.1910 110hp 8VW. Likely a Curtiss motor modified by Hamilton. Hansen Snow (W G) Hansen (Leland L) Snow, Pasadena CA. Hansen Snow (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 1910 35hp1200rpm 226.2ci 4LW dry wt (minus flywheel): 105. Harriman (Frank H) Harriman Motor Works, S Glastonbury CT. Harriman 60hp (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 1909 30hp 4LW. 1910 60hp1350rpm 392.7ci 4LW dry wt: 240. Harriman 100hp (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) c.1915 100hp1400rpm 589.05ci 6LW dry wt: 355. Harris Arnold Harris, Towanda FL. B-1 19. (ATC 22) 90-112hp 8VW. Hartland Hartland Engine Machine co, Hartland WI. 1928 125hp 7RA. Nick Rowinski . Heath (Edward B) Heath Aircraft Corp, Chicago IL. 19. International Aircraft Corp, Niles MI. 1909 25hp 2-cyl. 4-B 1918 75hp 4LW. 4-C 1918 40-60hp 4LW. B-4 c.1926 25hp 83ci 4LA. Modified Henderson motorcycle engine. B-12 19. 200hp 12VW. C-2 c.1919 25hp 2HOA. C-3 c.1919 40hp 3RA. C-6 c.1919 80hp 6RA. Hendee Hendee Mfg Co (mfr of Indian motorcycles), Springfield MA Indian V-8 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) Indian c.1911 65hp 452.4ci 8VW dry wt: 200. Used by Glenn Curtiss for long-distance flights at the Harvard Aviation Meet. Indian rotary (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) Indian 19. 50hp1100rpm 513ci 7RA rotary dry wt: 185. Herman David L Herman, Detroit MI. 1910 45hp 8VW. 1910 70hp 8VW. Hess SEE Alliance . Hexadyne P-60, O-49 1997 58hp 48.7ci 2HOA. Hiller Stanley V Hiller, Alameda CA. 1910 unknown type. 1911 30hp 6RA rotary, two-cycle. 1912 60hp 6RA rotary built by C E Kelsey, San Francisco. 1913 90hp unknown type. Hodge New Britain Machine Co, New Britain CT 1918 320hp2000rpm 904.68ci 18RA rotary dry wt: 480. Two banks of 9 cyls each, G O Hodge Hofer Al Hofer, Chicago IL . Hofer (Dan Shumaker coll) 1913 10-12hp1200rpm 115.04ci 4LA dry wt: 120. The Hofer powered Lairds first aircraft. It was made from a Franklin automobile case and Indian motorcycle cylinders. (151 Dan Shumaker 3907) Holbrook Holbrook Aero Supply, Joplin MO. 1910 35hp 4LW. 1910 50hp 4LW. Hopkins DeKilduchevsky (Edwin) Hopkins (Paul) DeKilduchevsky, New York NY. 1910 30-40hp unknown type. 1910 60-80hp unknown type. Hudson John W Hudson, no location Hudson schematic 19. 100hp1000rpm to 120hp1200rpm 693.8ci 10RA dry wt: 320. Hurricane Hurricane Motors, Inc, Houston TX. 19. Detroit MI. C-450 1928 150hp 8cyl unknown type. Imperial Imperial Airplane Society, Denver CO. 1911 35-70hp various 6RA rotary. 1911 100hp 12RA rotary. Indian SEE Hendee Irwin 1919: Irwin Aircraft Co, Sacramento CA 1928: Corning CA 1930: Watsonville CA. Irwin Prototype 79 aka X c.1926 20hp 79ci 4XA. Meteormotor 1922 20-25hp 4XA. Jacobs 1910: Henry William Jacobs, dba Multiplane Ltd, Atchison KS. 1910 35hp unknown type, used specifically for Jacobs unusual Multiplane (qv). These were improved air-cooled engines that my great-grandfather H W Jacobs invented, to replace the two original underpowered engines Emersons, with which the plane flew in 1910. (151 Alan H Jacobs 9506) Jacobs 1928: (Albert R) Jacobs Fischer, Camden NJ 1930: Jacobs Aircraft Engine Co, Pottstown PA. c.1973: Page Industries, OK. B-1 c.1929 20hp 2HOA. L-3 1930 (ATC 75) 55hp 191ci 3RA. L-4, R-75) 1933 (ATC 121) 225-245hp 589-757ci 7RA. Jacobs L-5MB (1941 Aircraft Year Book ) L-5 1935 (ATC 156) 285hp 831ci 7RA. Jacobs L-6MB (1941 Aircraft Year Book ) L-6, R-915 19. (ATC 195) 300-330hp 914ci 7RA. LA-1 1929 140hp 7RA. Albert Jacobs . from ACE La-1 . LA-1 1931 (ATC 31) 170hp 7RA. O-200 1946 85hp 201.1ci 4HOA. O-240, O-240A 1946 100hp 240.5ci 4HOA. O-360, O-360A 1947 165hp 360.8ci 6HOA. Jacobs R-755 (Jacobs manual) R-755E, -755S 19. (ATC 237) 275-350hp 757ci 7RA. Helicopter power S produced by Page Industries. Johnson Johnson Aircraft Building Shop, Terre Haute IN. Aero c.1909 75hp1300rpm 471.24ci 4VW dry wt: 298. Aero c.1909 100hp1300rpm 628.32ci 8VW dry wt:508. Aero c.1909 150hp1300rpm 942.48ci 12VW dry wt: 598. Kemp aka Grey Eagle (George W) Kemp Machine Works, Muncie IN. D-4 1911 35-40hp 255.36ci 4LA dry wt: 185. Kemp H-6 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) E-6, H-6 1912 50-55hp1150rpm 383.04ci 6LA dry wt: 272. G-2, O-101 1913 16hp 100.5ci 2HOA. Kemp I-4 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) I-4 1913 35hp1150rpm 225.36ci 4LA dry wt: 192. Kemp J-8 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) J-8 1913 80hp1150rpm 539.04ci 8VA dry wt: 380. - Henderson 19. 27hp 4LA. Converted motorcycle engine. Ken-Royce SEE Rearwin Kessler Kessler Motor Co, Detroit MI Kessler 200 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 1917 200hp2400rpm 531.63ci supercharged geared 6LW. Ran a four-stroke cycle, but at the bottom of the intake stroke ports were opened to admit added air under pressure, governed by a rotary valve connected to the throttle, into the combustion chamber, which reportedly produced a compression ratio as low as 3.66:1. Kessler 6C-400 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 6C-400 1918 400hp 855.3ci 6LW dry wt: 578. Six-valves experimental POP: 1. Kimball Kimball Aircraft Crp, Naugatuck CT. Beetle K 19. (ATC 34) 120-135hp 7RA. Gnat M 1928 25hp 2HOA. King Brewster Co, Long Island NY. King (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 1918 550hp1886rpm 1995ci 12VW dry wt: 990. Charles B King. Contemplated replacement for the Liberty 12A. POP: 5 built for testing at McCook Field. King-Bugatti (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) - Bugatti 1917 420hp 16LLW dry wt: 1248. Modified and improved version of the Italian engine, built at Duesenberg Motors Corp under the direction of C B King. Aluminum water jackets. Kinner Kinner Motors, Glendale CA. 1925 60hp 3RA. Kinner B-5 (1941 Aircraft Year Book ) B-5, B-54, R-440 1930 (ATC 51) 125hp 372ci 5RA. C-5, R-715 1930 (ATC 62) 210hp 712ci 5RA. C-7 19. (ATC 122) 300hp 1044ci 7RA. K-5 1928 (ATC 3) 100hp 372ci 5RA. O-550, O-552 1943 225-250hp 552ci 6HOA. Kinner R-5 (1941 Aircraft Year Book ) R-5, R-55, R-540 19. (ATC 77, 153) 160hp 540ci 5RA. R-53 19. 175hp 540ci 5RA. R-56 19. 160hp 540ci 5RA. SC-7 19. (ATC 175) 350hp 1044ci 7RA. Kirkham (Charles B) Kirkham Aeroplane Motor Co, Savona NY. SEE ALSO Curtiss-Kirkham . 1913 110hp 8LW. 1913 75-85hp 6LW. Kirkham B-4 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) B-4 1910 40hp1400rpm 235.92ci 4LW dry wt: 180. Kirkham B-6 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) B-6 1911 54hp1300rpm and 50hp 1250rpm 380.88ci 6LW dry wt: 235. B-12 1912 120hp 12LW. Kirkham BG-6 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) BG-6 1912 Geared version of B-6 76hp1680rpm (prop: 960rpm) 299.44ci 6LW dry wt: 190. C-4 1911 45-50hp 4LW. Knox (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) Knox Knox Motors Co, Springfield MA 1916 300hp1600rpm 1488.53ci geared 12VW dry wt: 1400. Cast aluminum cylinders set at 60deg angles. Lambert (Sam) Lambert Aircraft Corp, St Louis MO. 19. Monocoupe Aeroplane Engine Sales Corp of America, Universal Moulded Products, Orlando FL. H-106, O-106 1930 35hp 106.4ci 2HOA. POP: 2. R-266 1930 (ATC 38) 90hp 266ci 5RA. - Velie SEE Velie . Lawrance, Lawrance-Moulton 1910: (Charles L) Lawrance Aero Engine Co, New York NY. 1923: Acquired by Wright Corp, with Lawrance as vice-pres. Lawrance A-3 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) A-3 1916 28hp1400rpm 3RA. C L Lawrance . POP: 450 built under license by Excelsior for use on flightless Breese Penguin trainers. Lawrance B (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) B 1916 60hp 3RA. Lawrance J-1 (1922 Aircraft Year Book ) J-1 1920 220hp1800rpm 727ci 9RA dry wt: 442. First major USN aviation engine contract evolved into Wright J series. J-2 1922 250hp 9RA. POP: 2. Lawrance L-2 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) L-2 c.1920 56.5hp1600rpm to 65hp2000rpm 223.44ci 3RA. Lawrance L-3 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) L-3 1920 L-4, L-64 1920 65hp 3RA. Lawrance L-5 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) L-5 1921 3RA. Lawrance N-2 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) N, N-2, O-120 1917 40hp1900rpm 120.58ci 2HOA dry wt: 79. For USN evaluation. R-1 1921 140-150hp 670ci 9RA. Expanded 3RA for testing by Engr Division of USAS. Lawrance-Moulton A (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) - Moulton A (France) 1913 8VW. POP: 1 for display at Paris Intl Exposition. Lawrance-Moulton B (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) - Moulton B (USA) 1916 200hp1800hp 921.52ci 8VW dry wt (incl exhaust manifolds): 916. Lee c.1929: Lee Motors Inc, Collegeville PA. c.1929 80hp 5RA. LeBlond LeBlond Engines Inc, Cincinnati OH. LeBlond Aircraft Engine Corp. Rearwin (LeBlond) Aircraft Engines Inc. 60-5D 1928 (ATC 12) 60hp 5RA. From Detroit Air Cat . 70-5E, -5DE 1930 (ATC 48) 1930 70hp 251ci 5RA. Became Rearwin Ken-Royce 5E . 75-5DE 1930 75hp 5RA. 80-5F 1930 80hp 5RA. LeBlond 85-5DF 1941 Aircraft Year Book ) 85-5DF 1930 (ATC 46) 85-90hp 266ci 5RA. 90-5F, -5G 1930 (ATC 46) 90hp 5RA. Became Rearwin Ken-Royce 5G . 90-7D 1929 (ATC 20) 90hp 7RA. 110-7DF 1930 (ATC 52) 110-120hp 372ci 7RA. Became Rearwin Ken-Royce 7G . 120 1929 120hp 5RA. Lenape Lenape Aircraft Motors, Matawan NJ. LM-3, LM-365 Papoose 19. (ATC 203) 50-65hp 160-167ci 3RA. Improved Aeromarine AR . LM-5, LM-125 Brave 19. (ATC 212) 95-125hp 267ci 5RA. LM-7 Chief 19. 150hp 378ci 7RA. LM-375 Papoose 19. (ATC 215) 75hp 170ci 3RA. Liberty 1917: Packard Motor Co, Detroit MI. 1919: Liberty Engine Foundry Co, Seymour CT. 4, L-4 1918 100hp 4LW. POP: Only a few built by Hudson Motor Car Co, Detroit MI. None was used for flight. Liberty 6 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 6, L-6 1917 231hp1700rpm to 240hp1850rpm 824.46ci 6LW dry wt: 567.5. Charles Hall, J G Vincent . POP: about 50 built by Hall-Scott and Thomas-Morse Co. Conflicting data in the 1921 Angle book claims a total production of only 6, all built by T-M. Redesigned at McCook Field in 1920, and 10 engines were ordered by USAS. Liberty 8 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 8 1917 290hp1700rpm to 317hp2000rpm 1099.28ci 8VW dry wt: 638. POP: 15 built by Buick Co vibration problems ended production, as well as a decision that more power was needed for combat aircraft (SEE following). 12 1917 400hp1800rpm 12VW dry wt: 900 distributor ignition. Charles Hall, J G Vincent . Prototype agreed upon by the joint Army-Navy Technical Board on 6417 as the standardized design. First evaluative unit delivered (7317) was the 8-cyl model, but field reports from France indicated it would rapidly be obsolete, and production was switched to the 12-cyl design. After completing 50-hr testing, the first one of these was delivered on 82517. POP: 20,478 produced by Ford, General Motors, Lincoln, Marmon, Nordyke, Packard in use as late as 1936. Liberty 12A (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 12A 1917 (Group 2) 421hp1700rpm to 449hp1940rpm 1648.92ci 12VW dry wt: 844. Principal production version. 12-C 1919 Failed attempt to produce a 12-A with spur-geared prop drive. POP: 1. Project abandoned after flight tests. 24 1918 McCook Field experiment with two Liberty 12s belly-to-belly in an X-form with a common shaft, producing 740hp1782 rpm, but with breakdowns from the added stress. POP: 1. Light Light Mfg Foundry Co, Pottstown PA. Kitten 20 19. 20hp 77ci 2LAI aka Brownback . Kitten 30 19. 25hp 77ci 2LAI. Tiger 100 19. 90-100hp 397ci 6RA. Tiger 125 19. 125hp 464ci 7RA. Tiger Junior 50 19. 50hp 154ci 4HOA. Lincoln Lincoln Aircraft Co, Lincoln NB. Rocket c.1933 29hp 2HOA. Remanufacture of Wright-Morehouse . Long Harlequin Les Long, Beaverton OR. 1933 30-35hp96.2 ci 2HOA. Henderson motorcycle engine conversion. Loughead 1916: (Allan and Malcolm) Loughead Aircraft Mfg Co, Santa Barbara CA. XL-1 1919 25hp 92.9ci 2HOA. Anthony Stadlman . Lycoming Lycoming Div, Aviation Mfg Corp, Williamsport PA. 19. Avco Lycoming. O-145 1937 (ATC 199, 210) 50-75hp 144.5ci 4HOA dry wt: 160. O-160 1985 70-80hp 159.9ci 1HOA. Lycoming O-235 O-290 (1941 Aircraft Year Book ) O-235 1940 115-125hp 233ci 4HOA. O-290 1942 Similar to O-235. 127-140hp 289.3ci 4HOA. O-320 1951 180-205hp 319.7ci 4HOA. Prefixes: AEIO, AIO, IO, LIO . O-340 1954 160-170hp 340.4ci 4HOA. O-350 1941 (ATC 227) 150hp 349.5ci 6HOA. O-360 1955 168-210hp 361ci 4HOA. Prefixes: AEIO, AIO, HO, IO, IVO, HIO, LHIO, LO, LTO, TIO, VO . O-390-X 2002 210hp 388.9ci 4HOA. Prefixes: IO . O-435 1942 190-280hp 434ci 6HOA. Prefixes: GO, TVO, VO . O-480 1954 270-340hp 479.6ci 6HOA. Prefixes: GO, IGO, GSO, IGSO . O-540 1957 235-380hp 541.5ci 6HOA. Prefixes: AEIO, HIO, IGO, IGSO, IO, IVO, LTIO, TIO, VO . O-541 1965 310-450hp 541.5ci 6HOA. Prefixes: TIO, TIGO . O-580 1948 320-375hp 578ci 6HOA. Prefixes: IO, GSO, SO . O-720 1961 375-400hp 722ci 8HOA. Prefixes: IO . O-1230 1939 1000-1200hp 1234ci 12HOA. R-500 19. 145hp 529ci 7RA. R-530 1937 (ATC 182, 183) 190-220hp 529ci 7RA. Based on R-680. R-645 1929 (ATC 27) 185hp 9RA. Lycoming R-680 (1941 Aircraft Year Book ) R-680 1930 (ATC 42, 81, 108, 110, 111, 172, 173) 215-260hp 680ci 9RA. Lycoming XR-7755 and development team, 1945 (Textron-Lycoming via Paul M McBride coll) The 36-cylinder Lycoming XR-7755 prototype engine was the largest reciprocating aircraft engine ever built. Displacement was 7,755ci151compared to Lycomings largest production engine, which displaced 720ci, it was more than ten times larger Ten feet long and five feet in diameter, it weighed 6,050 pounds, produced 5,000hp at 2,600rpm (the target was 7,000hp), but used 580 gph avgas in so doing There were nine overhead camshafts which could be shifted axially for METO power in one position and cruise at the other. Two main shafts emerged for coaxial propellers, and there was a two-speed gear-change box between the crankshaft and the propeller shafts. XR-7755 was born in the summer of 1943, but with the end of World War II in 1945, the military no longer had use for an engine this size, and development ended. MacClatchie (J Warren) MacClatchie Mfg Co, Compton CA. X-2 Panther 1928 (ATC 49) 150hp 612ci 7RA. Macomber Avis Engine Co, Allston MA. Marketed by Macomber Rotary Engine Co, Los Angeles CA 1911 50-60hp 7RA rotary. Barrel-shape design with cylinder axes parallel to a central shaft. Manly Charles Manly, Washington DC. 1901 52.4hp950rpm 539.96ci 5RW dry wt: 151. First engine specifically intended for aircraft use (Langley Aerodrome), based on a Stephen Balzer design of 1899. Marchetti (Paul) Marchetti Motor Patents Inc, San Bruno CA . The enigmatic Marchetti A (Factory brochure via Jon Anderson) A 1927 175hp 8RA. POP: apparently only 1 prototype built. Marlin-Rockwell Marlin-Rockwell Co, New Haven CT . 1919 72hp1825rpm 235.62ci 2HOA. dry wt: 133. J L Cato . The largest-bore, all-ball bearing, air-cooled motor to successfully fly a lightplane in its day and to run cool. Cylinder head design set a standard for all air-cooled motors to follow. Martin Glenn L Martin Motors Co, Baltimore MD . 333 19. 120hp 333ci 4LAI. Became Chevrolair 333 . Martin 8200 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 8200 c.1919 190hp1400rpm 940.8ci 8VW dry wt: 484. Mayo Mayo Radiator Co. Dixwell Putnam Aves, New Haven CT Mayo (ad: 1915 Flying ) c.1915 6LW no data. Maximotor Maximotor Makers, Detroit MI. 1908 50hp 4LW. c.1910 60-70hp 4LW. c.1910 70-80hp 6LW. c.1910 80-100hp 6LW. c.1910 100hp 8LW. Maximotor 12 (ad: 1915 Flying ) c.1915 120hp 8VW. Maximotor 6 (ad: 1915 Flying ) c.1914 150hp 6LW. McCook Field, USAS SEE Engineering Division McDowell George McDowell, Brooklyn NY. McDowell (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) Twin-Piston 1919 4VA. Mead Mead Engine Co, Dayton OH 1912 50hp 301.24ci 4LW dry wt: 250. Mekker Sport 1967 65hp 96.7ci 4HOA. Menasco (Albert) Menasco Motors, Los Angeles CA Burbank CA. A-4 Pirate 1930 (ATC 50) 90hp 326ci 4LAI. A-6 Buccaneer 1930 (ATC 69) 140hp 6LAI. B-2 19. 260hp unknown type. B-4 Pirate 1930 (ATC 65) 95hp 326ci 4LAI. B-6 Buccaneer 1930 (ATC 68) 160hp 489ci 6LAI. B-6S Buccaneer 1938 (ATC 139) 200hp 489ci 6LAI. C-4 Pirate 1930 (ATC 67) 125hp 363ci 4LAI. C-4S Pirate 1930 (ATC 134) 150hp 363ci 4LAI. C-6 Buccaneer 19. 290hp 545ci 6LAI. C-6S Super Buccaneer 19. (ATC 197) 260hp 545ci 6LAI. D-4 Super Pirate 1930 (ATC 67) 125hp 363ci 4LAI. D-4B Super Pirate 19. (ATC 134) 150hp 4LAI. D-6 Super Buccaneer 19. 260-390hp 545ci 6LAI. L 19. 50hp unknown type. M-50 Pirate, O-145 1937 (ATC 191) 50hp 144.3ci 4HOA dry wt: 156. U-2 Unitwin 19. 600hp 1088ci twin 12LAI. Two engines merged as one. - Salmson B-2 19. 230-260hp 9RA. Metz Metz Co, Waltham MA 19. 125hp800rpm 1690.85ci 7RA dry wt: 375. Michigan Fred Weinberg, Detroit MI 1911 hp 196.35ci 2RA. Both cylinders fired simultaneously each revolution two-stroke cycle with an independent exhaust valve. Valves had no springs and were held in their seats by centrifugal force and operated by pushrods and rockers. Michigan Rover SEE Rover . Miller (Harry A) Miller Mfg Co, Los Angeles CA (auto racing engines and carburetors). Miller (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) c.1920 139hp2600rpm to 155hp2900rpm 351.84ci geared 4LW dry wt: 410. Leslie C Miller . c,1920 hp 1413.72ci 12VW. Based on the Duesenberg auto engine. 1928 Rebuilt and modified Curtiss OX-5 . Milwaukee Tank Milwaukee Parts Corp, Milwaukee WI. V-470 1930 (ATC 63) 115hp 8VA. Frank Tank . V-502 (OX-5) 1931 (ATC 73) 115hp 8VA. Morehouse 1924: Harold Morehouse, Dayton OH. 1926: Merged with Wright Aero Corp. c.1933: Design purchased by Lincoln Aircraft Co. 1935: Rights sold to National Airplane Motor Co, Billings MT. 1924 15hp 2HOA used to inflate Army balloons. 1925 29hp 80ci 2HOA for Rocheacute-Dohse Flivver first commercial design. M-42, O-42 1924 12-20hp 42.4ci 2HOA, likely the same one as above. M-80, O-80 1925 28hp 80.1ci 2HOA, likely the same one as above. Murray, Murray-Willat 1910: Murray-Willat Co, no location. 19. Aircraft Holding Co, Culver City CA . Ajax 1927 80hp 6RA. Modification of 1912 Murray-Willat. Atlas 1927 120hp 8RA. - Willat 1910 35hp1200rpm 145.68ci 6RA rotary dry wt: 123 diam: 25.98. Valveless, two-stroke cycle. An integral blower compressed the air and forced fuel into the engine. Murray-Willat (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) - Willat c.1911 As previous, but 90hp1200rpm 374.52ci 6RA rotary dry wt: 260 diam: 29.0. Nagel 444, OL-445 2003 450hp 444.5ci 12HOA National National Motor Co, Ligonier PA. 35, O-91 1934 30-37hp 91.1ci 2HOA Northrop Northrop Group, Hawthorne CA. Turbodyne XT-37 1947 5150hp axial-flow gas turbine. Two prototypes tested on Northrop EB-35B Flying Wing, but project abandoned on 1949 when funds ran out. Patents and data went to General Electric in 1950. Norton O-113 1911 . hp 113.1ci 2HOA Orlo Orlo Motor Co, Rochester NY. B-4 1916 50hp1300rpm 381.69ci 4LW dry wt: 220. B-6 1916 75hp1300rpm 572.54ci 6LW dry wt: 270. Orlo 8 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) B-8 1916 100hp1300rpm 763.37ci 8VW dry wt: 480. Packard Packard Motor Car Co, Detroit MI. 1928: Ended aircraft operations except for experiments and WW2 production 299 1922 100hp2300rpm to 130hp3300rpm 12VW dry wt: 500. POP: 2 racing engines. 452 1916 140hp2000rpm 452ci 6LW. POP: 2. 1A-258 1922 50hp1500rpm 258ci 4L. POP: 1 test engine. Packard 744 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 1A-744 1919 180hp1600rpm 744ci 8VW dry wt: 542. POP: 9. Packard 1A-825 (1922 Aircraft Year Book ) 1A-825 1921 230hp1800rpm 825ci 8VW dry wt: 547. POP: 12. Packard 905 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 1A-905-1, -2, -3 1916-1917 ( -1 ): 235hp1800rpm ( -2 ): 275hp2000rpm ( -3 ): 285hp2000rpm 905ci 12VW dry wt: 800-990. POP: 1 each. Packard 1116 (1100) (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 1A-1100, L-8 1917 275hp1700rpm 1100ci 8VW dry wt: 525. POP: 6. 1A-1116 1919 270hp1600rpm 1116ci 12VW dry wt: 733. POP: 6. Packard 1A-1237 (1922 Aircraft Year Book ) 1A-1237, V-1237 1920 315hp1600rpm 1237ci 12VW dry wt: 734. POP: c.50. 1A-1300 1923 375hp1700rpm 1300ci 12VW dry wt: 684. 1A-1464 1924 475hp2000rpm 1464ci 12VW. 1A-1530 1924 510hp 1530ci 12VW. 1A-1551 1921 300hp1400rpm 11551ci 6LW dry wt: 1,138. 1A-1650 1919 4201750rpm to 446hp1900rpm 1650ci 1650ci 12VW dry wt: 860. POP: c.80, post-war production of Liberty 12-A. Packard 2025 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 1A-2025 1920 555hp1800rpm 2024.9ci 12VW dry wt: 1,150. POP: 11. 1A-2200 1923 600hp1800rpm 2205ci 12VW. POP: 1. 1A-2500 1924 800hp2000rpm 2540ci 12VW dry wt: 1,120. POP: c.6. 1A-2775, 2A-2775 aka X-2775 1926 1250hp 2775ci (2x 1500ci) 24XW dry wt: 1,513. 25,000 POP: 1 for USN Schneider Trophy, but float problems kept aircraft from competing. Rebuilt in 1927 or 1928 (gt1935) as supercharged experimental 2A-2775 1400hp2600rpm to 1500hp2700rpm dry wt: 1,635. 1A-5000, 2A-5000, 3A-5000 1939 3000-3500hp H-head experiments. Unknown if any were actually built. 1D-2270 1952 800hp2000rpm 16VW diesel dry wt: 4,395. POP. 5 2A-1237 1923 315hp1600rpm 1237ci 12VW. Packard 2A-1500 in a Boeing FB-5 (Max DeBeeson coll) 2A-1500 1923 525-700hp 1498ci 12VW dry wt: 1,210. Based on wartime Liberty 12. POP: c.200. 2A-2500 1925 800hp2000rpm 2540ci 12VW dry wt: 1,120. POP: c.75. 3A-1500 1927 (ATC 18) 500hp2000rpm to 600hp2500rpm 1498ci 12VW dry wt: 1,530. POP: c.20. 3A-2500 1927 (ATC 19) 800hp2000rpm 2490ci 12VW. POP: c.175. 4A-2500 1927 900hp2000rpm 2490ci 12VW. 5A-2500 19. 1500hp2500rpm 2490ci 12VW. DR-980 (Gene Palmer coll) DR-980 1928 (ATC 43) 225hp1950rpm 980ci 9RA diesel. POP: c.100. First diesel to fly, in Stinson SM-1DX X7654 on 9191928 (p: Herman Dohner, Lionel Woolson). Also used to set unrefuelled endurance record of 84h:32m on 52831, which was not broken until the Rutan-Yeager Voyager global flight in 1986. DR-1340 1932 550hp2200rpm 1340ci 9RA diesel dry wt: 1050. Two-cycle. POP: 2. DR-1655 1932 550hp2100rpm 1655ci 9RA diesel dry wt: 1150. POP: 1 for testing. LA-12A 1918 - The Packard Liberty. 4101750rpm 1650ci 12VW. POP: 5,346 incl 5 experimentals. LA-12B 1918 4201750rpm 1650ci epicyclic-geared 12VW. POP: 6. LA-12C 1918 4001750rpm 1650ci spur-geared 12VW. POP: 3. LA-12E aka Liberty Double 1918 4001700rpm 1650ci duplex 12VW dry wt: 1,136. Experimental, widened Liberty 12-A with two crankshafts geared to a single propshaft, which was hollow to permit firing of a cannon mounted between the cylinder banks. The idea was never fully developed. POP: 1. LA-12N 1918 3601700rpm to 390hp1900rpm low-compression 12VW. POP: 1,501 for USN. V-12 1917 250hp 905ci 12VW. Jesse Vincent . V-1650-1 1941-45 Licensed wartime production of Rolls-Royce (US model) and Merlin (UK model) 1385-2280hp 12VW. POP (total R-R V-1650-1 to -25, and Merlin 28 to 69 and 224 to 301): 55,873. W-1 1921 710hp1700rpm 2832ci double 18VW dry wt: 1720. Designed by USAS. POP: 4. W-1-A 1923 700hp1700rpm 2832ci double 18VW dry wt: 1770. Designed by USAS. POP: 5. W-1-B 1923 1000hp1700rpm 2832ci double 18VW. POP: 5. Designed by USAS. W-2 1923 700hp1700rpm 4980ci double 18VW. POP: 2. Designed by USAS. Palmer (Harry) Palmer Motor Co, Boston MA. 1929 80hp 4RA experimental. Aviation application unknown. Parker Aero Parker Motor Sales Co, St Paul MN. Parker Aero (ad: Flying ) 1912 Advertised 3 Models, 3 weights. and 3 prices for 3- and 6-cyl motors, 30 to 80hp. Phillips Phillips Aviation Co, Van Nuys CA. 333 (Martin 333) 1929 (ATC 59) 120hp 333ci 4LAI. Louis Chevrolet . 500 1941 180hp 500ci 6LAI. Pierce (Samuel S) Pierce Airplane Co, Southhampton, Long Island NY. Pierce schematic B 191 35hp 226.19ci 3RA. Pobjoy (David R) Pobjoy Aeromotors Aircraft Ltd, Great Britain. . No US manufacture known, but the motors were popular here for their economy and weight. Cataract aka Model R 1932 75-80hp geared 7RA. Cascade aka Model P c.1929 67-70hp 7RA. Only 25 in diameter. Niagara I (ATC Restricted) 1934 90hp geared 7RA enclosed valve gears. Follwed by 95hp Niagara III (c.1936) and 135hp Niagara V (1937). Poyer No data . 3-40 19. 40hp 142ci 3RA. 3-50 19. 50hp 142ci 3RA. Pratt Whitney 1925: Pratt Whitney Div, United Aircraft Corp, Hartford CT. While not the first radial aircraft engine151that was an operating six-cylinder with two banks of three cylinders and a double-throw crankshaft built in 1913 by J W Smith in Cicero IL151the Pratt Whitney was certainly the most successful. When Frederick B Rentschler and a group of Wright engineers left that company and formed their own group in 1925 to produce the nine-cylinder R-1340 Wasp, they had neither official organization nor name when the prototype was submitted to USN for evaluation. The very un-aviation Pratt Whitney Machine Tool Division of Niles-Bement-Pond Corp (Hartford CT) had made castings for the prototype and cast its name in the metal housing. Navy evaluators dutifully transcribed this name into their records and a company was born, even though there was no actual connection with the original tool manufacturer. The first Wasp (410hp), designed by George Mead and Andy Willgoos, was completed on Christmas Eve 1925, passed USN tests in March 1926, and a Boeing F2B-1 was selected as the first operational plane to use the new motor. H-3730 (X-3130) 1940 24-cyl, liquid-cooled, H-type, 2240ci experimental with sleeve valves only one built. Hornet A, A-1, A-2, A-3 1928 (ATC 15) 525hp 1690ci 9RA. Hornet BG 1930 550hp 1860ci 9RA. Hornet Junior 19. 300hp 985ci 9RA. Hornet S1A 19. 400hp 985ci 9RA. Hornet S1E, S1E3 19. (ATC 136) 850-875hp 9RA. Hornet S2E 19. (ATC 144) 800hp 9RA. R-985 Wasp Jr 1932 (ATC 5E-1) 400-450hp 985ci 9RA. R-1340 Wasp (Wasp CG) 1926 (ATC 55, 5E-2) 410-600hp 1344ci 9RA. George Mead, Andrew Willgoos . The first PW. R-1535 Twin Wasp Jr 1934 625-700hp 1535ci 14RA. R-1690 Hornet A-2G 1927 (ATC 29) 500-750hp 1690ci 9RA. R-1830 Twin Wasp 1934 (ATC 5E-4) 700-1200hp 1830ci 14RA. R-1860 Hornet (B, B-1, SB-1, S1B1, S2B1, S3B1) 1929 (ATC 28) 575hp 1860ci 9RA. R-2000 Twin Wasp 19. (ATC 5E-5) 1100hp 2000ci 14RA. R-2060 1932 experimental 20-cyl, four-row radial only one built. R-2180 Twin Hornet A c.1950 experimental 1150hp twin-row 14RA for prototype DC-4 only one built. The original R-2180 had a bore of 5.75 and a stroke of 6.0, and so a displacement of 155.8ci per cylinder, with 14 cylinders in two rows of seven each. R-2180 received the US Engine Type Certificate 196 on 51538. Besides the DC-4E prototype, it powered two Army prototypes, North American XB-21 and Stearman XA-21. Continued development of the engine was halted so that PW could concentrate on the R-2800 (18-cyl in two rows) and R-4360 (28-cyl in four rows), which both used cylinders of the same dimensions as R-2180, but were capable of much higher performance for use in WW2. After the war PW re-introduced the R-2180 and called it the Twin Wasp E1 as the largest member of their well-known Twin Wasp family, besides R-1830 and -2000. The R-2180, in its postwar form, received TC257 c.1948. It powered the Swedish SAAB-90 A2 Scandia twin-engined transport, apparently its only civilian use. A military version of R-2180 powered the prototype Piasecki H-16 heavy-lift helicopter. In a certain sense then the R-2180 Twin Hornet A led to both the R-2800 and the R-4360, but in its second life R-2180 was truly 12 of the R-4360. In the 10 years between certification of the Twin Hornet A and the Twin Wasp E1, there had been major developments in all aspects of piston-engine technology. Therefore, the Twin Wasp E1 must have been quite different in all details from the Twin Hornet A and probably bore little resemblance other than for the same bore and stroke. (151 Jack Erickson 41601) PW R-2800 R-2800 Double Wasp 1939 (ATC 5E-8) 1700hp2000rpm to 2000hp2400rpm 2800ci 18RA dry wt: 2,350. R-2800 Twin Wasp 19. 1800-2300hp 2800ci 14RA. R-4360 Wasp Major 1943 3000hp 4360ci 28RA. Twin Wasp SB-G, SB3-G 19. (ATC 158) 1000hp 14RA. Wasp A, B, C, C1, CD 1925 (ATC 14) 420-450hp 1344ci 9RA. Wasp Jr A 1930 (ATC 39) 300hp 985ci 9RA. Wasp Jr T1B 19. (ATC 113) 400hp 9RA. Wasp Jr TB, T3A 1931 (ATC 85) 420-440hp 9RA. Wasp S1D1 19. 550hp 9RA. Wasp S3D1 19. (ATC 128) 450hp 9RA. Wasp SC, SC-1 1930 (ATC 58, 90) 450hp 1344ci 9RA. Wasp T1D1 19. (ATC 91) 525hp 9RA. Wasp T2D1 19. (ATC 145) 420hp 9RA. Pulsar Aeromaxx 100, O-120 2002 118hp 121.9ci 4HOA. Quick (Charles Eric) Quick Motors Co, Wichita KS and Houston TX. 19. 120-125hp 667ci 9RA. Static rebuilt Le Rhocircne rotary. 19. 180hp 9RA. Ranger Ranger Aircraft Engines, div Fairchild Engine Airplane Corp, Farmingdale NY. 19. Fairchild Industries, Deer Park NY. 6-375 c.1929 100hp 6LAI. Only one built for testing on Pilgrim KR-135. 6-390 1930 (ATC 57) 120-145hp 391ci 6LAI. 6-390-B, -390-D 19. (ATC 146) 145-150hp 391ci 6LAI. 6-410-B 19. (ATC 187) 165hp 411ci 6LAI. 6-440-C, L-440 19. 175-200hp 441ci 6VAI. GV-770, SGV-770 19. (ATC 185, 207) 420-450hp 773ci 12VAI. SGV-770-C 19. (ATC 232) 450-500hp 773ci 12VAI. V-770-B 19. (ATC 184) 305-315hp 773ci 12VAI. V-770-SG 19. (ATC 84) 420hp 773ci 12VAI. V-880, GV-880 19. 405hp2400rpm to 450hp2800rpm 882ci 12VAI dry wt: 610-650. Rasmussen Hans L Rasmussen, Niles MI. 1934 65hp 5RA. Four valves in each cylinder. Rathel (Fred) Rathel Motor Co, Portland (Daleville) IN. 1929 50hp 4HOA. 1930 40hp 3RA. Rausenberger, Rausie Larence sic Rausenberger, Bellefontaine OH. 1909 45hp VW. Rausenberger 75hp 1911 75hp 8VW. 1914 150hp 12VW. 1919 500hp 12VA. Rausenberger C-12 C-12 Rausie E-6 E-6 1918 175hp 6LW. Rearwin Rearwin (LeBlond) Aircraft Engines Inc, Cincinnati OH. Ken-Royce 5E 19. (ATC 48) 70hp1950rpm 250.5ci 5RA dry wt: 245. Ken-Royce 5G 19. (ATC 46) 90hp2250rpm 266hp 5RA dry wt: 226. Ken-Royce 7G 19. (ATC 52) 120hp2225rpm 372ci 7RA dry wt: 285. Rinek 1909: Easton Cordage Co, Easton PA 1910: (Charles Norvin) Rinek Aero Mfg Co. 1909 30-45hp 353ci 8VW. 1909 40-60hp 572ci 8VW. 1910 50-75hp 8VW. 1911 80-90hp 8VW. B-4 1910 40hp 201ci 4LW. B-8 1910 60hp 402ci 8VW. Roberts (E M) Roberts Motor Co, Sandusky OH. 1910 40-52hp 4LW. E M Roberts . 4-X 1912 50-60hp 4LW. Roberts 75hp 6-X 1911 75hp 6LW. Roberts 100hp schematic 6-Z 1925 100hp . Robinson William C Robinson, Grinnell IA. 1913 60hp 6RA. 1915 100hp 6RA. Rocheacute Jean A Rocheacute, Dayton OH. L-267 19. (ATC 37) 75hp 4LAI. Remanufacture of Rover . Rocky Mountain Los Angeles CA. Pegasus 1928 225hp 9RA. RotorWay RI-162F, OL-162 1986 152hp 162ci 4HOA. RW-100, OL-100 1967 100hp 100ci 4HOA. RW-133, OL-133 1981 133-160hp 133ci 4HOA. RW-145, OL-145 1967 145hp 145ci 4HOA. RW-152, OL-162 1986 152hp 162ci 4HOA. Rover aka Michigan Rover Babcock Rover Michigan Screw CoMichigan Aero Engine Co, Lansing MI. 1932: Ended production inventory and ATC sold to Jean Rocheacute. 1939: Acquired by Clarence Chamberlin. 1940: Acquired by Babcock Aircraft Corp. L-236 1928 (ATC 25) 55hp 236ci LAI. Harold Morehouse . L-267, R-267 1929 (ATC 37) 75hp 267ci LAI. One engine bought, and the design copied, by Menasco as basis for their aptly-named Pirate series. Rubel R O Rubel Co, 250 A St, Louisville KY. Rubel Gray Eagle (ad: Flying ) Gray Eagle 1912 Unknown if Rubel was manufacturer or possibly a sales agent for Kemp (qv). There is a bit of physical similarity between the 30hp 4LAI and 50hp 6LAI and Kemps Gray Eagle. Ryan-Siemens Ryan Aeronautical Corp, San Diego CA. Licensed US manufacture of Siemens-Halske. Scott 1928: (Leland L) Scott Aircraft Motors, Kansas City MO. 1939: L L Scott Luther Shelton, partnership, Kansas City MO. 1928 40hp two-stroke unknown type. Production assumed through 1949 as company is listed in city directories. 1939 A light plane power plant of the two-stroke variety said to have only nine moving parts and to be featured by its excellent scavenging. The engine could be adapted to use oil as fuel according to claims. Specific weight is said to be 2 lb per hp, but in larger sizes a specific weight of 1 lb per hp could be obtained, according to contentions of the designer. (151 1939 Aerosphere ) Skymotors Sky Motors, Milwaukee WI. 70 19. (ATC 200) 60hp 200ci 4LAI. 70A 19. 70 with modified crankcase and crankshaft. Smalley General Machinery Co, Bay City MI. Aero 1910 four aluminum engines in 2346 cyls no data found. Smith 300hp schematic Smith experimental 300hp radial. Snadecki Snadecki No info found. Speer Cedar Falls IA. S-2-C 19. 120hp 7RA. Sperry Lawrence Sperry Aircraft Co, Farmingdale NY. WBB 1919 38hp 4VA. Two-cycle. C Harold Wills . Straughan (Straughan-Holmes) Straughn Aircraft Corp, Wichita KS. AL-1000 1930 40hp Ford B conversion. Studebaker-Waterman (Waldo Dean) Waterman Aircraft Mfg Co, Metropolitan Airport, Van Nuys CA. S-1 1936 (ATC 178) 90hp 6LW. Studebaker auto engine. Sturtevant B F Sturtevant Div, Sturtevant Manufacturing Co, Jamaica Plain MA. 1913 40hp 4VW. 1913 60hp 6VW. Sturtevant 5-A Sturtevant 5-A Flying ) 5-A 1915 140hp 8VW. 5A-4-1, 5A-4-2 1916 210hp 8VW. Sturtevant D-4 D-4 c.1911 50hp 4LW. Sturtevant D-6 D-6 c.1911 60-80hp 6LW. Sturtevant E-6 E-6 1912 Szekely Szekely Corp, Holland MI. SR-3 1930 (ATC 53, 70) 30-40hp 191ci 3RA. SR-5 1930 70hp 3RA. 100 1929 100hp 5RA. Only a few built. O-125 1930 . hp 127ci 2HOA. Technopower Twin, O-101 1982 50hp 100.5ci 2HOA. Thaheld O-290 1946 100-120hp 289.3ci 4HOA diesel. Thomas Thomas Aeromotor Co Inc, Ithaca NY. Thomas-Morse Aircraft Corp. 1912 120hp 4LW. Thomas 8 8 aka Aeromotor 1915 135hp2000hp 552.88ci 8VW dry wt: 600. Paired cast L-head cylinders with integrated water jackets. Thomas 88 88 1916 150hp2100rpm 588ci 8VW dry wt: 525. 890 1916 250hp2200rpm 873.12ci geared 8VW dry wt: 590. Prop speed: 1512rpm. Tips (likely forerunner of the following entry) c.1920 480hp 1717.67ci twin-row 18RAW rotary dry wt: 850. Unique geared differential rotary with both water and air cooling. Standard shaft speed was 1800rpm but, via a system of planetary and eccentric gears, prop speed was 1080rpm, while the main body rotated at only 60rpm151its slow speed allowed water to circulate from the jackets through 9 tubular radiators between the cylinders, which eliminated the need for water hoses. Tips Smith Tips Smith Inc, Houston TX. Super-Rhocircne c.1924 120hp 667ci 9RA. Static rebuilt LeRhocircne rotary. Union Union Gas Engine Co, Oakland CA. Union c.1910 120hp1350rpm 691.14ci 6LW. Van Blerck Van Blerck Engine Co, Monroe MI. 1915 135hp1600rpm 699.76ci 8VW dry wt:420. Van Blerck Twin 6 (ad: 1915 Flying ) 1915 185hp1400rpm to 200hp1600rpm 1049.64ci 12VW dry wt: 600. Velie (Willard L) Velie Motors Corp, Moline IL. Also produced as Lambert-Velie. M-5 (ATC 4) 1928 55-65hp 256ci 5RA. Based on Detroit Air Cat design. ML-9 1928 180hp 9RA. A R Weigel . von Behren Air Horse, O-113 1938 40hp 113.5ci 2HOA. Viking Detroit Mfrs Syndicate Inc, Detroit MI Viking 1919 140hp1600rpm 530.88ci 16XA dry wt: 306. Warner 1928: Warner Aircraft Corp, Detroit MI 1940: Detroit MI. Junior 1928 50hp 5RA. Scarab 1928 (ATC 2) 125hp2050rpm 422ci 7RA dry wt: 285. Scarab Jr 1930 (ATC 54) 90hp 5RA. Super Scarab (R-500) 19. (ATC 104(), 214) 165hp2100rpm 499ci 7RA dry wt: 332. Super Scarab (R-550) 19. (ATC 235) 185-200hp 555ci 7RA. Welch (Orin) Welch Aircraft Co, Anderson and South Bend IN. O-2, O-135 1934 41-45hp 135.2ci 2HOA. Wells Adams Wells Adams Motor Co, Bath NY. 1913 50hp 4LW. Wells Adams 1914 135hp1350rpm 763.39ci 8VW dry wt: 400. Werner Los Angeles CA 1911 30hp 4LW. Western Western Enterprise Engine Co, Los Angeles CA. L-7 aka 7-1 1930 (ATC 45) 170hp 744.25ci 7LA. Whitehead Gustave Whitehead, New York NY. 1910 40hp 4LA. 1910 75hp 4LA. Wiley Post Wiley Post Aircraft Corp, Oklahoma City OK. AL-1000 1934 40hp 4LW. Modified Straughn-Holmes . Williams O E Williams Aeroplane Co, Fenton MI. Williams 1915 125hp 8VW. Wisconsin Wisconsin Motor Mfg Co. Wisconsin Aeroplane Motors, Milwaukee WI. Wisconsin 140hp 19. 140hp1400rpm 765.83ci 6LW dry wt: 600. Wisconsin 250hp 19. 250hp1200rpm 1531.65ci 12VW dry wt: 1,000. Doubled version of the previous. The famous Whirlwind Wright Wright Bros, Dayton OH. Wright Aeronautical Div, Curtiss-Wright Corp, Woodridge NJ. Wright First Flight engine 1903 12hp1200rpm 4LW dry wt: 170. Wright brothers, Charles Taylor . Wright 1904 39hp1600rpm 240.52ci 4LW dry wt: 180. 1910 50-60hp 4LW. Wt: 180. A SEE Wright-Hisso Wright 6-60 6-60 1912 60-70hp1400rpm 405.9ci 6LW dry wt: 300. Wright D-1 (1922 Aircraft Year Book ) D-1 c.1920 400hp1400rpm 6LW dry wt: 1,320. E SEE Wright-Hisso F-50 (GR-1820) Cyclone 19. (ATC 148, 149, 159, 198) (gtATC 169, 180, 192) 675-760hp2100rpm 1823ci 9RA. F-60 Cyclone 19. 675-760hp2100rpm 1823ci 9RA. G Cyclone 19. (ATC 154, 157, 171) 760-820hp2100rpm 1823ci 9RA dry wt: 1,198. G-100 Cyclone 19. (ATC 169, 180, 192) 860-900hp2300rpm 1823ci 9RA dry wt: 1,287. G-200 Cyclone 19. (ATC 219) 100hp2300rpm 1823ci 9RA dry wt: 1,310. GR-2600 Cyclone 14 1938 (ATC 176) 1200hp2100rpm to 1350hp2300rpm 2603ci 14RA dry wt: 1,935-1,950. H SEE Wright-Hisso J-1 1921 210-245hp 727ci 9RA. Charles Lawrance . Forerunner of Whirlwind . J-2 SEE Lawrance . J-3 Whirlwind 1923 200hp 9RA. Charles Lawrance, Andrew Willgoos . J-4 Whirlwind 1925 200-220hp 9RA. Charles Lawrance, George Mead, Andrew Willgoos . J-5 Whirlwind 1925 (ATC 13) 220hp 788ci 9RA. S D Heron, Edward T Jones. J-6 Whirlwind, R-540 1930 (ATC 23) 165-175hp 540ci 5RA. J-6 Whirlwind 7, R-760 (Curtiss-Wright) 1925 (ATC 26, 94, 126, 155) 225-320hp 760ci 7RA. J-6 Whirlwind 9, R-975 (Curtiss-Wright) 1929 (ATC 21, 64) 300-420hp 975ci 9RA. J65 1950s licensed manufacture of Armstrong-Siddley Sapphire. K-2 1922 350hp 8VW. P-1 1925 400-450hp 1654ci 9RA. From J-4, evolved into Cyclone . P-2 1925 P-1 with centrifugal supercharging. R-1 1919 350hp 1454ci 9RA. George Mead, Andrew Willgoos . R-460 19. 225-235hp 756ci 7RA. R-540 SEE J-6 . R-600 Challenger (Curtiss-Wright) 19. (ATC 5) 170-185hp 603ci 6RA. R-760 SEE J-6 . R-760 military 1939 (ATC 5E-6) 235-320hp 7RA. R-760-E (Curtiss-Wright) 19. 350hp 760ci 9RA. R-790 19. 200-300hp 7RA. R-975 SEE J-6 . R-975 military 19. 165hp 5RA. R-1200 Simoon 1924 350hp 1200ci 9RA. George Mead, Andrew Willgoos . R-1300 (Cyclone 7) 19. (ATC 5E-14) 700hp 7RA. R-1510 Whirlwind 14 1934 725hp 14RA. R-1670 1934 850hp. R-1750 Cyclone 9 1927 (ATC 17) 525hp 1753ci 9RA. R-1820 Cyclone 9 (Curtiss-Wright) 1935 (ATC 154, 159, 157, 171, 198) 675-760hp 1820ci 9RA. R-1820 Cyclone military (ATC 5E-10) 850-1275hp 9RA. R-2600 Cyclone 14 19. (ATC 5E-9) 1350-1600hp 14RA. R-3350 Cyclone 18 1939 1800hp 18RA. SH-14 (Wright-Siemens) 19. 113hp 9RA. Licensed US manufacture of Siemens-Halske, aka Yankee Siemens . SR, SGR-1820 Cyclone 19. (ATC 98, 101, 103, 148, 149) 715-850hp 1823ci 9RA. T SEE Wright-Hisso Wright-Gypsy Licensed production of De Havilland Gypsy engines . L-320 1930 (ATC 40) 85-90hp 318ci 4LA. Wright-Hisso Wright Aero Corp. Licensed production of Hispano-Suiza engines . A 1919 (Group 2) 150hp 8VW. Wright E-3 (1922 Aircraft Year Book ) E-2, -3, -4 1919 (Group 2) 180hp1800 to 215hp2000rpm 8VW dry wt: 465-480. H, H-3 1919 (Group 2) 300hp 8VW. I 1918 (Group 2) 150hp 8VW. Wright T-2 (1922 Aircraft Year Book ) T, T-2, T-3 1922 525-675hp 1947ci 12VW. Wright-Morehouse SEE ALSO Lincoln Rocket 1926 29hp 80ci 2HOA. Wright-Tuttle Wright-Tuttle Aircraft Motors Corp, Anderson IN. WT-5 1928 100hp 5RA. This was a licensed engine from Renard Aviation Motor Co, Brussels, Belgium. (151 Joe Putnam 2106) York Jo York, no location. York (Dan Shumaker coll) 1930 63hp 4LA. Military Advisory Assistance Group, precursor of Military Assistance Command (MAC) in Vietnam, MAAG-Vietnam was the predecessor of MACV, with MAAG-Indochina formed in 1950 and MAAG-Vietnam in 1955. MAB. Marine Amphibious Brigade. MAC. (mack) Military Airlift Command, redesignated from Military Air Transport Service (MATS) on 1 Jan 1966, which is Uncle Sugars no-frills airline for Space Available travel by dependents and retirees often interpreted as Maybe Airplane Come. See ATC, MATS, ATS, AMC, MASQ, SPACE A, DEADHEAD compare MSC. Also, Military Assistance Command, as in MACV and MACTHAI. MACADAM MACADAMIZED. a road or airfield base made of broken stone, oil, tar, pitch, or bituminous composition, creating a stable, all-weather surface, thats easily maintained also called tarmacadam or simply tarmac (after its inventor J. L. McAdam), as distinguished from cobblestone and corduroy, and also known by the Briticism road metal. See TAXIWAY, APRON, RAMP, RUNWAY, PSP, MARSDEN MATTING, MOBI-MAT. v: blacktop cf: laterite road, two-track MACCOC. Military Assistance Command (Vietnam) Combat Operations Center see OPN. MACH. a number indicating the ratio of the speed of an object relative to the speed of sound in the medium through which the object is moving being an eponym (Ernst Mach) thats abbreviated M. MACH is not a measure of the speed of an object but of the speed of sound from that object passing through a particular medium, as effected by atmospheric pressure and temperature, which is not constant most modern jets fly at about 420 to 580 miles per hour (mph), or at about 75 percent of the speed of sound. See SONIC BOOM, SUPERSONIC, HYPERSONIC, SCRAMJET, JET PROPULSION, FAE. nb: the velocity and distance that sound travels in either air or water depends upon atmospheric pressure, medium temperature, molecular density, and turbulence such that under equivalent conditions, sound moves faster in salt water than in fresh, faster in fresh water than in air. The audible range of sound wave frequencies for humans is 20 - 20,000 Hz above which ultrasonic waves may be felt, instead of heard. a heavy utilitarian implement for slashing and chopping, and also used as a weapon in sword-like cutting this Spanish-American knife derives its name from macho sledgehammer. Consisting of a painted 16-18 inch carbon steel blade with a straight back, its single-edge curves deeply from the tip and tapers to the handle without a crossguard. Formerly the handle was unfinished wood, but during the VIETNAM WAR, the handle was changed to black plastic, making it harder to grasp. The wrist thong, drilled or molded, is a valuable safety feature for this tool. The pattern of the blade tip and curve have altered over the decades, but the MACHETE is not an axe nor a sickle, neither is it a sword, although it has been so used when nothing else was available. A MACHETE, having a simple beveled edge of mild steel (or of low hardness), is designed to chop woody stalks, reeds, canes, and vines, and is intended to be resharpened often with a rasp or whetstone. Earlier models also included a leather or canvas sheath, but that too became a plastic scabbard, making its carry and use much noisier. See BANANA BOLO, BOLO, ASTRONAUT SURVIVAL KNIFE, SMATCHET, V-44 MARINE RAIDER KNIFE, KNIFE. v: gollock, kukri cf: secateurs, pruners, loppers, shears, scissors v: Knife Terms The Language of Swordplay MACHINEGUNNER. see LMG, SAW, PIG, NUMBER SIXTY, HEAVY MG, FIFTY, MA DEUCE, QUAD 50, MINIGUN, LOADER, DOOR GUNNER, COOK-OFF, KICK, COAX, PINTLE, SPONSON, FPL, SPRAY, HOSE, ROCK n ROLL, MOAN n GROAN, MAD MINUTE, FIREPOWER, CREW-SERVED WEAPONS. nb: Vietnamese term: Xa Thu Lien Thanh nb: an MG fires RIFLE ammunition, but an SMG fires PISTOL ammunition nb: the field occupations most often targeted in combat, because their loss so immediately influences unit effectiveness and morale, are the leader, pointman, signalman, machinegunner, and medic MACHO. an assertive or domineering male, especially an arrogant specimen exhibiting exaggerated hypermasculine characteristics out of ignorance, inexperience, or immaturity a misbegotten attitude that virility and strength, as masculine concomitants, confer social standing as an entitlement. Machismo embodies a mistaken sense of manliness it is a contrapositive of effeminate effeminacy. Such a poseur is often known as a mouth fighter, braggart, TOY SOLDIER, or WHISKEY WARRIOR. See GUTS, MOXIE, ONIONS, HERO, WATCH MY SMOKE, BITE THE BULLET, BRAGGING RIGHTS, BTDT, COUNT COUP, PISSING CONTEST, COLD WAR, FLOWER WAR, SHOW THE FLAG. v: chest bump, being a short-lived fad between the Vietnam-era and the Gulf-era where MACHO males expressed their solidarity and camaraderie by jumping at each other so as to slam their chests together. requiring a modicum of coordination and strength, this theatrical gesture probably dissipated with the occurrence of nose bumps and the onset of potbellies nb: not to be confused with the MACHO contest commonly known as Texas Chest Slapping, wherein two men (typically drunk) stand facing within arms length of one another, alternately exchanging open-handed slaps to each others chest in a DUEL to determine who will forfeit (alpha male) primacy by being made to stagger or fall from his position cf: wight, mensch menschen brio, eacutelan vital MACI. Military Adaptable Commercial Item see LOGISTICS. nb: in an effort to control costs and reduce waste, the DoD has instituted a policy of non-duplication in military procurement (Military Adaptable Commercial Item ), such that a mil-spec contract will NOT be let whenever a commercial off the shelf (COTS) product is close enough for government work and does not require special features so some name brand items are now in logistical inventory MACOI. Military Assistance Command (Vietnam) Office of Information see PIO, PAO, WIEU, FIVE OCLOCK FOLLIES, DOG n PONY SHOW, SMOKE n MIRRORS. MAC-SOG MACSOG. Military Assistance Command - Studies and Observations Group see MACV-SOG, SOG. MACT. (mack-tee) Military Assistance Command (Vietnam) Training directorate see TRNG, TRAIN. MACTHAI. (mack-tie) Military Assistance Command THAIland properly abbreviated as USMACTHAI. (mack-vee, not m-a-c-v) Military Assistance Command Vietnam, from 8 Feb 1962, through 16 May 1964 reorganization after MAAG-VN deactivation, to 29 Mar 1973 disbandment. The crenelated yellow wall depicted fess on the MACV shoulder insignia (SSI) represents the Great Wall of China (CHINESE WALL), while the crusaders sword symbolically stops the gap of invasion. COVER name for the interservice project known as Military Assistance Command Vietnam - Studies and Observations Group or Special Operations Group (SOG) also known as MAC-SOG MACSOG. nb: personnel assigned to SOG MACV-SOG wore the insignia of their parent unit (eg: Army personnel were assigned by Special Forces, MACV, or USARV) whenever not in a sterile uniform, but the unofficial patch for this covert organization was sometimes worn on a pocket, inside a blouse, inside a hat, or displayed as a beer can emblem on a plaque although this unofficial design had many variants, it essentially consisted of pilots wings and a fouled anchor surmounted by a shellburst with a grinning (deaths-head) skull and banner, the whole emblazoned on a shield designed by MAJ Malcolm Vere Mack Fites, a Marine Corps officer assigned to OP-31 during 1965-66, its symbology represents an interservice project that was born on the battlefield MAD. Magnetic Anomaly Detector, being a device trailed from a fuselage extension to about 3000ft in Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) searches also called MAD gear see GUPPY, ORION compare LITTLE BUDDY. Also, acronym for Mutually Assured Destruction, being a US strategic policy of deterrence through irrevocable retaliation compare GRADUATED RESPONSE, FLEXIBLE RESPONSE see BRINKMANSHIP, BIGGER BANG FOR THE BUCK, OVERKILL, UP-GUN, OUTGUN, TOTAL WAR, DOOMSDAY, KNOCK INTO A COCKED HAT, KILL EM ALL, GENOCIDE. v: vernichtungsgedanken Also, abbreviation for Marine Aviation Detachment compare MCAS, NAS. MA DEUCE FIFTY. informal designation for the 1919 Browning M-2 .5O-caliber machinegun with heavy-barrel (84), being a belt-fed, recoil-operated, and air-cooled automatic weapon, 65 long, tripod or pedestal mounted, firing with a butterfly TRIGGER from the open-bolt position at a rate of 450-555rpm at a range of 7460 yards. See HEAVY MG, QUAD 50, MG, CREW-SERVED WEAPONS. nb: the Browning M-3P .5O-caliber machinegun is remotely-controlled and electrically-fired, as designed for use in ground vehicles, watercraft, and aircraft nb: in 1983, the MK19-3 40mm grenade machinegun (72.5), being a belt-fed, blowback-operated, and air-cooled automatic weapon for delivering decisive firepower against enemy personnel and lightly armored vehicles to an effective range of 2200m, replaced the M-2 heavy machinegun as the primary suppressive weapon in vehicle-mounted combat support operations MADHOUSE. slang for MACV headquarters, located at Ton Son Nhut (TSN) airport, and staffed by MAD MONKEYS also called Pentagon East, Fort Fumble, or Fudge Factory compare PUZZLE PALACE, IMPERIAL PALACE, PINK PALACE, GROUND ZERO see FIVE OCLOCK FOLLIES, DOG n PONY SHOW, JCS, HEADQUARTERISM. Also, slang for that place where the psycho or weirdo, nut or nutso, freak or wacko is taken after a psychotic episode, after a crack-up or breakdown, to go overboard or off the edge, to wig-out or freak-out, be bonkers or loopy variously known as asylum, sanatorium, psychotherapeutic hospital, psychiatric hospital, insane asylum, mental health clinic, mental hygiene ward, psych ward, mental ward, bedlam, booby hatch, nuthouse, crazy house, cuckoos nest, funny farm, funny house, loony bin, ding wing, hatchery, flight deck, or wack sack see PTSD, FLASHBACK, THOUSAND-YARD STARE, TELESCOPING, BLACKOUT, ZOMBIE, WATERWORKS, DISSOCIATION, OBJECTIFICATION, CONVERSION SYMPTOMS. nb: basket-case is a term for multiple amputee now meaning an incapacitated or dysfunctional person, anyone or anything totally impaired MAD MINUTE. concentrated fire of all weapons on perimeter for a brief period of time at optimum rate, set to coincide with STAND-TO or previously scheduled attack, so as to interrupt any enemy plans also called MIKE-MIKE, mad-mike, or red splash, and formerly known as morning concert. See HOSE, ROCK n ROLL, BUSTING CAPS, SPRAY, FLOCK SHOOT, BLIND FIRE, HAPPY FIRE compare FPL, ENFILADE, RECON BY FIRE, RING OF FIRE. MAD MONKEYS. MACV staffers occupying the MADHOUSE (qv). MAE WEST. inflatable life vest. Also, parachute malfunction where suspension lines divide the main canopy into two sections, like a gigantic brassiere, as derived from allusion to famous full-breasted actress as namesake properly called lineover, but also resembles a partial inversion. MAF. Marine Amphibious Force see III MAF. MAFFIA. an exclusive set, in-group, coterie, or clique see BOYS CLUB, KHAKI MAFIA, RING-KNOCKER, CASTE. MAFIA ROSARY. see GARROTE. MAG. short for MAGazine being the metal receptacle where ammunition is stored after being loaded from cartons, CLIPs, or BANDOLEERs until placed in the magazine well or . housing of an autoloading SMALL ARM. Magazine-fed weapons are distinguished from single-shot (eg: M-79 grenade launcher) and from belt-fed (eg: M-60 light machinegun). See DRUM, BANANA CLIP, C-CLIP, RIFLE, PISTOL, SMG, SAW, STONER compare BLOOPER, MG, LINK AMMO, AMMO CAN, ARMS ROOM. v: Firearms Glossary Also, abbreviation for Marine Air Group. MAGAZINE. a metal receptacle containing a number of CARTRIDGEs thats inserted into certain types of autoloading weapons, which, when empty, is removed and replaced by a full receptacle in order to continue firing often shortened to MAG (qv). Also, a room or separated place used for keeping GUNPOWDER and other EXPLOSIVEs, as in a FORT or on a WARSHIP. Also, a building or other separate place (eg: storehouse, warehouse) used for keeping military stores, such as arms, ammunition, or provisions see ARSENAL, compare ARMS ROOM, ARMORY. v: arming chest Also, a collection of war MUNITIONS. MAGEN DAVID ADOM. the Red Star of David has been used since 1935 to represent Israels national disaster, ambulance, emergency medical, and blood bank services, but this symbol is not recognized as a protective sign by the Geneva Conventions, and it has been rejected by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, arguing that a proliferation of designs would detract from the mission, until 22 June 2006 when a non-religious icon (red crystal or red diamond) was substituted. Although the Red Star of David is still displayed inside the country (sometimes surrounded by the generic red lozenge), only the RED CRYSTAL is recognized worldwide. nb: RED CRYSTAL is officially identified as the Third Protocol Emblem or Protocol III nb: an attack upon a marked vehicle or facility, and the capture or injury of an unarmed aid worker at such a site is legally a war crime MAGGIES DRAWERS. a firing range signal indicating that the shooter completely missed the target originating with flag signals to score shooting accuracy. This is an obsolete expression (shooting has been scored electronically since the GULF WAR) but modern MIL-PERS have mistakenly used it as a synonym for FLYING BRAVO, especially in the sense of menstruation and Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) however the MAGGIES DRAWERS firing range signal was white, evocative of the color of womens panties of the era, while the FLYING BRAVO range warning flag is solid red in color. See BOLO, GROUP TIGHTENER, BULLS-EYE, POINT-BLANK, RED FLAG compare WIGWAG, GUIDON, WAVE OFF, DAP. MAGGOT. person assigned or serving with any MAAG element may be spelled MAAGgot. Also, Marine slang for a DUD, based upon classic definition of soft-bodied legless larva compare SMACK, BOOT, PYHOOYA, see TADPOLE. Also, the larva of certain flies see RICE KRISPIES, CRISPY CRITTER, TADPOLE, CREATURE FEATURE, FLOATER, BODY BAG. Also, an odd whim or fancy. MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR. a catch-phrase for someones next duty assignment, with implications of a quest involving unknown adventures and unexpected hazards so-called after the 1967 Beatles experimental (unscripted) film and six song (later expanded) soundtrack see TDY, PCS, HOMESTEADER, TOUR BABY, DOGS YEAR, HARDSHIP TOUR, GARDEN SPOT, BACKWASH, BUMFUCK, JUNKET. MAGIC BULLET. a lucky shot that finds a critical vulnerability out of sheer chance, being a constant risk of happenstance in war see GOLDEN BB, ACHILLES HEEL, HAMSTRING, CHINK. Also, a contrived cure-all or concocted remedy to a problem or predicament compare SILVER BULLET, BULLETPROOF, FAIRY DUST, VULCANIZE. nb: the concept of a magic bullet seemingly derives from the biochemical treatment of diseases that has been known as chemotherapy since 1891, as coined by the research physician Paul Ehrlich MAGIC DUST. see ANGEL DUST. MAGIC KINGDOM. a facetious reference to big government, being that monolithic edifice that represents its rapacious indifference as utopian as derived from the many imaginative fantasies represented in myth and legend, such as C. S. Lewis Narnia see THE G, THE ESTABLISHMENT, ALPHABET CITY, SOG, FOGGY BOTTOM, GREEN ACRES, OLYMPUS, THE HILL, MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, UNCLE SAM. Also, by extension, any unrealistic scenario or fantastic construct see THEME PARK, EXERCISE, WAR GAMES, CLOUD-CUCKOO-LAND, HOUSE OF CARDS, RABBIT HOLE. MAGIC POTION. slang for any powerful liquid, especially a drink that enchants or enthralls also called witches brew or devils brew. Also, slang for any liquid concoction, especially one used as a medium or carrier for some diagnostic or therapeutic treatment a medicinal elixir. Also, slang for any volatile fluid used as an explosive also called COCKTAIL, SOUP, HEAVY WATER. MAGIC SHOP. slang for an ARMORY, being a place (S-4 annex) where arms and armor are made by an ARMORER so-called from the technical fabrication and experimental modification of SMALL ARMS, and the sophisticated results. Compare ARSENAL, MAGAZINE. MAGINOT LINE. a zone of heavy defensive fortifications erected along Frances eastern border after WWI, which was outflanked by a German BLITZKRIEG invasion through Belgium in 1940 named after Andre Maginot, the French Minister of War. Compare SIEGFRIED LINE, STAR WARS, SMEZ, BERLIN WALL, IRON CURTAIN, BAMBOO CURTAIN, BAR LEV LINE, CACTUS CURTAIN, McNAMARAS WALL, McNAMARA LINE, MARETH LINE, CHINESE WALL, DEW LINE, PHASE LINE. v: Atlantic Wall cf: Hadrians Wall, Antonine Wall, Great Wall of China nb: the Dutch built Wall Street (1652-98) as a defense against the British in New York nb: The strength of a wall is neither greater nor less than the men who defend it. by Genghis Khan Whoever loves a quarrel loves sin whoever builds a high gate invites destruction. Proverbs 17:19 NIV Bible MAGISTRAL LINE. the principal or main line from which the position of the other lines of fieldworks is determined as derived from master, being the baseline when developing fortifications. v: Military Earthworks Terms MAGTF. Marine Air Ground Task Force, being a temporary COMBINED ARMS unit composed of USMC land forces and air support, but not Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) or Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB) compare ATF, see TF. nb: a composite MAGTF is formed using forces from two or more other MAGTFs MAHDI. a corruption of the designation for the Muslim savior or messiah anointed, being any Muhammadan enemy, but especially an Islamic martyr see MUJ, HAJJI, ALI BABA, RAGHEAD, TERRORIST, BAD GUYS. MAIDEN VOYAGE. the first CRUISE or initial FLOAT of a newly built boat or ship, typically following the sea trials from the shipyard that tests its seaworthiness. Also, the first FLOAT or initial CRUISE of a sailor (ie: SWABBY, SQUID, etc) see DRYBACK, NEWBEE, CHERRY, FRESH CATCH, CHUM, NUGGET, SHOWER SHOE, FNG. MAIL. letters, correspondence, communiqueacutes, documents, and the like thats distributed to individuals and commands see MAIL CALL, SUGAR REPORT, V-MAIL, FREE, TRADE ENVELOPES, MWR LINE, CARE, ASH n TRASH, COMM SHACK, MARS, DB, POOP, CIRCULAR LETTER, HATE MAIL, RED TAPE, FINDING, REPORT, WHITE PAPER compare MALE CALL, DEAD LETTER, BREADCRUMBING, GRAYMAIL, OUTGOING MAIL, MERCHANT MARINE. v: airmail air-mail air mail, airgram aerogram, priority mail, express mail, surface mail s-mail, snail mail cf: Mailgram, radiogram radiotelegram marconigram, cablegram, telegram fast telegram overnight telegram personal-opinion telegram, electronic mail e-mail Also, the interstices in a NET, being the origin of flexible body armor see FLAK JACKET, FLAK VEST, CHICKEN PLATE, HAPPY SUIT, OTV, IOTV compare FARADAY POUCH. MAIL BUOY. a nonexistent object that a novice or tyro is required to attend in the same manner as any other SNIPE HUNT objective compare MERMAID, DRAGON. MAIL CALL. the hierarchical distribution of correspondence and parcels, particularly official communications or formal communiqueacutes, passed to the appropriate or designated recipient for his information or attention, including ORDERs and other POOP (eg: Daily Bulletin), but most especially, the personal and private letters addressed to individuals and handed-out in a formation, often daily, similar to SICK CALL, POLICE CALL, OFFICERS CALL, or other BUGLE CALLs. See SUGAR REPORT, V-MAIL, FREE, TRADE ENVELOPES, CARE, ASH n TRASH, COMM SHACK, MARS, CIRCULAR LETTER, HATE MAIL compare MALE CALL, DEAD LETTER, BREADCRUMBING, GRAYMAIL, OUTGOING MAIL, MERCHANT MARINE. nb: a mail buoy is a nonexistent navigational aid, where mail packets from passing vessels have supposedly been posted for collection by another vessel, used as mild harassment by OLD SALTs for FRESH CATCH when standing watch compare MERMAID, DRAGON, PROP WASH, SNIPE HUNT MAILMAN. (forthcoming) courier compare RUNNER, BAGMAN. MAIL-ORDER. see WISH BOOK. MAIM MAIMED. to impair or cripple by a physical injury to deprive of the use of some part of the body by wounding or the like see MILLION DOLLAR WOUND, PROFILE, ZULU, WHOLE MAN. Also, to make essentially defective or imperfect, as in the tactical effect of sacrificing a part for the whole see LAST STAND, SUICIDE SQUAD, DECOY, AUTOTOMY. v: mangle, deform, deface, mayhem cf: xenomelia, body dysmorphic disorder, bodily image integrity disorder MAIN FORCE. fully trained and equipped Viet Cong and regular North Vietnamese military units Vietnamese term CHU LUC. Compare LOCAL FORCE see B-5 FRONT, NLF, PRG, PLA, NVA, VC. MAIN-GUN. the primary or principal gun of a vehiclevessel or crew, variously from machineguns to flamethrowers, including cannons see BORESIGHT, MUZZLE, KICK, HANG FIRE, FLAREBACK, FIREPOWER, WILD SHOT, TURRET, TRAVERSE, ELEVATION, NLOS-C, SQUIRREL GUN, TANK, MUZZLE-BRAKE, KILL RING, ARTY, TUBE, TUBE MONKEY. nb: The Kings Final Argument is a phrase that was routinely incised into European cannon barrels from the Renaissance until World War I typically inscribed in Latin (Ultima Ratio Regis Utema Rasio Regum), it means that the greatest weaponry ultimately settles any dispute (ie: MIGHT MAKES RIGHT) MAINSIDE. MarSpeak reference to the principal or primary portion of a base or installation, where the headquarters (HQ) are located along with the base exchange, theater, and other amenities as opposed to being in the field. Compare BOONDOCKS BOONIES, INDIAN COUNTRY, THULE, BANJO COUNTRY, FRONT LINE, DOWN RANGE. MAINSTAY. anything that serves as chief part or primary support including an essential person, such as the anchorman or right-hand man. Specific naval use as the stay that secures the mainmast forward. v: sine qua non, causa sine qua non MAI TAI MAI-TAI. (forthcoming) see tiki culture at TIKI MAJ. the abbreviation for MAJor (O-4), a field grade rank in the Army, Air Force, and Marines, thats equivalent to Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) in the Navy see RANK, RATING, LDR, OFFICER. the field-grade officer RANK (MAJ) or RATING (O-4) intermediate between Captain (CPT) and Lieutenant Colonel (LTC), and equivalent to Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) in the Navy being one of superior ability or power, as derived from large or great, and related to majesty. The first officer so designated in the U. S. Army was Thomas Knowlton, commander of a Connecticut militia unit known as Congress Own Knowlton Rangers, who was mortally wounded 16 September 1776 during a skirmish with the Black Watch in the Battle of Harlem Heights. See OFFICER, RANK. MAKEE LEARN MAKEE LEARNEE. a PIDGIN expression for practical instruction, such as on the job training also represented as make-ye learn-ye. Also, in NavSpeak, informal designation for a pupil or student, apprentice or understudy (proteacutegeacute) also, an alternate or substitute, stand-in or pinch hitter. See KISS, OJT, POI, CROSS-TRAINING, TICKET, TRNG, MIL-CRAFT, COUNTERINTUITIVE, Q-COURSE, CHARM SCHOOL, TRADE SCHOOL. MAKE MY DAY. a post-Vietnam catch-phrase that invites transgression so that RETALIATION or RETRIBUTION can follow also expressed as Go ahead, make my day This phrase was made notorious by the Inspector Dirty Harry Callahan character (Clint Eastwood) in the 1983 film Sudden Impact . but was previously used by the Tom Walsh character (Gary Swanson) in the 1982 film Vice Squad . This line Go ahead scumbag, make my day uttered by Tom Walsh, or Go on punk, make my day uttered by Dirty Harry has been attributed to screenwriters Dean Dinky Riesner and Joseph Stinson. MAKE WAY. an injunction or interjection calling for clear passage, as to make way for RANK, or to give way for urgency also expressed as GANGWAY. Also, to desist or relinquish. MALARIA. a group of intermittent or remittent diseases that are characterized by attacks of chills, fever, aches, and sweating, and are caused by a parasitic protozoan transferred to the human bloodstream by an anopheles literally: good for nothing mosquito usually treated with quinine, quinacrine (AtabrineAtebrin), amodiaquin, chloroquine, chloroquine-primaquine, acedapsone, and sulfadiazine. Inherited resistance and genetic immunity (eg: sickle-cell anemia, thalassaemias, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, etc) to MALARIA poses other physiological deficiencies. Term means bad air since the disease was supposed to derive from unwholesome or poisonous air has also been called ague, bilious fever, congestive fever, intermittent fever. Although there are not supposed to be any mosquitos above the approximate 3,000 foot level, altitude is less of a barrier than cold. See HORSE PILL, FUO, BLACKWATER, BONE BREAK FEVER, YELLOW JACK, CHIKUNGUNYA compare DAPSONE, CORK. nb: an antipyretic medicine (Warburgs Tincture) consisting of quinine and other herbs was invented (1834) by Carl Warburg, a German physician, in British Guiana after experimental testing, this proprietary remedy was officially adopted (1847) by the Austrian Empire, and was also supplied to troops in India and other colonies by the British government MALAYAN GATE. a BOOBY-TRAP consisting of a spike-mounted sapling positioned to swing upon release and sweep an arc area at groin height also called Malayan Whip. Compare PUNJI STAKE, FRAISE see TU DAI. MALE CALL. (forthcoming) comic strip featuring Miss Lace by Milton Caniff spin-off from Terry and the Pirates later created STEVE CANYON compare GI JOE, SAD SACK see COMICS, FICTIONAL CHARACTER. MALFUNCTION. see FOUL-UP FOULED-UP, GLITCH, SNIVITZ, SNARK, BUG, GREMLIN, STANDARD ERROR, PROBABLE ERROR, PLAN B, SEAT OF THE PANTS. nb: its a Murphy Law of Combat that: Everything breaks, breaks-down, or wears-out. MALINGER MALINGERER. to pretend illness or infirmity in order to shirk assigned work someone (eg: skulk, laggard, sluggard, underworker, no-goodnik, etc) who shirks his DUTY. See CAPE HORN FEVER, FUO FOUO compare DUD, GOLDBRICK, FEATHER MERCHANT, SLACKER, TAP-DANCER, SOLDIERing, HALF-ASSED, GHOST, SKATE, REST ON OARS. MAMA-SAN MAMA-SAHN. any mature Asian woman term borrowed from Japanese. Compare BA, CO see PAPA-SAN, BABY-SAN. cf: grandam, nana, nanny, amah, ayah MAMELUKE SWORD. the ceremonial sword of the U. S. Marine Corps thats worn by warrant and commissioned officers, as derived from such a sword presented by Prince Hamet Bey, an Ottoman pasha, to Marine lieutenant Presley N. OBannon, who successfully led Arabs in an attack on pirates during the 1804-5 shores of Tripoli campaign the MamluksMamelukes were former slaves who became an Egyptian military class, influential from about 1250 until 1811. See LEATHERNECK compare LONG KNIFE, OLD WRIST BREAKER. v: Knife Terms The Language of Swordplay MAMLUK MAMELUKE. a warrior caste that was dominant in Egypt and influential in the Middle East for over seven hundred years (from AD800) the word is Arabic for slave. Islamic rulers created this warrior caste by collecting non-Muslim slave boys and training them as cavalry soldiers who were especially loyal to their owner and to each other converting to Islam in the course of their training. They defeated the last of the Crusaders, repulsed the Mongol invasion of Syria (1260), conquered the Christian-held island of Cyprus (1424-26), and at times, they held all Palestine and the holy places of Arabia. The Ottomans skillfully used artillery and their slave infantry, the Janissaries, to defeat the Mamluks Mamelukes, but did not destroy them as a class. When Ottoman power began to decline in the 18th century, the Mamluks Mamelukes regained some autonomy and self-rule they were defeated by Napoleon I during his invasion of Egypt in 1798, but their power as a class was ended only in 1811 by Muhammad Ali. See CASTE. MANDARIN. an influential government official or powerful bureaucrat, also called a suit see CLUB FED, POLITICIAN, POTUS, VP, CZAR, WISE MEN, BEST AND BRIGHTEST, BRAIN TRUST, KITCHEN CABINET, WHIZ KID, BRASS HAT, MILICRAT, RING-KNOCKER, KHAKI MAFIA. Also, a member of an influential or preeminent group, of a dominant or elite class (SECOND ESTATE) white-shoe, bluestocking, Brahmin, Oxbridge, gentry, nobility, aristocracy. v: mandarinate cf: apparatchik, nomenklatura, eunuch, nabob, nibs nb: the personal representatives of the G8 (ie: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) Heads of State and Government, who arrange the annual summit meeting in a series of pre-post-meeting sessions, are commonly called sherpas, and their assistants are known as sous-sherpas, named after the Nepalese porters who assist Himalayan climbers MANDATORY FUN. the requirement to make nice at a picnic or party with other people who are also obliged to attend. some of whom work together, where ones social performance will be evaluated as a prerequisite for promotion such compulsory social interaction, which any normal person would rather spend with their family and friends, is probably a characterization that should be reserved for the privacy of ones own home. boldly asking if anyone is having any fun yet is not recommended for career advancement nb: As dates, diplomats, and every other abused associate knows all too well. compulsory amiability and enforced conviviality can lead to unpredictable, if not disastrous consequences anyone intent upon having a good time at some gathering can make Hell into a very small place for the rest of the party MANEUVER. (forthcoming) offensive mobility vs defensive conservation of force wrong-footed tricks of agility (Clausewitz) MANEUVERS. (forthcoming) see EXERCISE, OPLAN. MAN FRIDAY. any BLACK GI who BROWN NOSES his white superior to retain a good job or to avoid combat a factotum, comprador, horse-holder, shield-bearer, spear-carrier, water-hauler, stamp-licker, or henchman. Compare ATTABOY, BROWN NOSER, DOGSBODY, HACK, RING-KNOCKER, CANDY-ASS, HOUSE MOUSE, RUNNER. MANGO SHOWER. a brief but intense rainstorm that occurs anomalously during the dry season in southeast Asia its so-called because its occurrence signals when the mangoes (a sweet tropical fruit) are ripe enough to be picked. Compare MONSOON see WIND, GUMBO. MANG YANG PASS. a highland pass on Highway 19 (STREET WITHOUT JOY), between An Khe and Pleiku site of a decisive ambush of French troops (Groupe Mobile 100) by VIET MINH forces in 1954. Compare HAI VAN PASS, AN KHE PASS. Manhattan Engineer District the CODENAME for the WWII program to develop the A-BOMB as a weapon the discovery of fission in 1939 persuaded scientists that certain radioactive materials could be used to make a bomb of unprecedented power. The Uranium Committee investigated the possibilities until the first self-sustaining nuclear reaction (nuclear pile) was achieved on 2 December 1942 at the metallurgical laboratory of the University of Chicago under the leadership of Enrico Fermi. Formed in August 1942, the Armys Manhattan Engineer District, under the command of General Leslie R. Groves, then obtained sufficient amounts of the two necessary isotopes to assemble the devices. Uranium-235 was separated from the much more abundant uranium-238 by the gaseous diffusion process at Oak Ridge, TN and nonfissionable uranium-238 was transmuted into plutonium-239 in reactors at Hanford, WA. The actual design and building of the plutonium and uranium bombs was undertaken by a group of American and European-refugee scientists under the leadership of J. Robert Oppenheimer in a remote laboratory at Los Alamos, NM. Due to a tactical scarcity of resources and a strategic urgency of the war, only one nuclear test explosion, CODENAMEd Trinity, of a plutonium device was conducted on 16 July 1945 near Alamogordo, NM. An untested uranium bomb (Little Boy) was dropped from a B-29 SUPER FORTRESS over Hiroshima on 6 August 1945, killing at least 70,000 inhabitants. On 9 August 1945, a plutonium bomb (Fat Man), which was virtually identical to the Trinity device, was dropped over Nagasaki (the primary target of Kohara was obscured by clouds), killing at least 35,000 inhabitants. See BIKINI, ENIWETOK, SCRAM, FALLOUT, NUKE, OVERKILL, BIGGER BANG FOR THE BUCK, CBR. nb: the Soviet Union detonated its first atomic bomb in August 1949 MANIFEST. a list of passengers and cargo carried by an airplane, ship, truck, or train as derived from evident or detected in the act. See FORM, LOG, ANNEX, PAPER TRAIL, RED TAPE, STRAP-HANGER, SUPERCARGO, TICKET-PUNCHER. MANIFEST DESTINY. an imperialistic belief in expansion, both cultural and geographical, which expression was coined by John L. OSullivan (1839) along with the MONROE DOCTRINE (which had remained in effect from the WAR OF 1812 until WWI), this philosophy was formally refuted as a national policy option in 2013 see FOREIGN AFFAIRS, FOREIGN POLICY, GEOPOLITICS, PRESIDENTIAL DOCTRINE. MANIFOLD SET. a thin sheet of typing paper with a flimsy page of carbon paper already attached, available in pale colors and with the word copy preprinted in outline block letters as a watermark also called manifold carbon set, copy set, or flimsy setup. This second sheet configuration was ideal for CLERKS n JERKS since it was practically foolproof. Although the pull-apart flimsy sets could be recycled, the carbon pages were not expected to be re-used. Carbon paper, which had originally been invented (1803) to help blind people write, was (by all evidence) fairly complicated, mandating that the correct side be properly layered in the paper sandwich, and that it be offset from its previous placement so as to utilize the unexposed portions of the page. a situation fraught with numerous pitfalls, typically resulting in several retyping jobs when the text inevitably appeared in reverse on the back of the original A marvel of technology known as No Carbon Required NCR paper, a special paper first marketed in 1954, which actually contained minute beads of ink throughout the whole sheet of carbonless paper, such that any untoward pressure would immediately mark the pristine paper in an unsightly manner, proved to be even more complicated than carbon paper. at least carbon paper had alternate dull and shiny sides, but NCR paper just smelled good and messed everything up no matter how many layers were added or removed. Its axiomatic that everything committed to paper in the Armed Forces must be generated in CYA duplicates or circulation multiples, such that the extensive paperwork necessary to operate any military organization will collapse it by sheer volume and cripple its leaders with writers cramp The only thing that kept Americas enemies beyond the pale during the COLD WAR was MANIFOLD SETs. and in the latest Global War On Terror (GWOT), computer driven jet propelled printers have come to the rescue As long as theres paper and ink to document the battles, our great nation will triumph See FORM, REPORT, ANNEX, PAPER BULLET, SNOWFLAKE, RED TAPE, CC, TYPEWRITER, MIMEOGRAPH, ORIFICE. cf: true or fair copy nb: multiple-part form 1882 nb: If it isnt documented then it doesnt exist MANLY ARTS. those strenuous activities which exemplify manliness and develop good character traits in ancient Greece, the manly arts included athletics (eg: running, tumbling, wrestling, etc), combat arts (eg: weapons, horsemanship, leadership, etc), and rhetoric (eg: composition, recitation, acting, etc), but by the 18th century in England, the manly arts of self-defense had dwindled to swordplay, cudgeling, and boxing. In the modern era the manly arts include contact sports (eg: FOOTBALL, rugby, hockey, etc), extreme sports (eg: MARATHON, TRIATHLON, PENTATHLON, etc), and simulated or actual combat (v: PAINTBALL, WAR GAMES, MOCK-COMBAT, DUEL, WAR). The profession of arms has been characterized as Doing manly things in a manly manner with other men., which experience of combat forever distinguishes and distances the veteran from the non-veteran. See MARTIAL ART, TWO-FISTED, FIELD HOUSE, A FINE AND PLEASANT MISERY, A MANS GOTTA DO WHAT A MANS GOTTA DO, SWEAT HOG, HANG TOUGH, GUNG-HO, WETSU, HARD CHARGER, RED-BLOODED, ROOT HOG OR DIE, WARRIOR, QUIET PROFESSIONAL, WINTER SOLDIER. cf: polite arts nb: Jean Piaget classifies childrens games into three categories: games of make-believe and fantasy, games of skill and mastery, and games with rules and conditions. this latter group includes war games, such as hide-and-seek cf: Trivial Pursuit (1983) nb: because Lee knew Hookers cardplaying style (impetuous but irresolute), he was confident of victory at Chancellorsville in 1863, despite being vastly outnumbered nb: To my way of thinking, there really are only three sports: baseball, basketball, and football. everything else is either a game or an activity. by George Carlin There are only three sports -- mountain climbing, bullfighting, and motor racing -- all others being games. by Ernest Hemingway This is a place with only three pastimes: politics, sports, and revenge. paraphrase of Lawrence C. Moulter Any pastime that has no chance for serious injury or that leaves all the participants alive at the end of the activity isnt a true sport. and if spectators bet on the outcome, then its just a match or game. Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. It is bound up with hatred, jealousy, boastfulness, disregard of all rules and sadistic pleasure in witnessing violence: in other words, it is war minus the shooting. by George Orwell Sport in the sense of a mass-spectacle, with death to add to the underlying excitement, comes into existence when a population has been drilled and regimented and depressed to such an extent that it needs at least a vicarious participation in difficult feats of strength or skill or heroism in order to sustain its waning life-sense. by Lewis Mumford For man, maximum excitement is the confrontation of death and the skillful defiance of it by watching others fed to it as he survives transfixed with rapture. by Ernest Becker For when the One Great Scorer comes to mark against your name, He writes -- not that you won or lost -- but how you played the game. by Grantland Rice The point of the game is not how well the individual does but whether the team wins. That is the beautiful heart of the game, the blending of personalities, the mutual sacrifices for group success. by Bill Bradley Our tools for the pursuit of wildlife improve faster than we do, and sportsmanship is a voluntary limitation in the use of these armaments. It is aimed to augment the role of skill and shrink the role of gadgets in the pursuit of wild things. by Aldo Leopold It was hard to say, about football as about games in general, which was more impressive, the violence or the rationality. by Howard Nemerov Football combines the two worst features of modern American life: its violence punctuated by committee meetings. by George Will In America, it is sport that is the opiate of the masses. by Russell Baker It aint over till its over. by Yogi Berra MANNERS MANNERLY. (forthcoming) nb: until recently, an OFFICER was simultaneously designated a gentleman when appointed by an ACT OF CONGRESS, which not only inspired further intellectual development but also encouraged cultural sophistication, which refinements were mocked as being suave and debonair (deliberately mispronounced as soo-wave and dee-boner) MAN-OF-WAR. a BATTLE WAGON or WARSHIP also known as man o war. THE MAN ON HORSEBACK. a military leader who presents himself as the savior of the country during a period of crisis and either assumes or threatens to assume dictatorial powers an allusion to any strongman or dictator, tyrant or autocrat. MANPADS. Man-Portable Air Defense System, being a generic term used to encapsulate the general type of shoulder-fired Surface-to-Air MISSILEs (SAM) employed against U. S. components without specifying an exact model or version (eg: sortie interdicted by MANPADS) see CORKSCREW. MAN THE BARRICADES. a catch-phrase inviting volunteers to reinforce the barriers (social or spiritual, moral or physical) against assault or incursion see CALL TO ARMS, CALL TO THE COLORS, RALLY ROUND THE FLAG. MAN-TRAP. any snare or springe, deadfall or deathtrap, gin or drop trap, entoil or entrap see BOOBY-TRAP, PUNJI STAKE, FRAISE, ABATIS, TROU-DE-LOUP, TIGER PIT, TIGER TRAP, PITFALL, MALAYAN GATE, TRICK, DECOY, RUSE DE GUERRE. Also, a secure PASSAGEWAY that has restricted access and may be locked down in case of emergency used as either a double-barrier VESTIBULE for the protection of classified materials, or as a double-control corridor for the safe movement of people, especially inmates a MAN-TRAP is designed so that only one door may be opened at a time, and arranged so that all interior areas are available for inspection from the exterior. ingress and egress are regulated from outside the MAN-TRAP. MANUAL. see FM, TM, TC, DASH TEN, CIRCULAR, MANUAL OF ARMS, THE BIBLE, CHECKING THE DICTIONARY, BY THE BOOK, SCRIPTURES. MANUAL OF ARMS. the prescribed orders and drill for handling a weapon, such as Inspection Arms, Port Arms, Order Arms, STACK ARMS, and so forth. See CARRY ARMS, CARRY SWORDS, SALUTE, HIGH BALL, CLOSE ORDER, DISMISS, THE BIBLE, DRILL, SCHOOL OF THE SOLDIER, SCHOOL OF THE SQUAD, CHECKING THE DICTIONARY, BY THE BOOK, SCRIPTURES. cf: vade mecum (Latin: handbook, guide (literally: go with me) A MANS GOTTA DO WHAT A MANS GOTTA DO. a misquote that has become a catch-phrase for obligatory action, especially that which is distasteful or unpleasant, bothersome or vexatious a moral debt or personal responsibility, deontological onus or answerability. See DUTY, PROMISE, OATH, CREED, HONOR CODE, CODE OF CONDUCT, LITMUS TEST, LOYALTY UP - LOYALTY DOWN, WINTER SOLDIER, BRASS-COLLAR, DUE DILIGENCE, STRAIGHT ARROW, TOE THE LINE, BITE THE BULLET, ROOT HOG OR DIE, ONCE MORE UNTO THE BREACH, TAKE IT ON THE CHIN, LAST STAND, HOLD ONES FEET TO THE FIRE, STAND ONES GROUND, MIGHT MAKES RIGHT, KISS, SCAR. nb: A mans got to do what a mans got to do. by Charlton Heston in Three Violent People film (1956) I couldnt do what I gotta do if I hadnt always knowed that I could trust ya., A man has to be what he is. by Alan Ladd in Shane film (1953) A man oughta do what he thinks is best. by John Wayne (Marion Michael Morrison) in Hondo film nb: this phrase has become an anthem (I gotta do what I gotta do) for defying the interference of do-gooders and meddlers, a self-justification for resisting intrusive authority v: numinous, deontology, eudemonism cf: meliorism, Solomonic compromise cf: Having done what men could, they suffered what men must. by Thucydides MAN-UP. (forthcoming) compare buck-up at BUCK, BITE THE BULLET, FIDO, WHITE-KNUCKLE, SUCK IT UP, MANLY ARTS, A MANS GOTTA DO WHAT A MANS GOTTA DO, SHIT HAPPENS, BAD-MOUTH, BITCH, MOAN n GROAN, FANG, EMBRACE THE SUCK, TS CARD. nb: Men were only made into men with great difficulty even in primitive society: the male is not naturally a man any more than the woman. He has to be propped up into that position with some ingenuity, and is always likely (sic: liable) to collapse. by Wyndham Lewis Not only is it harder to be a man, it is also harder to become one. by Arianna Stassinopoulos A woman simply is, but a man must become. Masculinity is risky and elusive. It is achieved by a revolt from woman, and it is confirmed only by other men. Manhood coerced into sensitivity is no manhood at all. by Camille Paglia Masculinity is not something given to you, but something you gain. And you gain it by winning small battles with honor. by Norman Mailer The things a man has to have are hope and confidence in himself against (the) odds, and sometimes he needs somebody, his pal or his mother or his wife or God, to give him that confidence. Hes got to have some inner standards worth fighting for or there wont be any way to bring him into conflict. And he must be ready to choose death before dishonor without making too much song and dance about it. Isso é tudo aí. by Clark Gable MAP. topographic map see COMICS, TOPO, AZIMUTH, GRID COORDINATES, GRID LINES, CONTOUR LINES, DEAD-RECKONING, SLANT DISTANCE, UTM, GPS, CHART, MOSAIC MAP, ATLAS, MGRS, NIMA, MUX, PINS IN THE MAP SYNDROME. nb: clay relief maps were used in Mesopotamia around 3000BC. The first carved stone relief map of a Chinese district was sent to the Emperor in 210BC, and it was so impressive as to scale and detail that all administrators were commissioned to similarly survey and map their districts, until the entire Empire was represented. To offset the inconvenience of stone and wooden maps, China began making silk maps around 266BC. Chinese archives document terrain modeling with rice, sawdust, and melted wax by various military commands in AD32. Scale-model relief maps were made portable by hinged folding and by segmental disassembly ca421-466. which inspired the creation of jigsaw puzzles. nb: the Army Corps of Engineers was assigned the responsibility for surveying Americas borders and features in 1831, resulting in a separate Topographic Corps in 1838 nb: during WWII, the OSS issued a playing card deck to some teams that, when laid out in a particular order, formed an operational map detailing the assignments for a specific mission furthermore, escape maps hidden on playing cards in a deck were also provided to assist downed crewmembers evade capture in select areas nb: the source for military maps was changed from US Geologic Survey to Natl Imaging and Mapping Agency in Oct 1996 due to downlink satellite profiles, then renamed National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Also, USAF Military Advisory Project oriented to training Vietnamese pilots and aircrew, being separate from MAAG. Also, Military Air Program. Also, Military Assistance Program. Also, Marine Assistance Program. MAP OF THE EARTH. misrepresentation of Nap of the Earth see NOE. MAP PROJECTION. a systematic construction of corresponding lines drawn on a plane surface that are representative of the meridians and parallels of the curved face of the earth (or some other celestial sphere) see AZIMUTH, RHUMB RHUMB LINE, BEARING, HEADING, COMPASS, UTM, GPS, COMICS, MAP, CHART, ATLAS. v: Mercator projection, transverse Mercator projection, gnomonic projection, rectilinear projection, conformal projection, polyconic projection, etc cf: cartography, coordinate systems MAP REFERENCE. a means of identifying any point on the surface of the earth by relating it to information appearing on a TOPO map, generally the overlaid graticule or GRID LINES, by using a standardized map reference code of GRID COORDINATES. MAP SHEET. an individual map or chart thats either complete in itself or is part of a series having the same scale and cartographic specifications, including explanatory marginal data and numeric sequencing system also called a topographic (TOPO) map. MARATHON. a long-distance footrace, typically extending over a course measuring 26 miles (42km), in honor of the 490BC run made by Pheidippides, when the Athenians requested aid from Sparta before the battle at Marathon plain against the Persians see EXERCISE, AIRBORNE SHUFFLE, TRUSCOTT TROT, OBSTACLE COURSE, BIATHLON, PENTATHLON, DECATHLON, TRIATHLON, FIELD HOUSE, WAR GAMES. cf: ultra-marathon Also, any endurance event or grueling ordeal, as anything arduous or exhausting a formidable tribulation compare GAUNTLET, HOLD ONES FEET TO THE FIRE, SNAKE PIT, CUTTHROAT. nb: With all our technology, we should never forget that soldiering is first and foremost an outdoor sport. by David Petraeus (2009) MARAUDER. Douglas B-26 twin-engined medium bomber used as counter-invader during WWII against Germany and Japan see BIRD. MARBLE GARDEN. see GARDEN OF STONES. nb: long home is slang for gravesite v: graveyard, boneyard, boot hill, Gods acre, churchyard, catacomb, necropolis, cist, dolmen, chamber tomb, cenotaph, columbarium, sepulcher cf: whited sepulcher (Matthew 23:27) MARBLE MOUNTAIN. (forthcoming) Buddhist shrine, Radio Relay (RR) site near DaNang compare MONKEY MOUNTAIN, BLACK LADY MOUNTAIN. MARCENT. (mar-cent) Marine Forces Central Command see CENTCOM. MARCH. to walk with regular and measured tread, as soldiers on PARADE who advance in step as an organized body as derived from to pace out a mark see CLOSE ORDER, QUICK TIME, DOUBLE TIME, FUNERAL PACE, PARADE, MARK TIME, PACE, HALF STEP, SIDE STEP, BACK STEP, JODY CALL, HEP, CADENCE, COUNTERMARCH, FORCE MARCH, ROAD MARCH, ROUTE STEP, STUTTER-STEP, WALK LIKE A PUSSY, DITTY-BOP, FROGMARCH, DUCK-WALK, DEATH MARCH. Also, the act or course of marching, by execution of this command. Also, the course or distance covered in a single period of marching. Also, to walk in a deliberate manner, as to march-past or march toward see PARADE, PASS IN REVIEW. Also, to go forward to advance, proceed, progress, or prepare. Also, to secretly gain an advantage over, as to slyly STEAL A MARCH on an opponent or goal. Also, a tract of land along the border of a country, as a frontier or border district also known as marches or marchland, as derived from mark. nb: mush, the command urging or spurring a dogsled team to travel, is a corruption of march as spoken by French voyageurs MARCH FRACTURE. a hairline crack in a bone, especially in the foot or leg, caused by repeated impact or prolonged tension, and usually occurring with runners, dancers, and soldiers properly called a stress fracture. MARCHING FIRE. an artillery (ARTY) barrage that walks forward from a line of advancing troops, or moves in an incremental line over enemy positions until concentrated or LIFTed compare SCREEN, see SHOT IN, RUNNING FIRE. Also, small arms fire delivered from the hip or shoulder of troops advancing toward an enemy position not precision shooting, but fire upon an area by moving riflemen and other elements compare SNIPERS TRIANGLE, RECON BY FIRE. MARCHING ORDERS. orders to begin a march or other troop movement. Also, an informal request to start moving or to proceed with some activity. Also, a euphemism for dismissal or discharge, often used to conceal reproach or disgrace also called walking papers. nb: a march order is differentiated from an order of march, which denotes a position in line, an ordered sequence by unit or element cf: order of battle (OB) MARDET. MARine DETachment. MARDIV. MARine DIVision, such as the 1st MarDiv or 3rd MarDiv. MARETH LINE. (forthcoming) a zone of heavy defensive fortifications erected in southern Tunisia, which was circumvented by a surprise attack. Compare STAR WARS, SMEZ, BERLIN WALL, IRON CURTAIN, BAMBOO CURTAIN, BAR LEV LINE, CACTUS CURTAIN, McNAMARAS WALL, McNAMARA LINE, MAGINOT LINE, SIEGFRIED LINE, CHINESE WALL, DEW LINE, PHASE LINE. v: Atlantic Wall cf: Hadrians Wall, Antonine Wall, Great Wall of China nb: the Dutch built Wall Street (1652-98) as a defense against the British in New York nb: The strength of a wall is neither greater nor less than the men who defend it. by Genghis Khan Whoever loves a quarrel loves sin whoever builds a high gate invites destruction. Proverbs 17:19 NIV Bible MARGARITA. a Vietnam-era cocktail made of tequila, lime or lemon juice, an orange-flavored liqueur, and served (like a SALTY DOG) in a salt-rimmed glass eponymously derived from Margarita Sames. See BREW, HOOCH, GROG, JUICE, MOONSHINE, THE DRINK, HOIST, GUSTO. MARINE. a member of the separate corps of naval infantry within the U. S. Navy elsewhere known as naval assault commando see GYRENE, LEATHERNECK, SNUFFY, RAIDER, FORCE RECON, AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT, GUNNY, BULLDOG, MILITARY ORDER OF THE DEVIL DOGS, SEAGOING MARINE, HORSE MARINE, CHINA MARINE, JARHEAD, THE CROTCH, TELL IT TO THE MARINES, GUNG-HO, OORAH, YUT, MAMELUKE SWORD, USMC compare KMC, VNMC. nb: Vietnamese term: Thuy Quan Luc Chien nb: the word Marine has been converted into an acronym meaning: Muscles Are Required, Intelligence Not Essential also referred to as Uncle Sams Misguided Children, Unlimited Shit and Mass Confusion, or seagoing bellhop nb: the first standing body of marines or fleet soldiers in the Western world were posted by ancient Rome (Milites Classiarii) nb: the doctrine of amphibious assault by waterborne forces was developed by John Archer Lejeune (LTG USMC) after studying the Gallipoli Peninsula landing in WWI, and this specialization prevented the Marine Corps from being disbanded between the World Wars Marines then taught amphibious doctrine during 1941-2 to soldiers of the Armys 1st and 3rd Infantry Divisions at both New River NC and Cape Henry VA in preparation for the North African landing nb: President Harry S. Truman planned to abolish the Marine Corps after WWII because the Navy does not need its own army, but the Marines conduct as a FIRE BRIGA DE in the Pusan Perimeter during the KOREAN WAR persuaded him that they should be retained however, the Supreme Allied Commander Douglas (El Supremo) MacArthur refused to approve a Presidential Unit Citation for the Marines, saying that they have enough medals, when every other engaged unit was so recognized MARINELAND. slang for Anbar province in Iraq, which is primarily patrolled by U. S. Marines. Also, by extension of the THEME PARK concept (eg: Camel Land in the SANDBOX), anywhere that Marines predominate, from expeditionary or amphibious forces to beaches or waterfront bars. MARINE RAIDER. see RAIDER. MARINE RAIDER KNIFE. see V-44 MARINE RAIDER KNIFE. MARINES. an acronym used by ground troops in Operations Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Enduring Freedom (OEF) meaning Many Americans Running Into Never Ending Shit compare MARINE, USMC. MARINE SHOWER. facetious reference to the practice of changing into clean clothes without bathing at all see PT SHOWER, NAVY SHOWER, GI SHOWER, WHORES BATH, MONKEY BUTT. THE MARINE WAY. see THE ARMY WAY, FOR THE HELL OF IT, MIL-SPEC, GOOD ENOUGH FOR GOVERNMENT WORK, PARTY LINE. nb: They know what they know, and what they dont know, they dont want to know. by Peter Bowen MARK. a model in a series, usually accompanied by a number and abbreviated Mk. Also, a sign or symbol, a standard or measure, a device or imprint, an object or target, an indelible trace, an enduring effect, or a distinctive characteristic. Also, a basic monetary unit of Germany (Deutsche Mark) and Finland (Markka), and a former monetary unit of England as derived from a former European unit of weight for gold and silver that was generally equal to 8 ounces see LEGAL TENDER. MARKER ROUND. the initial artillery (ARTY) round fired to mark the target for adjustment also called SPOTTER or spotter round. See REGISTRATION. designation for the lowest class of riflemen (ranked below SHARPSHOOTER and Expert) in conventional usage, marksman and sharpshooter are simply employed interchangeably to refer to someone who shoots well. See BULLS-EYE, DEADEYE, KISS THE MISTRESS, KNOCK THEIR SPOTS OFF, MAGGIES DRAWERS, BOLO BADGE, TRASH, MIL-CRAFT. MARKSMANSHIP. the skill demonstrated by someone when shooting at an object or target in conventional usage, marksman and sharpshooter are simply employed interchangeably to refer to someone who shoots well. See DEADEYE, BULLS-EYE, KISS THE MISTRESS, KNOCK THEIR SPOTS OFF, BOLO BADGE, TRASH, MIL-CRAFT. MARK TIME. the command to march in place at the same tempo by extension, any busy-work or make-work activity. See CADENCE, ROUTE STEP, HEP, BOONDOGGLE, HURRY-UP AND WAIT, NERVOUS IN THE SERVICE. Also, by reference to its primary meaning, to act busy and occupied with work while actually accomplishing little or nothing hence a mark-timer is the same as a time-server or coffee-cooler, a SLACKER or GHOST, GOLDBRICK or FEATHER MERCHANT, TAP-DANCER or other MILICRAT. MARK 2. see MARK II. MARLIN. Martin SP-5 aircraft. MARPAT. MARine PATtern digital camouflage uniform for USMC compare UTILITIES, see DIGITALS, CAMMIES, DRESS. MARS. Military Affiliate Radio System, or Military Auxiliary Radio System being the unofficial radio transmissions sent by OFF-DUTY MIL-PERS, who are using military communications apparatus during low traffic intervals to call civilians in the United States, by linking to volunteer amateur radio (HAM) operators to complete a toll-free connection with a local telephone call patched into the radio. Technology has overcome the drawbacks (eg: inconvenience, unavailability, lack of privacy) of this modality with worldwide e-mail of text, voice, and image for all servicemembers at no personal cost. Also, identifies the Mars Task Force, or 5332nd Brigade, formed from the 475th Inf Rgt and 124th Cav Rgt, together with the lineage of the 5307th Composite Unit, to operate along the LEDO ROAD from October 1944 until being disbanded in July 1945 see MERRILLS MARAUDERS, RANGER. MARSDEN MATTING. roll of steel mesh or metal net used for aircraft landing strip and vehicular road base constructions during WWII also provided access for military tactical mobility in sand, mud, and other rough terrain. Compare PSP, MOBI-MAT, MACADAM. v: blacktop, tarmac or tarmacadam cf: laterite road MARSH. see GUMBO, QUICKSAND, QUAGMIRE. MARSHAL. an administrative officer of a U. S. judicial district with duties similar to those of a sheriff. Also, a high ranking officer of a royal court or of a military organization (eg: field marshal), especially in foreign countries. Also, to arrange or array in proper order to gather together for dispatch or use, as before or after an operation or battle also called marshal area or RALLY POINT. Also, to usher ceremoniously, or to escort ceremonially. MARSHALING BATON. the safety wand, used in pairs by a GROUND GUIDE, to direct vehicles and aircraft in parking areas brightly colored and luminous, these wands are waved in conventional HAND SIGN patterns by the follow me functionary when directing the safe movement of vehicles or aircraft in congested spaces. v: usher, marshaler MARSHALL PLAN. the beginning of Americas foreign aid program in 1948 that was not aimed at any ideology or nation, but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos, and was advanced as a method of waging peace. this program, which was formally designated the European Recovery Program, earning George C. Marshall the Nobel Prize, was the basis for Lyndon B. Johnsons offer to give North Vietnam foreign aid in an amount equivalent to Americas military expenditure if the DRVNVN would cease and desist its aggression against RVNSVN. See PRESIDENTIAL DOCTRINE, LODGE-PHILBIN ACT, CLIENT STATE, NATION BUILDING. nb: foreign aid was called dollar diplomacy during the William Howard Taft administration to characterize the policies of Secretary of State Philander C. Knox nb: We have tried since the birth of our nation to promote our love of peace by a display of weakness. This course has failed us utterly. by George Catlett Marshall (1945) MARTIAL ART. a form, either traditional or scientific, of close combat or self-defense that utilizes disciplined coordination and physical skill, with or without weapons, and may be practiced as a physical fitness regimen or as a rated sport (eg: tai chi chuan) although unarmed fighting techniques, recognized by degrees of proficiency with colored belts (dan), are the most common modes, practices with specific armaments are also recognized. MARTIAL ARTs (budo) include capoeira, shintaido, tai chi chuan, choi kwang do, stav, hwa rang do, hapkido, taido, wrestling, sumo, judo jujitsu, aikido, shorinji kempo, jeet kune do, karate (shotokan, shito ryu, goju ryu, wado ryu), kalaripayattu, soo bahk do, tae kwon do, tang soo do, kung fu (hung-gar, wu shu, wing chun), vovinam viet vo dao, boxing pugilism, kickboxing, muay thai (Thai boxing), savate (boxe Francais), krav maga, kuk sool won, bando thaing, kali silat, daito ryu aiki bujutsu, kajukenbo, mowie di do, gatka, chanbara goshindo, iaido, haidong gumdo, kumdo, kendo, fencing, kyudo, archery, naginata, ninjutsu, kobudo, truncheon or stick-fighting. See JAP SLAPPER, MMA, ONE-TWO, KNUCKLE SANDWICH, BOK-BOK, TWO-FISTED, BEAT HIM TO THE PUNCH, COUNTERPUNCH, BATS n HATS, RUBBER DUCK, WASTER, WOODEN SWORD, ON GUARD, EQUALIZER, WEAPON WPN, AT CLOSE QUARTERS, CLOSE QUARTERS BATTLE, PULL ONES PUNCHES. v: Japanese gijutsu (technique, art) Japanese bushido (the way of the military gentleman) MARTIAL LAW. (forthcoming) see CURFEW, CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER, DOUBTFULS, DETAINEE, RENDITION, BATS n HATS, WE DONT NEED NO STINKIN BADGES, DRUMHEAD, SOFA, ROCKS n SHOALS, UCMJ, MCM, JUDGE LYNCH, PROVOST COURT, PROVOST GUARD, PROVOST MARSHAL, SNOW DROP, MP, SP, AP, CONSTABULARY, POLICE. nb: the Supreme Court established (Ex parte Milligan 1866) that civilians could not be legally tried by military tribunals in areas where regular courts continued to function during wartime nonetheless, if a state of war exists (declared or not), the writ of habeas corpus may be suspended (with suspects imprisoned without trial for the duration) under martial law MARTINET. a strict disciplinarian, a severe taskmaster, or an exacting drillmaster eponymously after General Jean Martinet, the French inventor of a system of DRILL. Also, someone who stubbornly adheres to rules or methods, regardless of the circumstances see LITTLE PRICK, SHAKE n BAKE, RAMROD, HARD-SET, BRASS EAR, HARD-NOSE, HARD-ASS, HELL ON WHEELS, BALL BUSTER, BRASS-COLLAR, HEADQUARTERISM compare HARD-ASS. nb: known as pannikin boss by AUSSIE and KIWI troops MARTYR. someone who willingly dies for his belief or convictions, such as a TRUE BELIEVER see CAM TU, TERRORIST, BAD GUYS, MASSACRE, ATROCITY. Also, someone who undergoes torment or suffering, scourging or torture because of his belief someone who is put to death on behalf of his commitment to a particular cause compare BELIEVER. MARTYRS VEST. the explosive undergarment, often packed with anti-personnel SHRAPNEL, which is worn by a suicide BOMBER or fanatical TERRORIST when wreaking havoc upon the enemy. generally unarmed civilians. See CAM TU, MASSACRE, ATROCITY. MARVIN THE ARVN. dismissive reference by rhyming to any soldier serving in the Army of the Republic of VietNam as HERMAN THE GERMAN was used during World War Two. Compare CHARLIE, GOMER, IVAN, BAD GUYS. MASCOT. an animal or object thats been adopted by a group as its representative symbol, which is intended to engender influence or advantage as derived from talisman or charm see BULLDOG, MULE, GOAT, THE BIRD, BLACK DEVIL, Tony the Tiger at LLDB and VNSF, Screaming Eagles at PUKING BUZZARDS and SCREAMING CHICKENS, MEAT MARKER, JOSS STICK, ANTHROPOMORPHISM. nb: the mascot of a bulldog, called Rocky the Marne Dog, was contributed (1942) by Walt Disney after serving in the 3rd Inf Div v: Moe the Kangaroo at Virginia Military Institute, General and Boo V bulldogs at The Citadel, Cadets at Norwich MASH. Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, supporting military actions at brigade and higher levels has been superseded by the Forward Surgical Team (FST). See SICK CALL, AID STATION, EVAC, CSH, FLD HOSP, MEDEVAC, AGONY WAGON, CHOP SHOP. MASHER. American operation in Bihn Dinh province during 1966 MASK. a screen, as of earth or brush, used for concealing or obscuring an observation post (OP), a weapons mount (EMPLACEMENT or BARBETTE), or any military operation see CONCEALMENT, SCREEN, ANTI-THERMAL CLOAK, HIDE, CAMO. MASKING. the employment of additional transmitters in electronic warfare (EW) so as to obscure or conceal the location or purpose of a particular source of electromagnetic radiation see ELINT, COUNTERMEASURES. MASK OF COMMAND. see FLINT FACE, QUARTERDECK FACE, DEADPAN, HALF-MAST, WAR FACE, FACE, BEARD THE LION, COMMAND PRESENCE. MASOCHIST. someone who endures the infliction of cruelty, anguish or degradation, in order to obtain emotional satisfaction or physical gratification this trait is considered to be a psychosexual aberration thats an essential component (to one degree or another) of every soldier, who are often proud of this capacity. See PAIN, SUFFERING, THEATER OF CRUELTY compare SADIST. MASQ. Military Airlift Squadron see MATS, MAC, ATC, ATS, AMC, SPACE A. MASSACRE. commonly misused to mean a general slaughter of opponents or to inflict a great defeat, it has a specific and limited application in the deliberate killing of unarmed and unresisting persons. As with the term decimate to reduce by one-tenth, from the ancient Roman (and Chinese) practice of punishing every tenth man, the accuracy of a terms usage distinguishes its political value from its military correctness. The usual reference during the VIETNAM WAR is the 1968 My Lai MASSACRE, with its political connotations but historical revisionists are ignoring PAVN atrocities, such as at Dak Son (1967), at Hue (1968), and at Cai Lay District School (1974). See BODY COUNT, KILL EM ALL, OVERKILL, KNOCK INTO A COCKED HAT, HEADHUNTING, TURKEY SHOOT, HOLOCAUST, APOCALYPSE, GENOCIDE, ATROCITY, WAR CRIMES TRIAL. cf: blood feud v: bloodbath, carnage, slaughter, hecatomb, mass murder, vernichtungsgedanken, pogrompogroacutem (destructive thunder) nb: Attack them everywhere and shake the ground beneath them. by Abu Muhammad al-Adnani Most of the worlds ills would be cured with one three-day open season on people. by Ernest M. Hemingway v: Myths of the Vietnam War eg: Albi, Atlanta, Baharestan Square, Beziers, Carthage, Chatham Islands, Columbia, Covington, Dresden, Glencoe, Guernica, Hiroshima, Katyn, Lidice, Meroeuml, Nagasaki, NankingNanjing, Shanghai, Sybaris, Tiananmen Square, Veii re: decimate is a culture-specific term that cannot be modified to properly reflect its modern sense of only one-tenth remains or of nine-tenths destroyed v: decuple, cf: duple, triple, quadruple, quintuple, sextuple, sevenfold, octuple, ninefold MASS CASUALTIES. any large number of casualties produced in a relatively short period of time by armed attack, vast accident, or natural disaster, which overwhelms the available medical logistic support capabilities see TRIAGE, LUGGAGE TAG, WALKING GHOST, ZERO WARD, ZERO-ZERO WARD. MAST. a structure rising above the HULL of a ship for holding spars, rigging, and associated equipment. Also, any upright pole, post, or support, as for a radio aerial. Also, the support for a crane or derrick, BOOM or YARDARM see DAVIT, BLOCK, TACKLE. Also, short for CAPTAINS MAST see ROCKS n SHOALS, OFFICE HOURS, BLUE BOOK. MAST CRANK. the ostensible tool for lowering the mast of a ship so as to clear an overpass when entering port, or to dip the flag as a sign of mutual respect when passing another vessel a nonexistent object that a novice or tyro is required to obtain in the same manner as any other SNIPE HUNT objective compare MERMAID, DRAGON. MASTER-AT-ARMS. a Naval petty officer (PO) responsible for maintaining discipline and determining accountability in each department on-board ship the MAA serves as a parttime deputy to the Chief Master-At-Arms (CMAA). See SHERIFF, SP, POLICE, CAPTAINS MAST, ROCKS n SHOALS, BRIG. MASTER BLASTER. nickname for a Master Parachutist or JUMPMASTER compare BLAST, CHERRY BLAST see ABN, AIRBORNE, PARACHUTE, PARATROOPER, CENTURY WINGS, WINGS. MASTER SERGEANT MSG. being the non-commissioned officer (NCO) grade (E-8) between Sergeant First Class (E-7) and Sergeant Major or Command Sergeant Major (E-9), and represented by three chevrons above three ROCKERs as sleeve rank insignia this rank is rated equal to First Sergeant (1SG FSG). See SARGE, BUCK, RIGHT ARM, FIRST SHIRT, TOP, NCO, SUPER GRADE, RATING, GRADE, RANK. MASTER-SLAVE MANIPULATOR. any of various devices that are guided by the hand of the operator so as to imitate the motions and tactile sensitivity of the human hand, to a greater or lesser extent, as used in situations in which direct handling of the objects or materials involved would be dangerous or impossible. See BLUE SUIT. cf: remote mechanical agents or servo-manipulation systems for use in sterile, hazardous, or contaminated environments began during WWII with the handling of radioactive materials initially in the form of insulated gripper arms named Waldo (being a cognate of rule or command, after the 1942 novel by Robert A. Heinlein), later known as the Waldo F. Jones Synchronous Reduplicating Pantograph, and now as a telefactoring device, useful in bomb disposal and extraterrestrial maintenance MAT. Mobile Advisory Team. Usually a six-member team of two U. S. Army officers, three enlisted men, and an interpreter responsible for training territorial forces (RFPF). See MTT, ADV. MATA. Military Assistance and Training Advisory course, being a 6-week program of orientation and instruction, including 120-hours of Vietnamese language, taught in the Special Warfare Center and School (SWCampS) at Fort Bragg beginning in 1962 see MATS, ADV, CAP, COUNTERPART, SHEEP-DIPPED, CO VAN MY, INDIG, LITTLE BROWN BROTHER, UGLY AMERICAN. MATERIEL MATEacuteRIEL. aggregate of military equipment and supplies used by any organizational unit. Compare Personnel. slang for the sleeve RANK insignia of a Corporal (CPLE-4), the lowest GRADE non-commissioned officer (NCO), showing two chevrons. that is, one MOSQUITO WING coupled to another See SWINE LOG, EM, RATING, GRADE, RANK. MATS. Military Air Transport Service, redesignated Military Airlift Command (MAC) on 1 Jan 1966, which is Uncle Sugars no-frills airline for Space Available travel by dependents and retirees often interpreted as Maybe Airplane Take-off Soon. See MAC, ATC, ATS, AMC, MASQ, SPACE A, DEADHEAD. Also, abbreviation for Military Advisor Training School, being a 2-week course at Di-Anh after 1968 that oriented and instructed ADVISORs dispatched to ARVN units see MATA, ADV, COUNTERPART, CAP, SHEEP-DIPPED, CO VAN MY, INDIG, LITTLE BROWN BROTHER, UGLY AMERICAN. M-ATV. Mine-resistant ambush-protected All Terrain Vehicle, being a smaller lighter-weight TRUCK used for off-road patrolling, as manufactured from 30 June 2009 by Oshkosh Defense this model is categorized as a Mine-Resistant Utility Vehicle (MRUV). Compare ATV, LSV, FAV, MULE. MAU. Marine Amphibious Unit. MAUNDY MAUNDY MONEY. money distributed as ALMS, especially as part of the ceremonial observance of Maundy Thursday during Holy Week as derived from Jesus mandate to His disciples after washing their feet and sharing the Last Supper with them. Compare ALMS, BEGGING BOWL, SCROUNGE, CUMSHAW. MAVERICK. an OFFICER promoted from the ranks, as by OCS or direct commission see MUSTANG, UP THE HAWSEPIPE, BLUE BLOOD, COCKTAIL, OFFICERS COUNTRY. Also, any independent-minded or non-conformist person, such as an OFFICER with enlisted experience, who cares more about the welfare of his troops than about being a good organization man cf: ROGUE, imp, scamp, rascal, scalawag, scapegrace, miscreant, rake, roueacute, knave, scoundrel, villain, whoreson. Also, designation for the AGM-65 Air-to-Ground MISSILE. Also, designation for the AGM-86D Air-to-Ground television-guided MISSILE. Also, a misappropriated or misused government vehicle, as one branded for personal use compare POV. nb: the eponymous maverick is comparable to cleanskin in Australia, where any standard or generic product could be marked or branded for sale or distribution by another, as a house label or customized gift both terms originally referred to unmarked or untagged cattle MAW. Marine AirAircraft Wing. Also, abbreviation for Mission Adaptive Wing, being aircraft wings that can change the shape of their upper, leading, and trailing edge surfaces so as to improve flight performance without the use of hanging devices, such as FLAPs. MAWTS. Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron. MAYAQUEZ OPERATION. (forthcoming) 15 May 1975 off Cambodia. MAYDAY. an international RADIOTELEPHONE distress call used by ships and aircraft that involves the imminent loss of life or property origin maider (Venez) Come help me. Compare SECURITE, PAN see SOS, CSEL, GUARD, BLIND TRANSMISSION, RTP, PROWORD. MBT. heavily armored Main Battle Tank, such as SHERMAN, PERSHING, PATTON, ABRAMS also called heavy or heavy metal see TANK, TRACK. nb: WWII Sherman was 9ft wide weighing 38tons, while GULF WAR Abrams is 11ft wide weighing 70tons fuel rate: 0.5mpg the logistics tail rule of thumb for armored vehicles is: for each ton of vehicle weight, move 4 tons of supplies (fuel, parts, ammo, etc) MC. (em-see) abbreviation for Mission Commander, principally used by USAF, for the specific and limited designation of a unit or operational leader with the most experience or best proficiency, regardless of RANK. This is a common practice in training scenarios, but special operations forces (SOF) also use it in combat, when the technically qualified ranking officer is untested, becoming a STRAP-HANGER observer until approved by his subordinates to his superiors. See COMMANDER, CO, COMMAND ELEMENT, CHAIN-OF-COMMAND, LDR, OLD MAN, SKIPPER, TOP DOG, MOTHER HEN, HONCHO, 10, WALLAH, DCO, XO, OVERSIGHT. Also, abbreviation for Medical Corps see BONE CUTTER, SAWBONES, BABY DOC, DOC, ANGEL, FUZZY-WUZZY ANGEL, RAMP TRAMP, ORDERLY, PECKER-CHECKER, MEDIC, CORPSMEN, BAC SI, Y SI, BAND-AID, CHOP SHOP, HOSP, LUGGAGE TAG, TRIAGE. nb: Vietnamese term: Nguoi Giai Phau nb: a separate medical department was established in the U. S. Army in 1818, and in the U. S. Navy (BuMed) in 1842 the Army established a corps for nurses (ANC) in 1901, and the Navy accepted nurses in 1908 the medical branch also includes dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists, and other specialists MCAS. Marine Corps Air Station compare MAD, NAS. MCATF. Mechanized Combined Arms Task Force. MCB. Marine Corps Base. McCARTHYISM. the practice of making unsupported accusations of disloyalty, especially of pro-communist activity, based on slight or irrelevant evidence also referred to as the Second Red Scare named after the Congressional hearings (HUAC) conducted by J. R. Tailgunner Joe McCarthy. Also, the practice of making accusations or allegations in order to restrict criticism or suppress dissent. MCCDC. Marine Corps Combat Development Command, Quantico, Virginia. MCCM. the Modular Crowd Control Munition (M-5) is a less than lethal anti-personnel device thats used to incapacitate a large group of persons with a FLASHBANG and the impact of rubber ball projectiles. The MCCM can be selectively, serially, or cluster discharged by electrically ignited TRIGGERs, and deployed by mounted or dismounted troops. This directional munition has an effective range of 5-30 meters in a 60-degree semicircular arc of coverage. Used at American embassies since 2006, its similar resemblance to the CLAYMORE (M-18A1) mine serves as a deterrence to riot and other mob lawlessness. MCCWTC. Marine Corps Cold Weather Training Center see MWTC. McGUIRE RIG. devised by SGM Charles T. McGuire, an SF sergeant serving with Project Delta (see GREEKS) this is an extraction method for when helicopters cannot land, which utilizes the same equipment for a RAPPEL insertion. Originally the RIG string was conceived as a stirrup LINE or sling EYE it was later refined by MSG Norman Donny as a quick connect for the integral Swiss seats to be converted into body loops over existing field gear. Lifted and moved like sling-loaded cargo, the team had to secure the ropes during landing to prevent fowling of the helicopter rotors. Adaptations to the basic technique occurred, such as safety wrist straps and linking arms to prevent spinning. The major defect of the McGUIRE RIG was for wounded or unconscious team members, who were liable to fall out of their hookup. The STABO (QV) full-body harness, invented at the MACV RECONDO School, remedied this problem. nb: called suspended rope extraction by Australian and New Zealand SAS MCI. Mission Capability Inspection. MCM. Manual for Courts Martial, which stipulates the standard procedures, unified among the services in 1951, for the proper conduct of a trial see EXECUTIVE SESSION, UCMJ. McNAMARA LINE. a theoretical line, extending from the DMZ through Laos to Thailand, involving high-tech surveillance equipment and space-age munitions, as a barrier to North Vietnamese infiltration of South Vietnam. Considered for implementation as late as Operation Lam Son 719 an eponymous phrase after Secretary of Defense Robert Strange McNamara. See HO CHI MINH TRAIL compare McNAMARAS WALL, STAR WARS, MAGINOT LINE, SIEGFRIED LINE, MARETH LINE, SMEZ, IRON CURTAIN, BAR LEV LINE, CACTUS CURTAIN, BAMBOO CURTAIN, CHINESE WALL, DEW LINE, PHASE LINE. cf: Hadrians Wall, Antonine Wall, Great Wall of China nb: the Dutch built Wall Street (1652-98) as a defense against the British in New York nb: The strength of a wall is neither greater nor less than the men who defend it. by Genghis Khan Whoever loves a quarrel loves sin whoever builds a high gate invites destruction. Proverbs 17:19 NIV Bible McNAMARAS HUNDRED THOUSAND. a draft quota to be achieved by lowering the minimum score of the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT), as established by DoD to meet force requirements of the VIETNAM WAR, Korea, Germany, Panama, and elsewhere. See DRAFT, DRAFT LOTTERY, DRAFTEE, MUSTER, AFEES, CALL TO THE COLORS. eg: 1994 Forrest Gump movie McNAMARAS WALL. a scheme to construct a 25-mile barrier along the northern border of South Vietnam (SVN) to block North Vietnamese Army (NVA) infiltration across the DMZ officially designated Operation Die Marker, and eponymously named after Secretary of Defense Robert Strange McNamara, but also known as McNamaras Folly. Perhaps inspired by the 660 yards wide by 8.2 mile long fire break erected by Marines from Con Thien through Gio Linh, but McNamaras Wall was a more ambitious project, consisting of land mines and barbed wire, as well as acoustic sensors and infrared intrusion detectors. The project began in April 1967, but was preempted by the relief efforts for the siege of Khe Sanh in 1968, remaining incomplete. Compare STAR WARS, MAGINOT LINE, SIEGFRIED LINE, MARETH LINE, SMEZ, IRON CURTAIN, BAMBOO CURTAIN, BAR LEV LINE, CACTUS CURTAIN, McNAMARA LINE, CHINESE WALL, DEW LINE, PHASE LINE. cf: Hadrians Wall, Antonine Wall, Great Wall of China nb: the Dutch built Wall Street (1652-98) as a defense against the British in New York nb: The strength of a wall is neither greater nor less than the men who defend it. by Genghis Khan Whoever loves a quarrel loves sin whoever builds a high gate invites destruction. Proverbs 17:19 NIV Bible McNAMera. a coinage eponymously attributing wartime policies to Secretary of Defense Robert Strange McNamara. the McNamara era of the VIETNAM WAR. which he later repudiated. MCWLRP. Meal Cold Weather Long Range Patrol ration, being the nutritious successor (2004) to LRRP-RATIONS and Ration Cold Weather (RCW) the dehydrated contents of this long shelf-life food packet, packaged in white camouflage, will not freeze. This lightweight and compact meal, designed for cold weather feeding, may be issued at the rate of three per day per person (1540kcalmeal, 4620kcalday) for a complete winter diet. The menues include chicken wrice, beef stroganoff wnoodles, beef terriyaki wrice, Western omelet, lasagna wmeat sauce, beef stew, spaghetti wmeat sauce, seafood chowder, scrambled eggs wbacon, pork wrice, chili macaroni wbeef, turkey tetrazzini and these main courses are supplemented by Ramen noodle soup, peanut butter, cheese spread, crackers, toaster pastry, granola bar, fruit bar, chocolate sports bar, fudge brownie, banana walnut dessert bar, peanut brittle bar, nut raisin mix, roasted nuts, shortbread cookies, chocolate covered cookie, chocolate disks, chocolate toffee roll, cocoa beverage powder, lemon-lime beverage base, orange beverage base, and extra drink mixes for countering dehydration. Corn Nuts, Walnettos, and a freeze-dried ice cream sandwich are the latest commercial items that have been added, while chocolate-covered coffee beans, energy fruit chews, and caffeinated chewing gum are being evaluated for inclusion. Although the sodium and protein content of the MCWLRP is controlled to decrease the consumers need for water, each meal requires an average of 34oz of potable water for its rehydration nb: the Army Food Lab claims that the liquid required to hydrate these meals is not extra, but is the normal allotment essential to prevent dehydration and hypothermia water requirements dont change with dried foods: Theres a misconception that you need extra water for dehydrated rations. You need a given amount of water per day depending on activity and temperature. Whether some of that comes in the food or is consumed separately, the water requirement is the same.. Weighing less than Meals Ready-to-Eat (MRE) but providing more sustenance, the MCWLRP ration is best suited for MIL-PERS who are not easily resupplied. Most soldiers say that this ration makes them feel full, and some complain that its too much food. See RATIONS. M-DAY. Mobilization-Day the term used to designate the unnamed day on which full mobilization commences or is due to commence. The M-DAY materiel inventory objective is the quantity of things needed on or before operational commencement by active or reserve forces with delivery through the prescribed operational period. See TIME. MEACONING. a system of receiving radio beacon signals and rebroadcasting them on the same frequency, causing inaccurate bearings to be obtained, so as to confuse navigation by air and ground stations see BEAM, VECTOR. Also, a system of receiving broadcast signals and rebroadcasting them back, creating DECOY or DECEPTIVE readouts, such as GHOST or SHADOW images, confusing electronic guidance systems with a multiplicity of false (and a single true choice) options see MIJI, RED HERRING. Also, a system of spoofing a microwave base station so as to decoy cellular telephone traffic and deceive the transmitter with the intent of capturing or altering data see MIJI, NETRUSION. MEA CULPA. a classic Latin phrase that literally means through my fault or (its) my responsibility, but this expression has been widely misused to beg forgiveness or seek pardon it is not the equivalent of excuse me, nor does it request allowance, amnesty, apology, or condonation, neither to forbear, forgo, condone, overlook, or absolve. See NO EXCUSE, ACCOUNTABILITY, RESPONSIBILITY, ZERO TOLERANCE, save face at FACE compare XIN LOI, SORRY ABOUT THAT, sumimasen at ITTY-WA DESKA. MEALY-MOUTHED MEALYMOUTHED. avoiding the use of direct and plain language, as from timidity, excessive delicacy, or hypocrisy inclined to mince words, to dissemble or dissimulate insincere, devious, or compromising. See NO EVIL, RESPECT, JUDGMENT CALL, BEARING, TACT. MEANDER. to proceed by taking a winding course or indirect route, a circuitous path or roundabout journey to progress by twists and turns. Also, to wander aimlessly ramble or amble. Compare SQUARE CORNERS, EYE-BALL see ACCORDION, CATERPILLAR, CROCODILE, JITTERBUG, SCUTTLE, BUTTERFLY, CLOVERLEAF, LEAP FROG, HOPSCOTCH, CORKSCREW, ZIGZAG, SNAKE, SLACKER, TAP-DANCER, ROMPER, STRAGGLER. v: meandrous, meander line MEANS. the resources or expenditures needed to accomplish something, as by any means or at all costs a method or manner, process or procedure, way or practice, which is typically represented as THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS, except that the means are the ends MEASURE SWORDS. to test ones strength or ability, courage or fortitude against that of someone else a comparison preliminary to a competition, a check before contending in a contest. This phrase derives from the close examination of weapons made by the seconds to ensure that they both match in every detail before commencing a DUEL. nb: a stickler was the second in single combat, and so was very punctilious about the minutest points of etiquette, then later becoming an umpire or referee in competitive tournaments, and finally being any person who persistently demands absolute adherence or unyielding conformity nb: So we measured swords and parted. by William Shakespeare in As You Like It (1599) cf: to take someones measure v: to Measure up in Naval aviation, informal designation for the glowing signals that provide glideslope reference while an airplane is on landing approach to an aircraft carrier (FLATTOP) the term for the red ball of light seen in the old mirror landing system which predated the current Fresnel lens guidance system. Also, an Imperial Japanese, or an Imperial Japanese engine of war so emblazoned, with specific reference to the Rising Sun motif, and by extension of the informal slur (ie: stupid, ineffectual, etc) also called burning asshole, fiery asshole, flaming asshole, shining asshole, radiant - or radiating asshole (with the latter pertaining to the wartime flag). See NIP, JAPE, BAD GUYS. MEAT EATER MEAT-EATER MEATEATER. antonomastic descriptor for a fearsome brute or ferocious savage, especially a marauder or raider being a consumer of flesh (typically raw and bloody) with other base or gross appetites an indelicate carnivore, and not a refined or cultivated vegetarian. See KNUCKLE-DRAGGER, BRUTE, HUMAN ZOO, SHAVED MONKEY, SILENT MAJORITY, BUBBA EFFECT, BANJO COUNTRY, REACTIONARY, CONSERVATIVE, ANTI-FEDERALIST, WHITE TRASH, THIRD ESTATE. MEAT GRINDER. see LEATHERNECK SQUARE, HAMBURGER HILL. MEAT MARKER. an indelible mark or sign, specific to a particular unit and often personalized, thats tattooed onto a MIL-PERS body in a unique location, for the purpose of identifying the individuals corpse after dismemberment on the battlefield also called a torso tattoo, devils mark or witchs mark. Specimen MEAT MARKERs have included unit logos or mascots, with a unit number or personal name, however these special markings are not ornamental TATTOOs. Even though some MEAT MARKERs are placed in obscure locations, not ordinarily visible, the standard restrictions regarding inappropriate legends or depictions remain in effect. The MEAT MARKER probably originated (out of gallows humor) by imitation of the purple dye stamp applied by USDA inspectors when grading the quality of butchered meat sold in the COMMISSARY. See CONTINUATION TATTOO, SAT CONG, EARRING, DOG TAGS, ID CARD, BRACELET, COINING, CLEAN, STERILE. nb: Tom Custer, twice awarded the Medal of Honor, was so badly mutilated at the Battle of the Little Bighorn (26 June 1876) that his body could only be identified by a distinctive tattoo nb: members of the Nazi Schutzstaffel (SS) were purportedly marked with a personalized fraternal tattoo near their armpit, which served as both identification and authentication MEAT WAGON. slang for any motorized wheeled ambulance (CRACKER BOX) or motorized TRACKed ambulance (BAND-AID) thats used on roadways and in the field see MEDEVAC, DUSTOFF, AIR AMBULANCE, LUGGAGE TAG, TRIAGE. cf: ambulette MEB. Marine Expeditionary Brigade, being the designation for the first USMC force sent to RVN in March 1965, with the mission of protecting the AIRFIELDS as more assets arrived IN-COUNTRY, became Marine Amphibious Force (III MAF). MECH. MECHanized infantry (designated blue), as derived from mounted rifles (designated green) or dragoons (designated orange), who rode to battle but fought on foot see CHECKERBOARD, HERRINGBONE, LAAGER compare CAV, ACR, AIR CAV, AIR ASSAULT, AIRMOBILE, HELIBORNE, YELLOWLEG, DRAGOON, PONY SOLDIER, DOG SOLDIER, LONG KNIFE, BLUELEG, INF, DOZER INFANTRY. nb: Vietnamese term: Bo Binh Co Van (motorized infantry) Also, short for MECHanic (who was originally identified as mechanician), who was also called artificer, but was often nicknamed GREASE MONKEY see RAMROD, SNIPE, BLACK GANG. nb: Vietnamese term: Co Khi, Tho May THE MED. NavSpeak slang for the general area of the Mediterranean Sea, being the inland sea surrounded by Africa, Europe, and the Near East of Asia See THE GULF, FIVE SEAS, POND, FLOAT, THE MOG, ABSURDISTAN, THE STANS, SANDBOX compare THE ROOT, THE NAM. MEDAL. a piece of metal, cast or struck, variously shaped (eg: disk, cross, star, etc) and mounted (eg: rosette, pendant, etc), bearing an inscription or decoration in relief, which is designed for specific issue as a token of commemoration or as a reward for bravery, merit, service, or other civil or military distinction see GONG, IMPACT AWARD, FRUIT SALAD, DEVICE, V-DEVICE, OLC, BATTLE STAR, CORD, UNIT CITATION, CAMPAIGN MEDAL, TRASH, BOLO BADGE, Q-TAB, SCRAP METAL COLLECTOR, REVOCATION. nb: an insignia emblematic of the honors and lineage of a military organization, unlike familial coats of arms, may be individually enhanced but not personally heritable v: Heraldry nb: Any person convicted of misconduct or a criminal charge by a U. S. military tribunal, or who receives a less than honorable discharge based upon actions while serving on active duty, or whose acts do not accord with the Code of Conduct, and whose actions are documented by U. S. military records is ineligible for the award of medals. Any found or recovered medals (or any other U. S. military items) remain the property of the U. S. government, and should be returned with a letter of explanation to: The Secretary of Defense The Pentagon (Room 3E880) Washington, DC 20301 MEDAL OF FREEDOM. the highest civilian award in recognition of an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors also known as the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Established by President Harry Truman in 1945 to honor civilian service during World War II, but in 1963, after falling into disuse, President John F. Kennedy revived and expanded the medals purpose. The MEDAL OF FREEDOM is awarded annually, and at other times as directed, to recognize recipients selected by the president, either on his own initiative or based on the recommendations of the Distinguished Civilian Service Awards Board. In common with the highest grades of the LEGION OF MERIT, the MEDAL OF FREEDOM may be presented to non-citizens for their outstanding contributions to America. The medal can be awarded to an individual more than once, and may be awarded posthumously. The badge of the MEDAL OF FREEDOM is taken from the crest of the United States Coat of Arms, having the form of a golden star with white enamel, with a red enamel pentagon behind it the central disc bears thirteen white enamel stars on a blue enamel background within a golden ring golden American eagles with spread wings stand between the arms of the star with the whole suspended on a blue neck ribbon with white edge stripes. A special grade of the medal, known as the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction, has the abovementioned medal worn as a star on the left chest or is worn as a sash on the right shoulder, with its rosette (blue with white edge, bearing the central disc of the badge at its centre) resting on the left hip. Another special grade of the medal, known as the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Military Distinction, has the abovementioned medal worn from a ribbon differenced by a series of white stars. See PRESIDENTIAL CITIZENS MEDAL, DSM, LOM, MSM, GREEN WEENIE, AAM, GONG. MEDAL OF HONOR MOH. the nations highest award for valor it was created by an Act of Congress and signed into law in December 1861 (first presented 25 March 1863) during the American CIVIL WAR as a pendant medal, and was the only award for gallantry until WWI. An act of Congress designated 25 March as National Medal of Honor Day in remembrance of the courage and sacrifice of the recipients. The MOH is widely misrepresented as the Congressional Medal of Honor (CMH, or Coffin with Metal Handles), but it is awarded by the President in the name of Congress (hence Douglas MacArthurs second award without review) its sometimes called Blue Max. Each branch of service has its own unique version. All awards are presented to recipients to recognize their accomplishment no medal can make a HERO, and no medal is won by a contestant. See BREVET, PURPLE HEART (PH) medal, GONG. MEDALLION. the proper designation for a metallic token resembling a coin but intended to be used in non-monetary applications or non-commercial exchanges anything resembling a medal (GONG) in form or function, especially an ornamental object or device, such as a token thats been surface shaped by striking metal between two dies. See CHALLENGE COIN, COINING, HARD TIMES TOKEN, CHIT. cf: Australian brass razoo, British handsel v: obversereverse, crosspile, ornament, bijou, bauble, gewgaw, gimcrack, trinket, bagatelle, knickknack, bric-a-brac, trifle, notion nb: its illegal to deface, disfigure, or deform U. S. currency furthermore, the size and weight of commemorative medallions or commercial tokens (slugs) must be other than that of U. S. coinage MED BAG. either the M-3, M-5, or M-17 medical supply bag, or the USN Unit 1 (Unit One) field medical kit bag, thats packed from a recommendation list by the Army medic or Navy corpsman carrying and using it, who could alter or augment as required, and was slung by strap or lashing also called the med kit bag or field med kit bag. Compare FIELD SURGICAL KIT, FIRST AID KIT, IFAK see MUSETTE, CLS, COMPRESS, ASA, APC, SYRETTE, BLOOD EXPANDER, ABO, DOG BITE, SPILL THE GROCERIES, STRETCHER, AGONY WAGON, BAND-AID, MEDEVAC, MEDIC, DOC. nb: rucksack back-sack knapsack bitesnap-upeat, food sack kit-bag soldiers small bagknapsack haversack single-strapped feed bag worn over one shoulder musette single-strapped small bag worn over one shoulder cf: bundle, bindlebindlea, swag, bluey, dilly bag, tucker-bag, bag, pouch, tote, sack, traps, pack, grip, gripsack, overnighter, weekender, holdall, carpetbag, B-4 bag, suitcase, one-suiter, single-suiter, two-suiter, three-suiter, portmanteau, Gladstone bag, traveling case, garment bag, Val-Pack, luggage v: scrip wayfarers bag or wallet viaticum travelers money and necessities MEDCAP. Medical Civic Action Program military physicians and medical assistants provided public health treatment in many remote VILLEs. See CA, CAP, DENTCAP, ICAP, WINNING HEARTS AND MINDS. MEDEVAC. (med-ee-vack) a contraction of MEDical EVACuation, being primarily associated with the helicopter transport of casualties from the field to a HOSPITAL also called DUSTOFF (1964 radio CALL-SIGN of LT Paul B. Kelley) or AIR AMBULANCE. The term MEDEVAC, which may also be spelled med-evac, refers to both the mission and the vehicle, with any capable aircraft without a higher priority serving the role whenever necessary. The UH-1 HUEY utility helicopter (SLICK), with its wide doors, excelled at this mission, but transport by any type of AIR AMBULANCE improved a soldiers chance of survival. The sound of a helicopter, probably the most ubiquitous memory of the VIETNAM WAR, is almost universally associated with some form of assistance or relief, and therefore an important factor in troop morale, which made pilots and aircrew more willing to take risks on behalf of beleaguered elements. With nearly 98 of WIAs evacuated alive from the battlefield, and no IN COUNTRY battlefield being more than an hours travel time distant from medical care, the VIETNAM WAR had the highest casualty survival rate of any American conflict to date. See CRACKER BOX, BAND-AID, CASEVAC, CIVCAS, NEO, EVAC. nb: James Webb has aptly called the MEDEVAC a deus ex machina nb: during the Vietnam War, the Marine Corps did not have discrete helicopters assigned for medical evacuation Also, by extension, any MEDical EVACuation from training or combat by any means see LUGGAGE TAG, TRIAGE. nb: Australian and New Zealand forces use the term CasEvac for casualty evacuation from the field MEDIC. medical aidman or medical CORPSMAN, whos affectionately known as DOC by most troops also called shank mechanic or pill pusher. The symbolic color of the medical and medical service corps is maroon for blood. See BAC-SI, Y-SI, BABY DOC, BONE CUTTER, ANGEL, FUZZY-WUZZY ANGEL, RAMP TRAMP, PECKER-CHECKER, ORDERLY, SSTP, AIR AMBULANCE, MEDEVAC, DUSTOFF, CRACKER BOX, BAND-AID, SICK CALL, AID STATION, CHOP SHOP, MASH, EVAC, FST, CSH, FLD HOSP, HOSPITAL, LUGGAGE TAG, STRETCHER, COMPRESS, DOG BITE, MED BAG, ASA, APC, SYRETTE, ABO, BLOOD EXPANDER, TRIAGE. nb: the field occupations most often targeted in combat, because their loss so immediately influences unit effectiveness and morale, are the leader, pointman, signalman, machinegunner, and medic MEDICAL KIT BAG. see MED BAG compare FIRST AID KIT, FIELD SURGICAL KIT. MEDICAL REVIEW BOARD. see Physical Evaluation Board (PEB). MEET n GREET. rhyming slang for a formal hail n farewell or mugs n hugs DINING-IN see BLAST, FEATHERS, WITH BELLS ON compare COMPANY PARTY, SIGG. MEETING ENGAGEMENT. the inadvertent collision between advancing forces, neither of which is deployed for BATTLE an unanticipated combat action at an unexpected time and place by maneuvering elements. If the contact is not direct, the opposing forces will maneuver to make it so (assess the enemy strength and fix his assets) before attempting to exploit an opportunity to pivot or FLANK. Compare PITCHED BATTLE, SPOILING ATTACK, AMBUSH, FIREFIGHT, CONTACT, CLOSE QUARTERS BATTLE, SMACK DOWN, DOGFIGHT, PUNCH-OUT, FIREFIGHT, GROUP HUG, CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG, FRONTAL ASSAULT, BATTLE, BATTLEFIELD, FORCE MULTIPLIER, GAMBLERS FALLACY, LAW OF AVERAGES. MEF. Marine Expeditionary Force. MEGATON. an explosive force equivalent to one million tons of trinitrotoluene (TNT) compare KILOTON, GIGATON see CHARGE, BURSTING CHARGE, BLAST, BLAST WAVE, SHOCK WAVE, EXPLOSIVE PRESSURE. cf: Richter magnitude scale MEI. Management Effectiveness Inspection. MEKONG. one of the principal rivers of Southeast Asia (SEA), flowing more than 3000 miles from its source in the mountains of Tibet, along the boundary between Thailand and Laos, and into the South China Sea through nine outlets. hence its nickname of the river of nine dragons see VTSZ, RSSZ, NAKED FANNY, DEATH RAILWAY, HUMP, INDOCHINA. MEKONG DELTA. an area covering more than 26,000 square miles, and generally raised less than ten feet above sea level, that begins at Phnom Penh (the capital of Cambodia) where the Song Hau Giang branches off of the Mekong River, this estuarial splitting continues throughout the southernmost region (designated IV CTZ MR4) of Vietnam alluvial silting has made the area very fertile, suitable for wetland rice cultivation, and host to mangrove swamps. See IIFFV, JUNK FORCE, MRF, BROWN WATER, PLAIN OF REEDS, HO BO WOODS, U MINH FOREST, DOGS FACE, PARROTS BEAK, FISHHOOK, ELEPHANTS FOOT, ANGELS WING, BLACK LADY MOUNTAIN, SEVEN MOUNTAINS, HOA HAO. MEMCON. (mem-khon) MEMorandum of CONversation, being a verbatim transcript of a dialogue, conversation, or discussion thats documented for safekeeping compare MFR, MR. MEME. a construct that encapsulates cultural particulars and conveys these entities to others in an abbreviated form, such as a quip or cartoon, pastiche or caricature, gesture or signal, gesticulation or chironomia, bagatelle or film clip, including skillcrafts and linguistics. Coined in 1976 by a British biologist, R. Dawkins, from the ancient Greek word for imitate or copy, it represents the repetitive manner by which all elements of culture are transmitted, analogous to the biological transmission of genes. The collection of all memes is the basis of culture. Shared exposure to fantastic allusions and pop-culture referents (eg: Mad Max, Conan the Barbarian, Star Trek, Star Wars, Jetsons, Flintstones, Simpsons, Twilight Zone, X-Files, etc) now substitute for social analyses and bridge disparities among interpersonal backgrounds. Since the proliferation of SHORT-SHOT witticisms has been exacerbated by the internet, the meme has become the most common form of expression in social networking, from jokes and buzzwords to slogans and flames, including parodies and visuals. eg: gammadion swastika (svastika) cf: morpheme, phoneme MEMENTO. see SOUVENIR, TRENCH ART, TROPHY, INSIGNIA, CHALLENGE COIN, SHORT SNORTER, CHIT. v: artifact, relic, vestige, emblem, keepsake, favor, memorabilia, commemorative, reminder, remembrancer, memento mori, handsel MEMO PAD. a small ruled writing tablet for making notes see BUCK SLIP, POCKET BRAINS, WHEEL BOOK. cf: bout de papier, aide-memoire after the death toll rose and border violations multiplied, including the execution of 18 American mining engineers on 10 January 1916 and a raid into Columbus NM on 9 March 1916 that left 17 civilians dead, Congress compelled Woodrow Wilson to abandon his policy of watchful waiting to intervene on 15 March 1916 in Mexico, which was beset by freebooters and insurgents although dispatched with the consent of the Mexican government, the 15,000-man punitive expedition, headed by John Joseph Pershing, unsuccessfully sought revolutionaries (like Pancho Villa) and other bandits, but only exacerbated anti-American sentiments. Wilson stationed an additional 150,000-man border guard along the boundary, but by 24 November, a bilateral proposal (v: ABC POWERS) for withdrawal and joint border guarding had reached an impasse. Wilson abandoned the campaign on 5 February, and extended de jure recognition to Mexicos new constitutional government on 11 March 1917. nb: Mexican Revolution (1914-19): 35 battle deaths MEXICAN STANDOFF. a confrontation that neither side can win, or a situation that cannot be resolved without alteration or re-alignment as an impasse or stalemate, at loggerheads or discontinuance, dead-end or standstill see DEADLOCK, SIAMESE INSURANCE compare FALL ON DEAF EARS, BRINKMANSHIP. MEXICAN REVOLUTION. see MEXICAN BORDER CAMPAIGN. MEXICAN WAR. under the direction of President James K. Polk and the tenets of Manifest Destiny, those western and southwestern lands that could not be negotiated for purchase from Mexico by the United States were forceably annexed by this war. Hostilities began on 25 April 1846 over a border incident, so the U. S. declared war against Mexico on 13 May 1846, with several battles until the 24 August 1847 armistice, and the cessation of hostilities on 14 September 1847. About 13,000 U. S. troops died in the MEXICAN WAR, with only 1700 killed in actual combat while Mexican losses are estimated at 25,000 dead. The 2 February 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ceded 40 of Mexican territory (including California, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Wyoming), for which a 15million indemnity was paid. The MEXICAN WAR was fought over territorial borders, but it also served as a precursor of the lifestyle dispute over sovereign autonomy and religious expression later decided by the American CIVIL WAR. nb: the MEXICAN WAR should not be confused with the 1835-6 Texas Revolution, culminating in the defeat of Mexico at the Battle of San Jacinto, where the Remember the Alamo motto (attributed to Colonel Sidney Sherman, 21 April 1836) became a BATTLE CRY however, among the provisions of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was the establishment of the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo) border and the possession of Texas (annexed 29 December 1845) by the United States nb: Winfield Scott commanded the first amphibious landing of an invading army (12,000 troops), supported by a naval task force under David Conner and Matthew Perry, in March 1847 at Veracruz during the MEXICAN WAR nb: Mexican-American War (1846-48): 79,000 served 1,733-13,283 battle deaths nb: the MEXICAN WAR changed American smoking habits, from a preference for pipes (typically clay) to cigars and cigarettes MEZ. Missile Enlargement Zone. MF. see MIKE FORCE, MAIN FORCE. MFD. Multi-Function Display, being an interactive computer monitor in the COCKPIT of an aircraft that depicts, in text or graphics, one or more flight, weapons, or surveillance functions, with options and checklists the Super Multi-Function Display (SMFD) substitutes graphical icons for alphanumerics. The MFD has superseded the instrument panel with its analog readouts. See HUD, VD, PLASTIC BRAINS, SHARON, SIGHT PICTURE, PRIMROSE PATH, HOTAS. Military Intelligence. the classic oxymoron their unofficial motto is we bet YOUR life. See CIC, DLI, MIS, FLAPS n SEALS, IR, PIR, CCIR, JIC, NIC, NIE, SNIE, PSYOPS, RUSE DE GUERRE, PSYWAR, ASA, CODE, COMICS, CHATTER, DECEPTION, SQUEEZE, GATOR, SWEAT, SLURPER, CONTROLLED INFORMATION, NEED TO KNOW, RUMOR, PROPAGANDA, INTEL. nb: more tactical advantages have been acquired, and more battle casualties spared by good military intelligence than all the heroism on all the battlefields. INTEL isnt glamorous or dramatic, and proper implementation takes skill and courage, but MI is a vital component in winning wars, perhaps the most vital nb: the watchword of MI is not Its better to know something than nothing. but rather is Its better to know a little more than to be suspected of knowing too much. Intelligence is pseudoscience, like astrology sometimes the outcome seems to prove that your methods and techniques are infallible. other times, it proves the exact opposite. by Olen Steinhauer (2014) MIA. Missing In Action military personnel who are not known if alive or dead in a battle situation. See CIL, JPAC, RECOVERY, MEMORIAL DAY, TOMB OF THE UNKNOWNS, POW-MIA DAY, POW-MIA BRACELET. nb: approximately 78,000 servicemembers remain missing from WWII, 8100 from the Korean War, 1800 from the Vietnam War, and 120 from the Cold War nb: the first war memorial dedicated to the unknown soldier was proposed by British author J. Rudyard Kipling, whos son died in combat MIAO. a member of a diverse tribal group of seminomadic farming peoples of the mountains of southeastern China and the adjacent areas of northern Vietnam, northern Thailand, and Laos these peoples are also called Hmong or Meo a disparaging referent (barbarian) thats sometimes used by Laotians and Vietnamese. Like the MONTAGNARDs, these INDIGenous people served as STRIKERs in the Royal Laotian Army (RLA) and with American ADVISORs in special projects. Also, the Miao-Yao language spoken in parts of southern China and southeast Asia. MICROFONE. MICrophone, as for RADIO transmission see HOT MIC, BREAK SQUELCH, PTT, CROSS-TALK, NOISE. MICKEY MOUSE. anything insignificant or inconsequential thats given import or portent something petty, niggling, trivial, or picayune being a denigrating term applied to unrealistic training or to make work duties which waste resources and diminish morale compare CHICKEN SHIT, SPEEDING TICKET, BOONDOGGLE, SKATE, SLACKER, REST ON OARS, SEAT OF THE PANTS, TAP-DANCER, BLOW SMOKE, FUCK-UP, FUCKED-UP, CLUSTER FUCK, WTFO, SOL, BOHICA. Also, an anthropomorphized cartoon character created by Walt Disney, characterized by white gloves, red shorts, and oversized shoes, it debuted in the 1928 animated short Steamboat Willie, the 1940 feature Fantasia, and dozens of other films MICKEY MOUSE (originally conceived as Mortimer) has a girlfriend (Minnie), a dog (Pluto), and symbolizes Disney productions, including the Mickey Mouse Club (c1955) compare TUNNEL RAT. nb: the Disney Studio designed and executed (at no charge) scores of unofficial insignia during WWII, which contributed immeasurably to troop morale MICKEY MOUSE BATTLESHIP. slang designation for a motor launch that was lightly armored and fitted with three .50cal machineguns (MG) as an improvised patrol vessel in the Pacific at the beginning of WWII see PT BOAT, PBL, GUNBOAT, SKIMMER, BOAT. MICKEY MOUSE BOOTS. waterproof and insulated rubber boots, with traction sole and ventilation ports, worn over regular issue combat boots for protection in severe winter conditions these are the military version of insulated overshoes or galoshes, so-called do to their exaggerated appearance. MICKEY MOUSE BOOTS, which were colored white for arctic camouflage, and were designed to readily fit onto cross-country (Nordic) skis, actually worked too well causing the feet of an active soldier to overheat, and risk frostbite when the perspiration froze. This boot was developed after the experiences of WWII and Korea, when the military issued shoepacs as winter boots. shoepacs (or shoepacks), often called pacs, were heavy waterproofed boots imitative of double insole moccasins originating with the Delaware Indians. Compare BUNNY BOOTS, see FOOTWEAR. cf: mukluk, a high soft boot of sealskin or deerhide, usually double-soled and fur-lined, originally worn by Eskimos also spelled mucluc or muckluck, as derived from bearded seal (maklak), misapplied to sealskin boots MICROAGGRESSION. the expression of subtle forms of discrimination or bias a form of socially acceptable hostility directed toward anyone representing the thoughts or ideas, observations or experiences, impressions or sensations that differ from those that are currently popular, conventional, or normative. See CONFLICT, LOW-INTENSITY CONFLICT, THE LESSER OF EVILS, STRUGGLE, PLAY THE GAME, FLOWER WAR, COCKTAIL WARS. MICROMANAGEMENT. to manage or control with excessive attention to minor details to direct people or procedures with unnecessary guidance a person exhibits such compensatory behavior as an obsessivecompulsive adjustment to his powerlessness in larger affairs, whether consciously or subconsciously recognizing his impotence, so that his manifest preoccupation with minutia will grant him the impression of, if not actually bestow or restore, some level of reinforcing control over the conduct or disposition of events affecting his life, because he either lacks the strength of character to accept uncertainty, or is too psychicly frail to trust anyone elses judgment and competence. See WIGGLE ROOM, OFF THE RESERVATION, OUTSIDE THE WIRE, CHECKING THE DICTIONARY, VFR DIRECT, UNODIR, SCRIPTURES, READ-BACK, PARTY LINE, EYE-CHECK, RUN IT UP THE FLAGPOLE, CASTRATION ANXIETY, REASSURANCE, MILICRAT, BRASS EAR, PINS IN THE MAP SYNDROME, HANDLER, BRIEF-BACK, COMPARTMENTALIZATION, HEADQUARTERISM, COMMAND RATIO, LOYALTY UP - LOYALTY DOWN, COMBAT EFFECTIVE, DONT DO NOTHING, DONT SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF, NO EXCUSE, ZERO TOLERANCE, OVERSIGHT compare BIG PICTURE. v: in loco parentis nb: a good leader cultivates competence real life always transcends the rule book Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. by George S. Patton Jr MID. Military Intelligence Detachment see MI, DET. MIDDIE. diminutive of midshipman, a student at the U. S. Naval Academy (USNA) in Annapolis, MD also known as CRAB or SQUID see CADET, COASTIES, SNOTTY, DOGSBODY, MISTER, GOAT, TRADE SCHOOL. MIDDLE DISTANCE. see THOUSAND-YARD STARE. MIDDLE EAST. the Mid-East Near East operational area, including Afghanistan, Turkey, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the other countries of the Arabian peninsula (formerly extending to India, Burma and Tibet) see SANDBOX, FIVE SEAS. MIDNIGHT REQUISITION. misappropriation of government property, also called midnight redistribution and moonlight requisition distinguished from theft (peculation) in that the goods are used for unit operations, and are not for personal enrichment or BLACK MARKET profit. Under-supplied GRUNTs with field skills regarded stealing from REMFs as good practice for enemy action. Compare SCROUNGE see REDNECK CREDIT CARD. v: a nigger in the woodpile MIDNIGHT SUN. also known as WHITE NIGHT see TIME. MIDRATS. in NavSpeak, a contraction of MIDnight RATionS, being a snack (typically composed of leftovers) thats prepared for the watchstanders who are coming on duty at midnight, but the remnants are often shared with the watchstanders of the departing section. MIDWATCH. the night shift, usually extending from midnight until dawn also called middle watch, and known as sunrise watch, graveyard shift, or graveyard watch. In the Navy, this is the midnight to 0400 DUTY shift, which is also known as 00 to 4 or balls to four. Compare DOGWATCH see WATCH, TIME, O-DARK-THIRTY, WHITE NIGHT. nb: people who work at night and sleep during the day tend to have a more negative or pessimistic attitude, to be more emotionally or mentally depressed, are more prone to becoming physically unfit, and are more susceptible to illness or disease than are daytime coworkers MIGHT MAKES RIGHT. a catch-phrase denoting REALPOLITIK, and as ancient a concept as WAR itself, wherein force or power reigns also represented as might is right. Ideationally, it first appears in Hesiods parable of Homer and the Hawk (vae victis), then in Thucydides representation of The Melian Dialogue (the strong do what they can, the weak suffer what they must) during the Peloponnesian War. Furthermore, this phrase also connotes the rationale for whatever sociopolitical system that happens to dominate society, be it moral authority, religious zeal, legalistic conviction, genetic superiority, democratic plurality, or any other imperative. Prescriptively, the strongest or most dominant element always determines social policy, and therefore cultural norms, in the same way that the victors write the history. whatever level of proscriptive control or punitive restraint is exercised over divergence or dissent is also a function of that same governance. History has shown that every such system, from ethnarchy and oligarchy to theocracy and gerontocracy, from plutocracy and stratocracy to timocracy and ochlocracy, inevitably becomes corrupt and oppressive, necessitating a change when itself also becomes dysfunctional and self-defeating. The latest iteration of the will to power (Nietzsche) is egalitarian technocracy, a pseudo-scientific social Darwinism, that only manifests humanitys obsession with self-delusion. nb: But now, instead of discussion and argument, brute force rises up to the rescue of discomfited error, and crushes truth and right into the dust. Might makes right . and hoary folly totters on in her mad career escorted by armies and navies. by Adin Ballou Where might is, the right is: Long purses make strong swords. Let weakness learn meekness: God save the House of Lords by A. C. Swinburne Let us have faith that right makes might and in that faith let us to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it. by Abraham Lincoln Soldiers have many faults, but they have one redeeming merit they are never worshippers of force. Soldiers more than any other men are taught severely and systematically that might is not right. The fact is obvious. The might is in the hundred men who obey. The right (or what is held to be right) is in the one man who commands them. by G. K. Chesterton People believe whatever they want to believe. The sad truth is that being right has never changed anything. Because truth always requires substantiation or enforcement, convention is as good as conviction, plurality is as good as reality, and might is as good as right. anonymous nb: The Kings Final Argument is a phrase that was routinely incised into European cannon barrels from the Renaissance until World War I typically inscribed in Latin (Ultima Ratio Regis Utema Rasio Regum), it means that the greatest weaponry ultimately settles any dispute MIGHTY MITE. a high-powered blower used to force smoke or tear gas (CS) into BUNKER systems and tunnel complexes sometimes called mighty mike. See SMOKY BEAR, POP SMOKE. MIHN OI. sweetheart in Vietnamese compare CO, SHACK-JOB, SLEEPING DICTIONARY, CAMPAIGN WIFE, SHORT-TIME, BUTTERFLY. MIJI. (mee-gee) acronym for Meaconing, Interference, Jamming, Intrusion, or for Messaging, Interference, Jamming, Intrusion see MEACONING, TRICK, RUSE DE GUERRE, MUSIC, NOISE, ECM, DECEPTION. MIKE. the phonetic letter M, representing minute (eg: one-five mikes 15 minutes), meter (eg: two-hundred mikes 200 meters), or millimeter (eg: twenty mike-mike 20mm). Also, the word assigned to represent the letter M in the international phonetic alphabet see ALPHABET SOUP, PHONETIC ALPHABET. v: Alphabet Codes amp Signal Flags MIKE-MIKE. phonetic representation of MAD MINUTE also of millimeter (0.001m or 0.03937). either Mobile Strike Force (MSF) or Mobile Guerrilla Force (MGF), also called STRIKERS composed of INDIGenous personnel trained as airborne infantry with Special Forces ADVISORs, and used as a reaction force or special mission unit. Headquarters under MIKE FORCE Command (MFC), DET B-55, 5th SFGA. See CSF, BLACKJACK, NECK SCARF compare GCMA, UNPFK. nb: not to be confused with RVNs Civillian Defense Force (Nhan Dan Tu Ve) which was only a part-time MILITIA MIL. abbreviation for MILitary or MILitia (qv). Also, a measurement equal to the angle subtended by 16400 of a circumference, or a one-thousandth degree, as derived from Latin millesimus see AZIMUTH, BEARING, COMPASS, HEADING. nb: the 4 cardinal points are subtended by 32 compass points, which are equivalent to 360 degrees or 6400 mils as a rule of thumb: 1 mil subtends 1 meter at 1 kilometer Also, a unit of length equal to 0.001 of an inch (0.0254 mm), or a one-thousandth inch see PEEPERS, ZERO. any vessel, vehicle, or craft, especially aircraft, meeting military specifications. Also, slang for the body of knowledge and skills necessary to perform in military situations a talent or forte, knack or bent, and also known as repertoire or skill-set, as derived by analogy to TRADECRAFT, priestcraft, kingcraft, statecraft, stagecraft, campcraft, woodcraft, fieldcraft, etc. See MOS, PMOS, BILLET, BERTH, POI, KISS, TRNG, PRESTRESS, OJT, Q-COURSE, BOLO BADGE, TRASH, OBSTACLE COURSE, CONFIDENCE COURSE, COUNTERINTUITIVE, CROSS-TRAINING, TICKET, RATING, PRO PAY, 3 Rs, MIL-SPEAK, TICKET-PUNCHER, SCRAP METAL COLLECTOR. MILE. a unit of distance measured on land in English-speaking countries thats equal to 5280 feet, 1760 yards, or 1.609 kilometers abbreviated mi, and formally known as statute mile as derived from Latin (milia passuum) for a thousand paces. Also, any of various other units of distance at different periods and in different countries, such as Roman mile (approximately 1620 yards or 1480 meters), geographical mile (a minute of longitude on the equator). Compare MIL, NAUTICAL MILE, KNOT, KLICK see RANGER BEADS. MILES. Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System, being a casualty scoring method for use in WAR GAMES and other modern combat simulations. Compare SIM-AMMO, BLANK see AMMO. MILICRAT. contraction of MILItary bureauCRAT, being a military manager who thinks that the Armed Forces later: Uniformed Services should operate like a corporation also known as gutless wonder for unwillingness to take risks, and as ladder monkey for ambition for promotion by imitation this stuffed-shirt or EMPTY SUIT is sometimes known as buroid as a contraction of bureaucratic android, or militute as a contraction of military prostitute. See HOMESTEADER, LIFER, OLD BREED, TICKET-PUNCHER, RING-KNOCKER, KHAKI MAFIA, FOLLOW THE DRUM, FAST TRACK, UP OR OUT, MIL-PERS, FLATHEAD, WONK, HONCHO, GADGET, ACTING JACK, BREVET, OFFICER, BRASS HAT, RHIP, SWINE LOG, MIL-SPEC, MIL-SPEAK, BRASS EAR, PARTY LINE, SCRIPTURES, HEADQUARTERISM, WIGGLE ROOM, TAP-DANCER, RUN IT UP THE FLAGPOLE, WANGLE, CYA, DODGE THE BULLET, SHOOT YOURSELF IN THE FOOT, HIC, PYHOOYA, SMOKE n MIRRORS, BLOW SMOKE, HOT AIR, SNOW, PING-PONG, SNOWFLAKE, CONFETTI, ORIFICE, RED TAPE, PAPER BULLET, FORM, REPORT, WHITE PAPER, PM, ZD, NO EXCUSE, VULCANIZE, BOOTSTRAP, PROFESSOR, THE UNHOLY TRINITY, RAINMAKER, WALLAH, SANTA CLAUS, BEAN-COUNTER, ACETATE COMMANDO, CHAIRBORNE, CHAIR FORCE, RHIP, BROWN NOSER, DOG ROBBER, DOGSBODY, PUKE, DELEGATOR, DRONE, AIDE, RAPPORTEUR, STAFF, TASK SATURATION, LOYALTY UP - LOYALTY DOWN, OVERSIGHT, ROUGHSHOD, DOUBLE-DIP. cf: apparatchik, nomenklatura, eunuch, nabob, nibs placeholder, chair warmer, time-server, coffee-cooler checkbook gardener, gentleman farmer, patron of the arts, white knight, fairy godmother, benefactor meritocrat, technocrat, bureaucrat, theocrat nb: Algerism, an eponym for the politico who was probably the worst Secretary of War in American history, became the national byword for bureaucratic sloath, cronyism, and incompetence, becoming a synonym for venality and ineptitude after Russell A. Alger, attorney and capitalist, Michigan governor and U. S. Senator, CIVIL WAR Major General and Spanish American War Secretary of War nb: every MILICRAT knows that the most dangerous people in the military are not HEROes, but are disgruntled MIL-PERS who are frustrated by MICKEY MOUSE and CHICKEN SHIT, by SNOW and RED TAPE, and having been passed over twice for promotion, are serving their terminal assignment, and because they are honorable men who have not STACKed ARMS, they know that there is nothing that the TICKET-PUNCHERs and RING-KNOCKERs of the KHAKI MAFIA can do to them MILITARISM. a national policy of maintaining a large military establishment a policy advocating a strong military. Also, a principle that regards military efficiency as the supreme ideal of the state, subordinating all other interests to those of the military. MILITARIZE MILITARIZATION. to equip with armed forces, military supplies, or the like. Also, to imbue with MILITARISM to make military. MILITARY. pertaining to the ARMED FORCES, or the military establishment, especially when distinguishing the army from the navy often abbreviated MIL (qv). Also, pertaining to or characteristic of a soldier, the BEARING or DUTY of a MIL-PERS as derived from MILE (qv). Also, pertaining to WAR or COMBAT. MILITARY ACADEMY. a school organized in a manner somewhat resembling the procedures of military life also known as a military school. Also, a school that trains prospective officers for military careers, usually as part of a college education see TRADE SCHOOL. v: Siwash (At Good Old Siwash by George Helgeson Fitch (1911) v: kriegsakademie, kriegsschule v: What happens in school stays in school v: West Point slang Military Schools MILITARY ATTACHEacute. see ATTACHEacute. MILITARY BRUSH. one of a pair of matched hairbrushes without handles, which men use in personal grooming a component of a gentlemans DOPP KIT or DITTY BAG. MILITARY BUREAUCRAT. see MILICRAT. MILITARY CREST. the distance below the top of a hill or ridge, which varies depending upon the terrain, where personnel or vehicles can move without being silhouetted, and from which the other side can be observed. Sometimes called shoulder, as distinct from the brink, brim, or brow. See SKYLINE, REVERSE SLOPE. v: Climbing Terms MILITARY CURRENCY. a form of fiat money (scrip) that is issued by competent authority as the sole type of LEGAL TENDER circulated for the exchange of goods and services during a specified period, including invasion currency and occupation currency. See MPC, FUN NY MONEY, CANDY, JUICE, THE EAGLE SHITS compare BAD PAPER, SPIRIT MONEY. nb: banana notes, so-called due to the banana tree depicted on its face, were issued by Imperial Japan in countries occupied as part of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere MILITARY DANCES. the oldest of all dances (eg: Corybantic dances), executed with swords, javelins, and bucklers and said to have been invented by Minerva to celebrate the victory of the gods over the Titans in Greek mythology, any of a race of gods (the children of Uranus and Gaea), who lost their supremacy over the world after a great battle with the Olympian gods. See MORRIS DANCE, WITH BELLS ON, COUNT COUP. MILITARY FREE-FALL. see MFF. MILITARY FREE-FALL SIMULATOR. see VWT. MILITARY GRID. two sets of parallel lines that intersect at right angles so as to form standard-scaled squares, which are superimposed on maps, charts, and other similar representations of the surface of the earth in an accurate and consistent manner, permitting ground locations to be identified, compared, and differentiated as to calculated direction and computed distance also called graticule or GRID LINES, and forming the basis of the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS). MILITARY GOVERNMENT. the administrative rule under MARTIAL LAW of defeated peoples in an OCCUPIED TERRITORY by the military commander of a conquering nation the practices of MILITARY GOVERNMENT were standardized before WWI at the Hague Conferences of 1899 and 1907, and form a part of the LAWS OF WAR. See MILITARY GOVERNOR, CONSTABULARY, GARRISON STATE. nb: Nazi Germany administered occupied countries (such as France, Belgium, Norway, Greece, and Serbia) through a hierarchy of military government headquarters (Kommandaturen) Allied Military Government (AMG) began to function (in Sicily and Italy) in 1943, then was incorporated into the MARSHALL PLAN through CIVIL AFFAIRS AGREEMENTs, which occupations were ended by treaty with Japan in 1951 and Germany in 1955 a new convention covering military occupation was signed in Geneva in 1949 MILITARY GOVERNOR. the military commander of a conquering nation who administers MARTIAL LAW for the rule of defeated peoples in an OCCUPIED TERRITORY the military officer in command of a MILITARY GOVERNMENT. MILITARY GRADE. an informal referent that implies a certain level of toughness or ruggedness, durability or reliability an unofficial qualifier that is supposed to signify battle-worthiness see MIL-SPEC, SNUFF, GOOD ENOUGH FOR GOVERNMENT WORK. nb: A brontosaurus is a salamander designed to Mil-Spec. nb: in an effort to control costs and reduce waste, the DoD has instituted a policy of non-duplication in military procurement (Military Adaptable Commercial Item ), such that a mil-spec contract will NOT be let whenever a commercial off the shelf (COTS) product is close enough for government work and does not require special features so some name brand items are now in logistical inventory MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. the network of a nations military force together with all of the industries that support it the collective influence of the Armed Forces, the industries that supply them, and the government entities that regulate them from a 1961 precautionary speech by Dwight David Eisenhower. See BELTWAY CLERK, SAND CRAB, BELTWAY BANDIT, PORK BARREL, POLITICAL ENGINEERING, YANKEE, UNCLE SAM, SOG, THE ESTABLISHMENT, THE G, POLITICIAN, ACT OF CONGRESS, THE HILL, FOGGY BOTTOM. nb: Over grown military establishments are, under any form of government, inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty. by George Washington In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. by Dwight D. Eisenhower MILITARY INTELLIGENCE. see MI, INTEL. MILITARY LAW. the body of laws relating to the governance of the Armed Forces the system of rules and regulations that have been established for the control and discipline of military personnel, or any other persons under the jurisdiction of the military, which are administered by military officers or their representative subordinates. See PUNITIVE ARTICLES, ORDER, SOFA, OFFICE HOURS, CAPTAINS MAST, ROCKS n SHOALS, UCMJ, MCM, COURT MARTIAL, MARTIAL LAW, MILITARY GOVERNMENT, LAWS OF WAR. MILITARY MARCH. a brisk MARCH, especially a rousing one thats suitable for a military procession or pageant see PARADE, PASS IN REVIEW, NATIONAL MARCH. MILITARY MIND. common expression for the professional mind-set that unemotionally evaluates every issue affecting the accomplishment of a crucial mission a reasonable or rational mind, a trained or mastermind, as Theres no doubt in my military mind that. . See THE PLAN, COURSE OF ACTION, CAPABILITY, CHECKING THE DICTIONARY, FIELD EXPEDIENT, RUN IT UP THE FLAGPOLE, EYE-CHECK, HOUSE OF CARDS, RAIN ON PARADE, CONFUSION, SEAT OF THE PANTS, HELMET FIRE, FLAK, STATIC, NOISE, CONFETTI, SNOW, MIND CANDY, HIDEBOUND, BRASSBOUND, BOX HEAD, WHITE ELEPHANT, DANCE CARD, ELEPHANT DANCE, ABSTRACTION, BOYDLOOP, OODALOOP, LAW OF AVERAGES, GAMBLERS FALLACY, UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE, PRINCIPLE OF LEAST FORCE, LEAST RESISTANCE, LAW OF DIMINISHING RETURNS, LAW OF UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES, LORENTZ CONTRACTION, LORENTZ TRANSFORMATION, PARADIGM SHIFT, OUTSIDE THE BOX. MILITARY ORDER OF THE COOTIES. conceived as a fun and honor society for the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the USA (VFW) in late 1919 by several members of the Imperial Order of the Dragon (IOD), a higher degree of the United Spanish-American War Veterans (USAWV), it was first opened for membership on 17 September 1920, and made part of the VFW on 24 September 1921. Utilizing a secret three-degree initiation ritual, members are inducted into Pup Tents under the leadership of the Supreme Seam Squirrel, and are kept informed by the Supreme Scratch in a newsletter entitled Cootie Tickle. See BOYS CLUB, VETERANS ASSOCIATION, COOTIE, GRAYBACK, CRAB, COMFORT STATION. MILITARY ORDER OF THE DEVIL DOGS. conceived as a fun and honor society for members of the Marine Corps League in 1937, with applicant Pups sponsored by two Pedigreed Devil Dogs and interviewed at a Pound Growl if accepted, the inductee undergoes an initiation ritual. Members wear dog tags on a ribbon (black Pup, red Devil Dog, gold Pedigreed Devil Dog) around their neck, and are organized in Pounds (under a Poundkeeper), Packs (under a Pack Leader), and a Kennel (under the Chief Devil Dog). The Military Order of the Devil Dogs promotes good fellowship among League detachments, and is active in fund-raising for childrens hospitals and charities. The name teufelhunden derives from the Imperial German characterization of the courage and tenacity of the American Marines at the 1918 Battle of Belleau Wood. See BOYS CLUB, VETERANS ASSOCIATION, BULLDOG, SNUFFY, LEATHERNECK, MARINE, USMC. MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART. a Congressionally chartered association of veterans who have been wounded in action (WIA) and earned at least one Purple Heart (PH) medal this organization employs service officers to counsel and represent veterans in pension claims with the Veterans Administration (USDVA) see VETERANS ASSOCIATION, MILLION DOLLAR WOUND, BROKEN-WING SYNDROME, PROFILE, LINE OF DUTY, WHOLE MAN, PAY DUES, PROFESSIONAL VETERAN. MILITARY PACE. a single step or stride thats used to coordinate the marching of soldiers in formation, being a distance equal to thirty inches (3076cm) for quick time, and three feet (3691cm) for double time see DRILL, THE BIBLE, CADENCE, BY THE NUMBERS. MILITARY PENTATHLON. see PENTATHLON. MILITARY POLICE. servicemembers who perform regulatory and investigative police duties within the military, especially soldiers in the Army compare SP, SHORE PATROL, MASTER-AT-ARMS see MP, AP, POLICE. MILITARY PRESS. a sharp horizontal crease at the yoke, with bisecting vertical creases descending, ironed into a military dress shirt or BLOUSE, now only worn by performance drill teams called military creases by Marines, they were sometimes sewn-in for an even more dramatic effect see CHROME-DOME, SAM BROWNE BELT, MILITARY TUCK, TOY SOLDIER, ASU, DRESS. Also, a physical training exercise for increasing upper-body strength see PT. nb: this phrase does not refer to RUMOR, PARTY LINE, PROPAGANDA, or publications, such as YANK or STARS AND STRIPES MILITARY SCHOOL. see MILITARY ACADEMY, TRADE SCHOOL. MILITARY SCIENCE. an academic classification for the disciplined course of study on the causative factors and tactical principles of warfare thats undertaken as preparation for military service a misnomer for military arts and their practices see DRILL, BY THE BOOK, BY THE NUMBERS, SCHOOL SOLUTION, PRIMROSE PATH, PARTY LINE, CHECKING THE DICTIONARY, HIDEBOUND, BRASSBOUND, BRASS EAR, BOX HEAD, MILITARY MIND, TOE THE LINE, ROUTINE, SCRIPTURES. cf: social science, political science, library science, information science, computer science, domestic science, etc MILITARY TAN. the pattern of tanned skin obtained by outdoorsmen (eg: soldiers, foresters, farmers, etc) who are compelled to wear uniforms or protective clothing being a sun-tan only on the face, neck, throat, forearms, and hands, leaving the rest of the body untanned. This tan pattern becomes amusingly obvious when the individual changes attire, or is naked. Compare TOC TAN, SAFE HOUSE TAN. nb: a civilian version of this phenomenon is the slam tan, which is produced by extended outdoor exposure while wearing protective gear, such as pads for the knees, elbows, and wrists, while engaged in various extreme sports activities MILITARY TUCK. the tightly folded side seams of the uniform shirt that are held in place by properly aligned and buckled trousers, which presents a smooth taut appearance, because military clothing sizes are only approximate at best. The MILITARY TUCK is performed on all uniforms for a good appearance, but tailoring should only be performed on dress uniforms due to diminished range of motion. See GIG LINE, MILITARY PRESS, SAM BROWNE BELT, SPIT n POLISH, CHROME-DOME, TOY SOLDIER. MILITIA. that venerable body of citizen soldiers (including sailors and airmen) who are enrolled for military service, called out periodically for drill, but serving full time only during war and in declared emergencies the National Guard or reserve component, as distinguished from a standing army of professional soldiers. A cornstalk or broomstick MILITIA is one without weapons, using simulated arms for drill and training, but otherwise acting as a deterrent by its mere existence or presence. An early prototype was the national militia developed by Philip of Macedon however, the modern concept of the militia as a defensive organization against invaders grew out of the Anglo-Saxon fyrd, wherein civilians served in times of crisis and then returned to their occupations when the emergency was over. Militias continued through the Middle Ages, declining after the rise of large standing armies, but persist as a philosophical alternative (citizen soldier) to military careerists (MILICRAT) theyre also known as the territorial reserve or special reserve. Also, in the broadest sense, all able-bodied males eligible by law for military service. See WEEKEND WARRIOR, MINUTEMAN, PARAMILITARY, STRIKER, MUSTER DAY, TRAINBAND, DRAFT, DRAFTEE, THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS. cf: fyrd, landsturm v: pandour nb: during WWII, the term militiaitis was coined by USMC MG Holland Howling Mad Smith to summarize the contemptible condition of reserve units composed of incompetent socialites with obsolete skills, that were oriented toward style over substance and reputation over mission, which needed almost as much (re-)training and (re-)organization as brand new units MILITIAMAN MILITIAMEN. a person serving in the MILITIA. MILK RUN. any ordinary event or routine procedure, especially a safe or secure undertaking in an area otherwise designated as hostile or hazardous see NO SWEAT, LAUGH A MINUTE, PIECE OF CAKE, WALK IN THE PARK, CAKEWALK, DUCK SOUP, BLUE BALL, ASH n TRASH. MILLION DOLLAR WOUND. any combat injury severe enough for medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) but not permanently disfiguring or totally disabling a means to obtain convalescent LEAVE for recovery, which is why this wound was also called a hometowner. This wound often elicits a temporary PROFILE for a light duty reassignment. The wartime rule for anyone whos earned three PURPLE HEARTs prohibits reassignment to a combat role, but serious professionals subvert this dictum. See LINE OF DUTY, GI BILL, WIA, GSW-TTH, TBI, PINK, PH, DUSTOFF, MEDEVAC, PTSD, CONVERSION SYMPTOMS, PROFILE, MAIM, MUTILATE, WHOLE MAN, DOUBLE-DIP, THE EAGLE SHITS compare SIW, DOW, KIA. nb: the MILLION DOLLAR WOUND is often mistaken for acquiring an injury that hits the benefits jackpot or breaks the VA bank, but it is actually synonymous with a minor wound, one that can be recuperated from. a permanent handicap is not something to willingly seek MILLPOND. a 17-point program, approved by President John F. Kennedy on 9 March 1961, to prepare or improve the US military posture in Laos also known as OPN MILLPOND. See PEO, WHITE STAR. MILPER. MILitary PERsonnel a servicemember in the Armed Forces or Uniformed Services, a MIL-PERS. MIL-PERS. MILitary PERSonnel, or MILitary PERSon anyone serving in uniform with the Armed Forces later, Uniformed Services, a servicemember or MILPER compare SHEEP-DIPPED, see MILICRAT, SWINE LOG, BRASS HAT, BOOT, BIRDMAN, ZOOMIE, GROUND HOG, SQUID, SWABBY, SNUFFY, DOGFACE, CRUNCHY, LEG, SKIRT, GI JANE, GI JOE, WARM BODY, KNUCKLE-DRAGGER, GI. nb: persons or groups engaged in violent conduct against a duly constituted authority or its designated adherents are not entitled to the protective provisions of domestic or international laws see MILITIA, MINUTEMAN, PARAMILITARY, MERCENARY, GUERRILLA, INSURGENT, TERRORIST MILS MISLS. Military Intelligence (Service) Language School, operated at Fort Snelling MN during WWII see DLI, MI, CIC, YANKEE SAMURAI. MIL-SPEAK. military slang and jargon, military lingo. Such bureaucratese or officialese may be compared to Orwellian doublespeak, and subdivided into NavSpeak or ArSpeak as a hierarchically multiplex mode of convoluted symbolic parameters and indecipherable synergistic algorithms representative of the transpersonal colloquies and interfaced confirmations essential for redundant bureaucratic authorizations. See TALK TRASH, CONFETTI, SNOW, BLOW SMOKE, RED TAPE, TALK THE TALK, VERNACULAR, BAMBOO ENGLISH, PIDGIN, CREOLE, LINGUA FRANCA, JARGON, ALPHABET SOUP, PIG LATIN, DOG LATIN, POLYGLOT, AAAAAAA. v: drivel, obfuscation, double-talk, nonsense, bombast, malarkey, claptrap, bunkum, gibber jabber, gibble-gabble, bosh, twaddle, flummery, bafflegab, gobbledygook, tommyrot, balderdash nb: Zipfs Law of Linguistics asserts that while a few words in any natural language are used quite often, most words are used infrequently, which statistical observation was first made by George Kingsley Zipf nb: After all, when you come right down to it, how many people speak the same language even when they speak the same language by Russell Hoban MIL-SPEC. conforming to MILitary SPECifications for minimum performance or standard quality. The good enough for government issue criterion is based upon the lowest cost for all the required features of any procurement. See HALF-ASSED, NSN, GOOD ENOUGH FOR GOVERNMENT WORK, 100 MPH TAPE, 1000 MPH TAPE, FLASHLIGHT, LIGHT STICK, HOOLIGAN, FLASHBANG, GPS, MUGR, ENVIS, VIPER. nb: A brontosaurus is a salamander designed to mil-spec. nb: the combat zone is, by definition, a destructive area, so whatever exists there is either disposable, replaceable, or made as cheaply as possible to do the required job superiority is a shifting objective, a changeable goal that must be factored by time and resources, which is always competing with sufficiency cf: faute de mieux (French: for want of something better) nb: in an effort to control costs and reduce waste, the DoD has instituted a policy of non-duplication in military procurement (Military Adaptable Commercial Item ), such that a mil-spec contract will NOT be let whenever a commercial off the shelf (COTS) product is close enough for government work and does not require special features so some name brand items are now in logistical inventory MIMEOGRAPH. formerly a trademark for a small printing machine with an ink-fed drum, around which a cut waxed stencil was placed so that successive sheets of paper could be fed into it for reproduction available for electrical or manual operation, and readily portable, all ORDERs and CIRCULARs were reproduced by mimeography before computerization. cf: silkscreen process, xerography, offset lithography MIND-BENDER. see HEADSHRINKER. MIND CANDY. slang expression for an improbable course, an absurd proposal, or an unworkable solution as a vision, prospect, proposition, aspiration, scheme, notion, desire, fancy, dream, fantasy, phantasm, concoction, figment, contrivance, illusion, mirage, chimera, hallucination, reverie, daydream, musing, wishful thinking, brown study, delusion, pipe dream, castles in the air, pie in the sky, will-o-the-wisp, wisp, ignis fatuus. See COURSE OF ACTION, PLAN B, BAND-AID, RUN IT UP THE FLAGPOLE, WIGGLE ROOM, HOUSE OF CARDS, WET DREAM, MAGGOT, WHITE ELEPHANT, BELL THE CAT, WANGLE, FAIRY DUST, MILITARY MIND, GOOD ENOUGH FOR GOVERNMENT WORK, McNAMARAS WALL, RAIN ON PARADE. MINDER. by shortening of reminder, being someone who serves as an attendant or acts as an escort, especially for civilians or other guests while theyre visiting secure facilities or military installations compare AIDE. Also, slang for a personal protector or BODYGUARD see PDS, PSD. MIND-SET. see THE ARMY WAY, MIL-SPEC, GOOD ENOUGH FOR GOVERNMENT WORK, PARTY LINE, ZOMBIE, ZERO TOLERANCE, LAW OF AVERAGES, GAMBLERS FALLACY, UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE, PRINCIPLE OF LEAST FORCE, LEAST RESISTANCE, LAW OF DIMINISHING RETURNS, LAW OF UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES, PARADIGM SHIFT, BOYDLOOP, SCHOOL SOLUTION, BOX HEAD, HIDEBOUND, BRASSBOUND, MILITARY MIND, NIH (Not Invented Here), REINVENT THE WHEEL, DOUBLE STANDARD. MINE. usually subdivided into automatic and command detonated, then further categorized as Anti-Personnel (aP) and Anti-Tank (AT) or Anti-Vehicle, and classified as standardized or improvised construction also known as an egg, as well as CLAYMORE, BOUNCING BETTY, TOE-POPPER, PETARD, CAMOUFLET, CAISSON, DEVILS GARDEN, LSM, CAPTOR, FISH. See EOD, EFP, UDT, IED, MOTHER OF SATAN, LO DUN, TU DAI, INFLUENCE MINE, ALPHA-ALPHA, BOOBY-TRAP, DET CORD, CLACKER, TRIPWIRE, TRIGGER, EXPLODER, INFLUENCE PISTOL, SAPPER, COCKTAIL, SOUP, CHARGE, EXPLOSIVE, BOMB, FANFARE, PARAVANE, RAMICS, MUSETTE, MINEFIELD, MINESWEEPER, COUNTER-MINE. nb: the Chinese first used iron-cased land mines in AD 1277, modified the casement to bamboo and converted the ground thunder mines to self-tripping automatic triggers by 1412, and self-detonating mines were made by 1573. mine craft arrived in Europe by technomigration in 1403. MINE DETECTOR. (forthcoming) aka: metal detector ANPRS-4 - Mine detector used by combat engineers compare FALL GUY nb: Every foot soldier can be a mine detector. once. MINEFIELD. (forthcoming) aka: DEVILS GARDEN MINESWEEPER. (forthcoming) see GUINEA-PIG nb: Any ship can be a mine sweeper. once. MINIGUN. a light (85 complete assembly weighs a third less than one M-2 heavy MG) but effective six-barrel machinegun (MG) of 7.62mm caliber thats able to fire by barrel rotation (similar to old Gatling Gun) at rates of 2,000-4,000 rounds per minute first made by General Electric in 1960. Because the MINIGUN (variously M-134, GAU-17A, GAU-2B) is electrically operated, it is almost always mounted on-board a vessel, aircraft, or assault vehicle, such as SPOOKY, SPECTRE, DRAGON SHIP, GO-GO SHIP, COBRA, etc. Firing the MINIGUN produces a distinctive MOAN n GROAN sound, so it is also known as a MOANING MINI. See HOSE, VULCAN, DUSTER, DOVER DOG, BOFORS. v: gat, slang derived from Gatling gun, referred to any machinegun, then any portable or compact machinegun, and finally to a pistol MINI-POUNDER. small RADAR transmitter used to mark locations on the ground for radar-carrying aircraft. MINISUB. a small submarine, holding only one or a few persons, as used in naval special operations, underwater explorations, or when conducting underwater experiments a contraction of MINIature SUBmarine, and also called midget sub. See GIGGLES n BANGS, PRESSURE HULL, MOTHER SHIP, SUBMARINE compare SDV, AUV, ROV. nb: a 2-man version, sized about 6 by 70, used during WWII by the Imperial Japanese Navy was identified as a Special Purpose Submarine, and was transported (PIGGYBACKed) on deck behind the CONNING TOWER of a full sized sub (MOTHER SHIP), before being occupied and launched into action cf: bathyscapebathyscaphe MINUTEMAN. an American intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) with three stages thats powered by solid-propellant rocket engines see MISSILE. Also, a member of a group of American militiamen just before and during the Revolutionary War who held themselves in readiness for instant military service see AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Also, a member of a small, secretive, ultraconservative organization that formed into armed groups for the declared purpose of conducting GUERRILLA WARFARE against a communist invasion of the United States compare MILITIA, WEEKEND WARRIOR, PARAMILITARY, COUNTER-GUERRILLA, COUNTERINSURGENCY. cf: fyrd, landsturm MIRV. (murv) acronym for Multiple Independently-targetable Reentry Vehicle, being the WAR NOSE on a MISSILE that carries several nuclear WARHEADs, each of which can be directed to a different target during the return of the ROCKET from outer space into the earths atmosphere also represented as M. I.R. V. MIS. (m-i-s) Military Intelligence Service, established September 1941 in cooperation with the Defense Language School (later redesignated the Military Intelligence Language School) for training INTEL specialists who could translate documents and interrogate prisoners in order to acquire and assess military information. Military Intelligence Service members, called MISers (m-i-s-ers), comprised about 6,000 Japanese-American interpreters, being Neisei, Kibei, and Sansei citizens, who were attached for temporary duty (TDY) to combat units in the Pacific, China-Burma-India, and European theaters of operation. The MIS translation interrogation intel element assigned to OSS Det 101 operating in the CBI theater with rebel GUERRILLAs was nicknamed Dixie for this association with confederates for shared objectives. During the final year of WWII in the Pacific theater, the MIS published a Japanese language newspaper that was called Parachute News because it was delivered to Imperial forces and civilians by AIRDROP from B-29s in an effort to counter the anti-American PARTY LINE with WHITE PROPAGANDA and encouragements to surrender. See DLI, CIC, MI, PURPLE HEART BATTALION, LOST BATTALION. MISANTHROPY. the detestation, dislike, or distrust of humankind. a not unreasonable viewpoint, albeit pessimistic, for adherents of the warrior ethos see KILL EM ALL, MASSACRE, BUTCHERS BILL, WARMONGER, TRIGGER-HAPPY, BOUNCE THE RUBBLE, BOMB EM BACK TO THE STONE AGE, DOOMSDAY, OVERKILL, KNOCK INTO A COCKED HAT, GENOCIDE, ATROCITY. v: misogyny, misandry, phobia, - ophobe (zenophobe) cf: counterphobic MISERY INDEX. an unofficial indication of the nations economic health, a sum derived by adding the percentage rate of inflation to the percentage of unemployed workers being a catch-phrase used by free-enterprisers to characterize the repressive taxation and obstructive policies of the Carter Administration during the post-Vietnam era. MISFIRE. the failure to properly fire or explode, as a primer or propellant that malfunctions in whole or in part see DUD, FIZZLE, DEACTIVATE, EOD, CARTRIDGE, SHELL, CHARGE, EXPLOSIVE. nb: this term has often been misused to indicate the accidental or negligent discharge of a firearm v: Firearms Glossary Also, the failure of an internal-combustion engine to ignite properly or to run consistently. Also, a failure to achieve the intended result or the desired effect. Also, a euphemism for inadvertent or premature ejaculation during foreplay, thus inhibiting the consummation of sexual intercourse an analogy based upon the incapacity of a CARTRIDGE or SHELL. MISREP. the Joint Tactical Air ReconnaissanceSurveillance MISsion REPort, being a preliminary report of information from tactical reconnaissance aircrews rendered by designated debriefing personnel immediately after landing, and dispatched prior to the compilation of the Initial Photo Interpretation Report providing a summary of the route conditions, observations, and aircrew actions, identifying sensor products. See SITREP, SPOT REPORT. MISS LACE. see MALE CALL, FICTIONAL CHARACTER. MISSILE. any weapon thats thrown, shot, launched, or otherwise propelled at a target, such as a GRENADE, bullet, torpedo (FISH), guided ROCKET (steer after launch), or ballistic ROCKET (no power or no guidance after launch) including AAM, ABM, AGM, ALCM, AMRAAM, ASRAAM, ATGM, Atlas, AVENGER, CHAPARRAL, CORKSCREW, CRUISE, FOG-M, HARM, Harpoon, HAWK (HA), Hellfire, Hercules (HE), Honest John (HJ), Hound Dog, ICBM, IDAS, JASSM, JAVELIN, Jupiter, LAW, LGM, Little John (LJ), MANPADS, MAVERICK, MINUTEMAN, MIRV, MLRS, MOAB, Nike-Hercules (NH), PATRIOT, Peacekeeper, PERSHING (PE), PGM, PHOENIX, POLARIS, POSEIDON, PREDATOR, Quail, RED EYE, RPG, RR, SAM, SCORPION, Sergeant (SG), SHILLELAGH, SHRIKE, SIDEWINDER, SKY STREAK, SLAM, SNARK, SPARROW, SPARTAN, SRAM, STEALTH HAWK, STINGER, STRIKER, TACIT RAINBOW, Thor, Titan, TLAM, TOMAHAWK, TOW, TRIDENT, WOLVERINE, ZUNI, and 2.75 rocket (diameter of the side - or pod-mounted MISSILEs carried on all older B model HUEY gunships and the newer Cobras). Enemy large-caliber rockets at 122mm, 140mm. Stalins Organ was nickname for WWII mobile rocket launchers cf: Screaming MeMe and Moaning Mini at WHIZ BANG and WHISTLER. See AA, AAA, ATACMS, DDG, DRONE, DOODLEBUG, BOXCAR CHARLIE, SHERIDAN, WARHEAD, E-WARHEAD, PAYLOAD, DOGHOUSE, DRUMFIRE, SALVO, VOLLEY, SLBM, CWI, CATAPULT, SHERWOOD FOREST, SILO, BLOCKHOUSE, IRON HAND, WILD WEASEL, EGADS BUTTON, MISSILE GAP. nb: The Chinese invented a two-stage ignition rocket in AD 1150, which achieved increased thrust and velocity by choking the exhaust (later called the Venturi Effect), with a range of over 1800yds, and was used during battle in 1206. On 16 March 1926, Robert Hutchings Goddard launched the first liquid-fuel rocket. nb: Whats the sense of sending 2million missiles to hit a 10 tent thats empty by George W. Bush (13 September 2001) MISSILE GAP. a pre-Vietnam era catch-phrase for a lag in the technical sophistication or productive development between one nations defensive armamentarium relative to that of competing countries. MISSILEMAN. someone who works on, launches, or operates guided MISSILEs also known as missileer. nb: INDIGenous peoples have nicknamed the shoulder-fired version of this weapon an arrow, and designate the missileer who fires it as archer or bowman MISSILE PLOT. the missile system fire control computer room aboard ship see GUN PLOT. MISSING MAN FORMATION. a symbolic PARADE formation of marching soldiers or flying aircraft where a prominent gap in the arrangement represents a comrade who has died on active duty service to his country. This overflight or passing formation also represents the enduring commitment of the others to continue to march, to CARRY ON the mission. The accountability FLYOVER first became a tribute when performed for the funeral of King George V by the RAF in 1935, and in 1938 at the funeral of MG Oscar Westover by the USAAC, but the first MISSING MAN FORMATION was flown at Japans Johnson Field in Nov 1951 to recognize the death of a fighter pilot in the KOREAN WAR. As with the burial of USAF GEN Hoyt Vandenberg in April 1954, the KOREAN WAR had made this a new traditional practice to be observed by militaries worldwide. The McConnell Story, a Warner Brothers movie about the death of test pilot Captain Joseph McConnell in 1954, prominently featured the MISSING MAN FORMATION overflight, both the simple vacancy and the dramatic vertical pull-out, captivating an even larger audience. Paramilitary and civilian usurpation of this practice includes parachutists in Canopy Relative Work (CRW) or FREE-FALL formations, antique aircraft and classic automobiles paraded past the mourners, sometimes using colored smoke or lights for special effects, which celebratory display is never done at military funerals. See TAPS, MEMORIAL DAY, TOMB OF THE UNKNOWNS, KOREAN WAR VETERANS MEMORIAL, VIETNAM VETERANS MEMORIAL, POW-MIA DAY, TROOP THE LINE, PASS IN REVIEW compare VETERANS DAY. MISSION. a specific task that one or more persons is assigned to accomplish, often in a limited time an operation thats designed to carry out the goals of a particular plan or program see OBJ, OPN, BALL GAME, DUTY, RULES OF ENGAGEMENT (ROE), LAWS OF WAR, THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS, MIGHT MAKES RIGHT, WATCH MY SMOKE, FOLLOW ME, CHARGE, STORM. Also, a group of persons sent to a foreign country to conduct negotiations, establish relations, provide technical assistance, or the like, especially the establishment of a diplomatic embassy abroad. v: portfolio MISSION CREEP. the tendency to extend the purpose of a program, to expand the intent of a project, or to exceed the original boundaries of an operation, putting the participants into difficult or unforeseen circumstances, and causing the goals to change it is the process by which military operations morph into paramilitary operations, such as combat elements performing civic action and humanitarian aid, or vice versa. Although this expression was first used (1993) to describe the multiplication of military projects for each overseas peacekeeping commitment (eg: Somalia, Bosnia, Iraq, etc), it has since been retroactively applied to earlier interventions (eg: Vietnam, Haiti, El Salvador, etc) when describing similar expansions of assignment. Among ambitious politicians and enterprising directors, theres an understandable tendency to attempt a redoubling of success by adding extra or compound commitments, but this maximization effort generally spirals out of control, making the objectives unattainable, often jeopardizing the original achievement. This tendency to widen or deepen the scope of any task is a regrettable reflection of the super-utilization concept that confuses specialized success with generalized success. not only is a jack-of-all-trades not a master, but penny wise is pound foolish. the proper way to expand the mission is to expand the performance base. See GRADUATED RESPONSE, FLEXIBLE RESPONSE, SWEEP, COMBINED ARMS compare CONTAINMENT. v: optimum treatment versus negative relapse MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. the modern equivalent of forlorn hope as performed by enfants perdus (lost children), being a highly romanticized depiction that was represented by the popular Vietnam-era namesake TV program featuring fantastic resolutions to extraordinary scenarios such fiction was formerly represented as in like Flynn (after Errol Flynn, the swashbuckling Australian actor) for those emphatic or dramatic feats of derring-do that were staged for WWII-era adventure films. See BELL THE CAT, BITTER END, SNOWBALL, SUICIDE SQUAD, AUTOTOMY, MOCK-HEROIC, FICTIONAL CHARACTER. MISSION READY. synonym for COMBAT LOADED, and sometimes known as mission capable, being briefed and equipped for a specific operation frequently applied to helicopters and their crew, but universally understood as GOOD TO GO for each OP TEMPO period see CHAMP AT THE BIT, SPIN-UP, LOADOUT, BATTAILOUS. MISTAKE. see FOUL-UP FOULED-UP, GLITCH, SNIVITZ, SNARK, BUG, GREMLIN, STANDARD ERROR, PROBABLE ERROR, PLAN B, SEAT OF THE PANTS. nb: its a Murphy Law of Combat that: Everything breaks, breaks-down, or wears-out. MISTER. the proper title of address for Warrant Officers (WO) in all branches, and for Naval officers below the RANK of Commander (O-5), as derived from master, as an indication of skill see CHIEF, OFFICER. Also used informally or pejoratively when addressing a CRUIT or CADET about his unmilitary or unskillful performance thus categorizing him with other nugatory civilians. nb: similar contranym is SOLDIER as either fugleman or shirker MISTER CLEAN. see MR. CLEAN. MISTY FAC. designation for jet Forward Air Controllers see FAC, CAS. MITCHELL. B-25 twin-engined light bomber flown in all theaters during WWII, and still used during the VIETNAM WAR sixteen B-25 light bombers took-off from the flight deck of an aircraft carrier on 18 April 1942 under the command of James H. Doolittle to strike Tokyo in reprisal for the Pearl Harbor raid by Imperial Japan. See AIR COMMANDO, compare LIBERATOR. MITE. any of various small to microscopic arachnids, including species that are parasitic on animals and plants or that feed on decaying matter and stored foods see FLEA, COOTIE, GRAYBACK, CRAB, BEDBUG, COMFORT STATION cf: chigoe, chigger, jigger, sand flea, beach flea. Also, any very small creature or thing. Also, any very small sum of money as derived from an ancient copper coin myte of very little value see LEGAL TENDER. MITIGATE MITIGATION. to make milder or more gentle to lessen in severity to mollify. Also, to lessen in force or intensity, as when making a harsh punishment less severe derived from calm, soften, or soothe. Compare NO EXCUSE see COURT MARTIAL. MIXMASTER. nickname of the Kaman HH-43 heavy-lift HUSKY helicopter. Also, nickname of the Cessna O-2 SKYMASTER, a fixed-wing STOL aircraft. Also, nickname of the Douglas XB-42 experimental bomber. MK1 M-1. see Mark 1 Mark I. MK19-3. a belt-fed, blowback-operated, and air-cooled automatic 40mm grenade machinegun (72.5) that was developed (1983) to deliver decisive firepower against enemy personnel and lightly armored vehicles to an effective range of 2200m, replacing the Browning M-2 heavy machinegun as the primary suppressive weapon in vehicle-mounted combat support operations. Compare DOVER DOG. MK2 M-2 KNIFE. designation (Mark 2 Mark II) for the clip-pointed, single-edged, bowie-style, fighting utility knife issued by the U. S. Navy from 1942 as a more practical replacement for the Mk1 M-1 TRENCH KNIFE commonly called a KABAR (qv), regardless of manufacturer. ie: USMC Mark 2 Knife, Fighting Utility and U. S. Navy Utility Knife, Mark 2 MLG. Marine Logistics Group. MLR. Main Line of Resistance also known as main line of defense being a standard term in conventional warfare for a FRONT LINE or FLOT designated at the Forward Edge of the Battle Area (FEBA) for the purpose of coordinating all mutually supporting fire, including TAC-AIR and naval gunfire but does not include the areas utilized by COVERing or SCREENing forces. Its use in a COUNTERINSURGENCY combat zone without static borders or defensive boundaries is indicative of a counterproductive military mind-set See FCSL, TIED-IN, ANCHOR, REFUSE, OBJECTIVE AREA, DMZ, UW compare MSR. MLRS. Multiple Launch Rocket System see ROCKET, MISSILE. MMA. abbreviation for Mixed Martial Arts, being a sanctioned fighting style of hand-to-hand combat that is less doctrinaire than the traditional disciplines, combining techniques from several schools in order to maximize the effectiveness of no holds barred close combat. a methodology developed in the post-Vietnam era as a competitive sport (involving aspects of boxing and wrestling, karate and judo) but primarily focused on surviving (if not besting) a deadly threat in real life situations. See MARTIAL ART, JAP SLAPPER, TWO-FISTED, KNUCKLE SANDWICH, BOK-BOK, BATS n HATS, ON GUARD, EQUALIZER, AT CLOSE QUARTERS, CLOSE QUARTERS BATTLE (CQB), ALLS FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR. the standard military sidearm, known as a Personal Defense Weapon, issued to aviators, policemen, and crew-served weapons crewmen, replacing the M-1911A1 (.45cal) pistol and the Smith amp Wesson (.38cal) revolver its basically a Beretta model 92F pistol firing the 9mm NATO round. A lightweight, semiautomatic, double-action pistol, with redundant safety features, the M-9 is reputedly more lethal and safer than its predecessors but its adoption was principally spawned by the need to accommodate female marksmen (eg: smaller frame, less recoil, lighter weight, more ammo), in a mandatory initiative to standardize DoD with NATO, and to field one handgun for all United States armed services. The M-9 pistol has a staggered 15-round magazine, may be fired double or single action without a magazine inserted, and can be unloaded or decocked without activating the trigger. See UP-GUN, PISTOL. nb: The M-9 is the ultimate in feminine protection nb: although the 9mm cartridge is alleged to be as good or better than the older calibers (.38spl .45ACP), bullet size and ballistic performance do not substantiate this claim the 9mm (.35433cal) is smaller than both the .38spl (.355cal) and .357mag (.357 - .361 depending upon manufacturer), and much more under powered than either the special or magnum loads the .45cal remains the best ammo for close combat, and either .22LR or .22mag is still preferred for execution assassination. it has been said that the underpowered 9mm is just a .45cal set on stun MNVD. Monocular Night Vision Device see VIPER. MOA. Military Operations Area, or Military Operational Area, being a restricted zone or region that is exclusive to military forces for the period of an exercise or test, with civilian access prohibited by land, sea, or air for the duration compare AO, TO, AOR, OA, TAOR, CHOP LINE, UA. MOAB. (mow-ab) Massive Ordnance Airburst Bomb, or Massive Ordnance Air Blast being a satellite-guided MISSILE that generates a mushroom cloud with the acronym widely re-interpreted as the Mother Of All Bombs. MOAFU. literally Mother Of All Fuck Ups, or more euphemistically as . foul ups see FUCK-UP, FUCKED-UP, CLUSTER FUCK, WTFO, SOL, BOHICA. MOAN n GROAN. the distinctive sound of MINIGUN or VULCAN machinegun firing see SPRAY, HOSE, ROCK n ROLL, MAD MINUTE. Also, the incessant complaints of wimps and whiners, of thumbsuckers and wusses, of crybabies and weaklings see REMF, CLERKS n JERKS, WANNABE, CANDY-ASS, POGUE, PENCIL PUSHER, ACETATE COMMANDO, CHAIRBORNE, FOBBIT, TOCROACH, BARRACKS LAWYER, SEA LAWYER, YARDBIRD, DUD compare SUCK IT UP. MOANING MINI. see MOAN n GROAN, MINIGUN, VULCAN WHIZ BANG, WHISTLER, BOXCAR CHARLIE, DOODLEBUG. nb: hysteria is also known as the screaming-meemies THE MOG. (maug) slang phrase referring to Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia (Somali Democratic Republic), where the multinational peacekeeping mission was headquartered during 1992-5. See RESTORE HOPE, SKINNY, AD HOC, THE MED, THE GULF, ABSURDISTAN, THE STANS compare THE ROOT, THE NAM. MOB. Main Operations Base being a joint special operations command and support facility established in FRIENDLY territory by a component commander to provide sustained administrative and logistical support to special operations activities in designated areas compare FOB, AOB, FSB, CP, JUMP CP, CAMP, BASE CAMP, BASE. MOBI-MAT. a portable (removable and re-usable) rollout access pathway for vehicles and pedestrians thats relatively lightweight and maintenance-free it has a rigid corrugated surface that provides a safe, flexible and visible pathway thats very durable and environmentally friendly. The MOBI-MAT, a brand name thats also spelled Mobi Mat, is used by agriculture and construction, public utilities and emergency services, as well as by forward deployed units of the military as a passageway to vulnerable, inappropriate, or otherwise inaccessible areas, including mud and bog areas, boat ramps and riverbeds, glaciers and beaches, snow and sand fencing, aircraft recovery and portable landing pads, and access for military tactical mobility. The MOBI-MAT can rapidly create a durable roadway thats impervious to weather and will not cause erosion. Available in three configurations, each pegged into place, specific to vehicular or foot traffic twelve MOBI-MATs, weighing just over two tons, can be arranged to form a helicopter landing pad in a couple of hours. See FARP, PETROL, POL, DEPOT, DUMP, TREADWAY BRIDGE compare MARSDEN MATTING, PSP, HELIPAD, RUNWAY, GANGWAY, DUCKBOARDS. MOCHA. slang for military coffee, also known as joe, mud, sludge, washy, belly-wash, jamoke, java, espresso, brew, black water, brown blood, boiler acid, battery acid, and nectar of the gods see GI JOE. MOCK CHICKEN. minced veal, pork, or other mystery meat, molded onto a stick or skewer so that it somewhat resembles a chicken leg, then breaded and braised also called city chicken. See SLIDER, CAMEL BURGER, BOXED NASTY, HORSE COCK, CRITTER FRITTER, CAVALRY STEAK, SEA LEGS, SLOP, GUT BOMB, WASH, WAD, CHOW, BEANS, RATIONS. MOCK-COMBAT MOCK-BATTLE. a structured competition that tests and measures both individual proficiency and unit effectiveness by staging simulated battlefield scenarios with stipulated time and space restrictions such a realistic (albeit non-lethal) examination differs from a field training exercise in both its complexity and intensity. and in its purposeful application, is the only relatively safe arena where the textbook or school solution may be practically refined or experimentally challenged without disastrous consequences. See DRY RUN, EXERCISE, THE PLAN, FIELD EXPEDIENT, PLAN B, WIGGLE ROOM, GAMBIT, DOUBLE DUTCH, PARTY LINE, BOX HEAD, PRIMROSE PATH, MILITARY MIND, TOE THE LINE, SCRIPTURES, FTX, JRTC, NTC, RED FLAG, PAINTBALL, WAR GAMES, UMPIRE, REFEREE, TRAIN HARD - FIGHT EASY, PLAY THE GAME, SNAKE PIT, DUEL, ORDEAL, OPFOR, CAPABILITY, COMBAT EFFECTIVE, COURSE OF ACTION, SHOW THE FLAG, FLOWER WAR, BATRACHOMYOMACHIA. nb: such contests, formerly known as festivals or fiestas, have existed since the medieval era to demonstrate common skills and to exemplify social values v: joust, tournament MOCK-HEROIC. to burlesque or parody heroic acts or manners by an amplified imitation thereof, so as to ridicule the character of heroes and the traits of heroism a counterfeit or caricature of heroism, being a literary form in which minor players, insignificant subjects, or trivial events are satirized by exaggeration and elevation, as when treated with false solemnity and sham ceremony. See TRAINED KILLER, BTDT compare VALOR, BRAVERY, COURAGE, WINTER SOLDIER, QUIET PROFESSIONAL, HERO. MOCKTAIL MOCK-TAIL. a mixed drink containing no booze or liquor, especially those served in establishments where the prevailing community standard opposes alcoholic beverages derived as a truncation of mock-cocktail. Compare SAIGON TEA, IRISH SODA POP see WASH, HOOCH, GROG, BREW, THE DRINK. v: Virgin Mary, Cinderella, Shirley Temple, Davy Crockett, Roy Rogers, Pilgrims Punch, etc MOCK-UP. a testing or teaching model, usually full-size, such as an aircraft fuselage or prison camp building see TRAIN HARD - FIGHT EASY, DONT DO NOTHING, KILL HOUSE, WAR GAMES, DUMMY. cf: folly as a useless structure built as an extravagance or indulgence MODES n CODES. rhyming slang for the Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) transponder codes broadcast (SQUAWK) by aircraft the transponder code settings for radios that identify different aircraft in flight. MOGAS. MOtor vehicle GASoline, supplied as low-octane military-grade fuel see PETROL, POL, JUICE, TOP-OFF, REDNECK CREDIT CARD. MOHAWK. a twin turboprop, two-seat U. S. Army aircraft fitted with cameras, RADAR, and infrared (IR) sensors and designed to monitor enemy operations the Grumman OV-1 observation RV-1 radioRADAR reconnaissance aircraft see BIRD. Also, a haircut in which the head is shaved bare, except for a brush-like strip of blunt hair running down the center of the scalp from the forehead to the nape of the neck also called roach or hog, being a hairstyle made famous by a tribe of the Iroquoian Five Nations, and commonly worn during training exercises (FTX) by members of the opposition force (OPFOR) see BUZZ, WHITE WALLS, HIGH n TIGHT, FLATTOP, FLATHEAD compare RELAXED GROOMING STANDARDS. MOHINGA. a popular Burmese breakfast food available from street vendors and in restaurants, whose ingredients vary with the season, being a thick fish and rice noodle soup thats seasoned with Garlic, onions, lemon grass, cilantro (coriander), ginger, fish sauce, crumbled chickpea fritters, crushed dried chillies, and a squirt of lime juice. MOIRA. as the personification of fate among ancient Greeks, a persons destiny. v: fate, fortune, destiny, joss, karma, kismet, predestination, weird che saragrave saragrave (what will be, will be) que sera, sera (whatever will be, will be) cf: appointment in Samarra v: alea jacta est (Latin: the die is cast) nb: You only live twice -- once when you are born, once when you look death in the face. by Ian Fleming (1964) MOJITO. a Cuban highball of white rum and sparkling water thats accented by lime juice, mint, and sugar cane syrup its origin is attributed to Francis Drake, and the name purportedly derives from either mojado (little wet, as with sparkling water) or mojo (magic spell). a Marine Corps tradition has any available alcohol thats mixed with fruit juice and soda water as being so-called. See BREW, HOOCH, GROG, JUICE, MOONSHINE, THE DRINK, HOIST, GUSTO. MOJO. intuition or extrasensory perception, a prescient or presentiment feeling a foreknowledge of danger or a foreboding of harm as derived from the word for the personal magnetism of a VOODOO medicine man, practiced in the art of divination, casting spells, or creating magic charms (amulet or talisman). Term also spelled mo-jo, and also known as juju or grigri but not to be confused with getting a combat itch or battle twitch, or becoming nervous in the service, which are forms of anxiety, jitters, or fright. A person with MOJO is often calm, composed, and calculating. Its conjuring is sometimes dismissed as experience, except that MOJO is not quantifiable. a person knows, but usually does not know how he knows what he knows. See HOODOO, SPIDER SENSE, COLD ZERO, ABRACADABRA, JOSS STICK, TIGER BALM, PASSWORD, FAIRY DUST, SMOKE n MIRRORS. Also, an alcoholic concoction thats intended to be powerful rather than tasteful an extemporaneous drink designed to alter consciousness see HOOCH, BREW, GROG, SPLICE THE MAINBRACE, GROUP TIGHTENER, SUNDOWNER, HATCH, MOONSHINE, THE DRINK, HOIST, JUICE. v: mojito MOLE. undercover operative or espionage agent see SECRET AGENT, SPOOK, CREEP, CRYPTO, SLEEPER, INVISIBLE, PROVOCATEUR, FIX, THROW-AWAY, STOOGE. v: intelligencer Also, a BREAKWATER, groynegroin, or jetty used to form or protect an anchorage or harbor, to reinforce or protect a pier or quay see WHARF. MOLLE. (mollie) acronym for MOdular Lightweight Load-bearing Equipment, or MOdular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment, which was introduced in 1997, deriving its modularity from the grid-work system of straps that permits various pouch and gear arrangements, including load-bearing vest (LBV) and CamelBak-style CANTEEN (with sipping tube) built into the backpack (RUCK RUCKSACK). Although MOLLE is proprietary to Natick research labs, any load-bearing arrangement that incorporates a modular grid-work system, regardless of manufacture or application, employs MOLLE and PALS generically. non-military designs are proliferating in the civilian market. See ALICE, PALS, ILBE, CLIP, WEB GEAR. MOLOTOV COCKTAIL. a crude incendiary device, usually consisting of a petrol-filled bottle corked by a wick, which is ignited just before throwing also called a bush cocktail. The combustible contents may be made adhesive or jellied by various additives, such as detergent or oil. Eponymous derivation from Vyacheslav Mikhailovich (Skryabin) Molotov, the Russian commissar of foreign affairs. See IED, GAMMON GRENADE, NAPALM, FLAMETHROWER, SOUP, COCKTAIL. M-1 MK1. see Mark 1 Mark I. M1A1 M-1A1. universal designation for the first revised or improved version of the basic issue of some (unspecified) military materiel, weapon or vehicle, implement or instrument, gear or clothing, device or other item see EYE-BALL. M-1941 LMG. the .30cal Johnson model light machinegun, or JOHNNY-GUN. M-1911A1 PISTOL. see JOHN WAYNE RIFLE, PISTOL. MONASTERY. see WAT, ANGKOR WAT, NHA THO, JOSS STICK, FOO DOG. MONEY. see LEGAL TENDER, MPC, CANDY, JUICE, BLACK BAG, HONEY POT, SLUSH FUND, CUMSHAW, FUNNY MONEY, BAD PAPER, SPIRIT MONEY, BENSON SILK, CHARGE, CHIT, HARD TIMES TOKEN, THE EAGLE SHITS, SALARY, BP, PRO PAY, FIELD ALLOWANCE, UA, BAQ, BAH, SEPARATE RATS, SDP, TSP, DOUBLE-DIP, GOLDEN SHOWER, PORK BARREL. MONEY SHOT. a catch-phrase meaning on the spot or on the target, as used when shooting indirect fire MORTARs or artillery (ARTY) this expression is applied to the final marking round or the last ranging shot in a FIRE MISSION before ordering the Fire Direction Center (FDC) to fire for effect (FFE). this expression is used because artillery fire missions are very expensive (about 150,000 each) so getting on target as quickly as possible is cost-effective. The MONEY SHOT is also expressed as on the money, right on the money, dead on the money, and is derived from the practice of marking the BULLS-EYE in archery prize competitions with a coin. Although this phrase also enjoys currency in photography where it represents the most lucrative image (money-making shot) due to being most impressive or memorable, its application to pornographic blue movies (aka: cum shot) is lately being devulgarized for use in all media. which is unrelated to its MIL-SPEAK sense. nb: MONEY SHOT is not a gambling allusion cf: sweet spot MONGO. a basic monetary unit of currency for the Mongolian Peoples Republic, equal to one-hundredth part of the TUGRIK see LEGAL TENDER. MONGOLIAN FOLD. (epicanthus epicanthic fold) see SLANT-EYE. MONGOLIAN HOT POT. a stew-like dish of sliced meat, seafood, and vegetables cooked together in hot broth and seasoned with a hot sauce, often prepared in a clay pot compare CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY, LO MEIN, GENERAL TSOS CHICKEN see CHOW, BEANS, RATIONS. MONGOLIAN SPOT. a developmental birthmark, both benign and transient, of irregular shape and variously colored (ie: blue, blue-gray, bluish green, blue-black, or reddish brown), which is present in both sexes but usually disappears between infancy and puberty a pigmented sacral spot (dermal melanocytosis) that denotes genetic lineage among the Mongols, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Siamese, Malay, Polynesian, Micronesian, Indonesian, Indian, Turkish, East African, Spanish, Caribbean, MesoAmerican, mestizo Indian, Eskimo, Inuit, Inupiak, AmerIndian, Mayan, Peruvian, and other non-European peoples. Having a blue butt (shiri ga aoi) is a Japanese idiom for immaturity or inexperience and the Koreans attribute the mark to a bruise caused by the slap given by a shamanic spirit (samshin halmi) to the babys behind as an incentive to leave the mothers womb. MONGOOSE. CODENAME for overt military plans and covert operations scheduled by the Kennedys against Castro and Cuba during the early Vietnam-era, formulated between the failed Bay of Pigs INVASION (April 1961) and the Cuban Missile Crisis (22 Oct - 20 Nov 1962). MONKEY BRIDGE. see FLYING BRIDGE. Also, see FLYING GANGWAY. MONKEY BUTT. slang for the sore irritated condition in the private or nether region of ones anatomy when compelled to persistently perform activities with inadequate hygiene an equal opportunity malady that plagues men and women, walkers and riders, sitters and standers, regardless of race or creed, color or national origin, especially when CREATURE COMFORTS are complicated by climate and rationing. This inflammatory condition (chafing) produces an itchy redness that causes the victim to walk straddle or bowlegged, reminiscent of a chimpanzee or baboon this uncomfortable malaise is also called swamp ass, dookie booty, bleacher butt, roseate fundament, red ass, crotch rot, and so forth. See GOYA, BUTT, FOURTH POINT OF CONTACT, EXERCISE, DOUCHE BAG, MARINE SHOWER, PT SHOWER, NAVY SHOWER, GI SHOWER, RAINROOM, WHORES BATH, LATRINE, HEAD, COMFORT STATION. MONKEY CORD. slang for the safety tether worn by an aircraft crewmember when required to move around the interior of the FUSELAGE while the exit doors are open and the aircraft is aloft a shorter restraint (sometimes called a leash) is worn by DOOR GUNNERs and JUMPMASTERs who may be wounded or become unconscious while occupying their post at the airplanes open door this expression is probably so-called by a fancied resemblance to the leash worn by an organ-grinders monkey. MONKEY DICKS. see PUPPY PETERS. MONKEY DUST. see ANGEL DUST. MONKEY FIST MONKEYS FIST. a casting knot (often a figure-8 on a bight) added to the trailing-end of a ROPE or LINE to lend weight and direction for throwing a ball-like knot used as an ornament or as a throwing weight at the end of a line, which is sometimes called monkey paw or monkeys paw by a fancied resemblance see KNOT, LIFELINE, ROPE, LINE, HAWSER, TURKS HEAD. nb: may also be made by tying a bag of lead shot to the end of a rope MONKEY HOUSE. Asian slang for a jail or prison, probably by analogy with the caged condition of the prisoners, but possibly by allusion to the antics of the immured captives see BRIG, STOCKADE, GUARDHOUSE, CROSSBAR HOTEL, LBJ, TANK, CLUB FED, ADULT DAY CARE CENTER, THE CASTLE, HOT HOUSE, USDB. MONKEY ISLAND. slang for a FLYING BRIDGE on top of a PILOTHOUSE or chart house. MONKEY JACKET. denigrating reference to the short, close-fitting UNIFORM blouse worn by soldiers and sailors before and during the WWII-era, being an allusion to the jacket costuming an organ-grinders monkey compare MONKEY SUIT, see DRESS. Also, disparaging reference to the short jacket worn by a Navy waitersteward and Army dining room orderly (DRO), who was formerly (before DESEGREGATION) a contract employee of the government (not an enlistee) see LITTLE BROWN BROTHER, SALT AND PEPPER, WARDROOM, GLORY HOLE, KP, COOKIE. MONKEY MEAT. WWI slang for a squad-sized canned ration (B-RATIONS) of beef and carrots that was unappealing and unpalatable, which phrase has since been applied to any mystery meat see CAMEL BURGER, SANDWICH, BOXED NASTY, SPAM, HORSE COCK, SLIDER, CRITTER FRITTER, CAVALRY STEAK, MIDRATS, SLOP, GUT BOMB, WASH, WAD, BEANS, CHOW, RATIONS. MONKEY MOUNTAIN. (forthcoming) Radio Relay (RR) site near CCNFOB4 compare MARBLE MOUNTAIN, BLACK LADY MOUNTAIN. MONKEY SEE - MONKEY DO. an act of imitation or mimicry, usually with limited knowledge or understanding, and little apprehension or appreciation for any potential consequences typically being a slavish gesture of conformity also represented as copycat, apeaping, follow in anothers footsteps (sequacious). Also, as part of the larger educational model (represented as: monkey see, monkey do monkey hear, monkey say), this methodology restricts learning to rote imitation without emphasizing understanding or encouraging exploration. Such mechanistic repetition is dogmatic or doctrinaire, not heuristic or hortative it represents the learning of a process without an understanding of why or how it works. The capacity for social learning acquired by demonstration was considered to be an indicator of genetic development andor intellectual achievement when 19th century biologists began to establish the phylogeny of all the species comprising the animal kingdom. When it does not laud (Imitation is the finest form of flattery.), imitation devalues its model with spurious duplication or counterfeit reproduction, or trivializes its subject with mockery or parody. Compare KISS, OJT, POI, LESSONS LEARNED. v: emulate, replicate socialization, aculturation evolution, eugenics fair use copyright MONKEYS SWING MONKEY SWING. see AIGUILLETTE, FOURRAGERE, CORD, CORDON, CONTRAFOIL, LANYARD. MONKEY SUIT. slang for any uniform see DRESS. Also, slang for any full-dress suit, such as a tuxedo, by reference to dressing an ape man in socially acceptable attire see DRESS WHITES, ICE-CREAM SUIT, SPANKERS AND CLANKERS, MESS DRESS, WITH BELLS ON, FEATHERS, CUMMERBUND, BLACK TIE, WHITE TIE, DRESS. MONKEY TAIL. in NavSpeak, slang for any of various short ropes or light lines. MONKEY VOICES. in Asian cultures, the ceaseless chattering and relentless nagging that disturbs the quiet focus of mental concentration or spiritual meditation a personification of the background noise or static that disturbs and disquiets someones affairs. See GOOKANESE, DOUBLE DUTCH, BAMBOO ENGLISH, CREOLE, PIDGIN, HOBSON-JOBSON, VERNACULAR, POLYGLOT, LINGUA FRANCA. cf: monkeyshines, monkey business MONKEY WRENCH MONKEY-WRENCH. a wrench having an adjustable jaw permitting it to grasp fittings or fixtures of different sizes eponymously derived from Charles Moncky, and also called adjustable spanner. Also, a universally accessible object that may be readily used to interfere with normal functions a metaphoric obstacle that unavoidably halts progress, or a hypothetical hindrance that compels a change in plans. Also, to deliberately prevent or delay, ruin or sabotage development, especially technological or industrial advancement, as by vandalism or wrecking see SABOTAGE, SUBVERSION. Also, in its left-handed incarnation, a nonexistent object that a novice or tyro is required to obtain in the same manner as any other SNIPE HUNT objective compare MERMAID, DRAGON. MONOPLANE. in AvnSpeak, an airplane with one main sustaining surface, or with one set of wings compare BIPLANE, TRIPLANE, FLYING WING, BLIMP. Also, in NavSpeak, a planing craft, the bottom of which is in an unbroken fore-and-aft line. MONROE DOCTRINE. the precept, promulgated by James Monroe on 2 December 1823, that the United States opposed further European colonization of or intervention in the western hemisphere this unilateral tenet reciprocated for this hands-off policy with a non-interference policy that echoed George Washingtons warning against foreign entanglements being the first foreign policy of the United States, it remained in effect until WWI. See ISOLATIONISM, ROOSEVELT COROLLARY, GOOD NEIGHBOR POLICY, PRESIDENTIAL DOCTRINE, CONTAINMENT, INTERVENTIONISM, NATION BUILDING. nb: We owe it, therefore, to candor and to the amicable relations existing between the United States and those European powers to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. by James Monroe (2 Dec 1823) v: manifest Destiny was coined by John L. OSullivan (1839) White Mans Burden was coined by J. Rudyard Kipling (1899) MONSOON. the seasonal wind of the Indian Ocean and the nearby lands of southern Asia, blowing from the southwest in summer and from the northeast in winter, commonly marked by heavy rains often called the rainy season or the wet. See MANGO SHOWER, WIND, BEAUFORT SCALE, SAFFiR-SIMPSON SCALE, STORM WARNING, WINDSOCK, TELLTALE, GUMBO. v: brisabriza, churada, elephanta, sumatra nb: due to irresponsible pollution and waste disposal practices on our over-populated globe, it is dangerous to drink unfiltered or untreated water anywhere on earth, but especially in under developed countries where livestock is not sequestered from human habitation these contaminating conditions are complicated in some regions, like Southeast Asia, by MONSOON rains and other inclement weather conditions see WATER PURIFICATION TABLET nb: due to axial tilt during earths rotation, the hemispheric seasons are not the same length, with the southern summer northern winter being the shortest season, and northern summer southern winter being the longest MONSTER. nickname for the relatively large and heavy, backpack portable, field RADIO (ANPRC-77) equipped with a secure net SCRAMBLEr also called PRICK-77. MONTAGNARD. the non-Chinese ethnic tribal peoples who inhabit the remote uplands of Southeast Asia, affectionately known as YARDs or LITTLE BROWN BROTHERs by their ADVISORs this French term means mountain people, and is widely misspelled (eg: Montaignard). See BAJARHAKO, DEGA, FULRO, INDIG, CIDG, STRIKER, RFPF, Y SI, BUDDHAHEAD, LONG HOUSE, BRACELET, WHITE ELEPHANT compare ADV, COUNTERPART, GONE NATIVE. nb: extremists or radicals in French politics are also called Montagnards by association with those who occupied the upper tiers in the assembly during the French Revolution MONTAGNARD BRACELET. a metal circlet, appropriately marked with the animistic symbols specific to each tribe, thats ceremonially presented to each man and woman after passing through their secret puberty rites such a distinctive wristband cuff is also presented during the marriage ceremony, and when adopting friends (eg: neighbors, medicos, and civil affairs advisors) into the tribe. See BRACELET. MONUMENT. any megalith, statue, or other great work erected as a reminder of some worthy attainment or noteworthy event a symbolic representation serving as enduring evidence of occurrence or accomplishment see TROPHY, KOREAN WAR VETERANS MEMORIAL, VIETNAM VETERANS MEMORIAL, TOMB OF THE UNKNOWNS, NATIONAL CEMETERY, BONEYARD, GARDEN OF STONES, MEMORIAL DAY, POW-MIA DAY, TAPS, MISSING MAN FORMATION. eg: Arundelian marbles, Londons Column, Nelsons Column, the Antonine Column Column of Marcus Aurelius, the Column of July (1830), the Column of the Grand Army Column at Boulogne, the Column of the Place Vendocircme, the Duke of Yorks Column, Trajans Arch, Trajans Column nb: For those who achieve, no monument is necessary for those who admire the achievement, the monument is a respectful echo of the attainment and for those who will never accomplish anything, sordid graffiti defacing the monument is their secret pride. A society that does not value the sacrifices of its native sons will not long endure. A civilization that builds monuments to itself has ceased to develop. The more aggrandizement, the greater the decline. MOONBEAM. nighttime name of ABCCC HILLSBORO MOONBEAM was a nighttime command and control aircraft that flew with big searchlights at fairly low altitudes, illuminating the ground for targets of opportunity. Also, slang for a FLASHLIGHT. MOONLIGHT. sunlight reflected from the surface of the moon, the earths natural orbital satellite, during its several phases, except new and eclipse, including the incidence of moonrise and moonset before artificial illumination (ILLUM) and night vision devices (NVD), the amount of moonlight was an important consideration when planning military operations, especially the gibbous phase of the harvest moon and hunters moon. Compare LOOM, PINK TIME see FRESNEL UNIT, FLARE, TIME, SHADOW. nb: in WWII, during the fall of 1944 and the winter of 1945, when the Allies were advancing into Germany, spotlights aimed at the underside of low cloud cover were used to bounce off light beams that created artificial moonlight, being a diffuse ambient illumination similar to that produced during a full moon, which supplemental light was adequate to sustain night operations without exposing or highlighting the ploy, as does a flare cf: snowblink, iceblink Also, to work at an additional part-time job after finishing a regular full-time period of employment, as at night or after-hours to supplement income see OFF-DUTY, SUDS ROW, MIDNIGHT REQUISITION. MOONSHINE. a flare-carrying helicopter GUNSHIP see FIREFLY, SMOKY BEAR. Also, natural or artificial illumination at night compare FLARE, SLAP-FLARE, VERY PISTOL, BASKETBALL, FLASHLIGHT, LIGHT STICK, BUD LIGHT, NVG, BLINKER. Also, slang for illicit or homemade alcoholic liquors that are clear or without color after manufacture (like gin, vodka, or tequila) also called white goods, white mule, or white lightning see HOOCH, BREW, GROG, JUICE, IRISH SODA POP, GROUP TIGHTENER, MOJO, BYOB, DEAD-SOLDIER, TOAST, SPLICE THE MAINBRACE, SOAK, HOIST, HATCH, DUTCH COURAGE, WHISKEY WARRIOR. nb: A sudden violent jolt of moonshine has been known to stop the victims watch, snap his suspenders, and crack his glass eye right across. attributed to Irvin S. Cobb Also, slang for exaggerated tales or fabricated stories, without the opprobrium of pernicious lies see TALK TRASH, SHOOT THE SHIT, GAS BAG, WAR STORY, SEA STORY, MIL-SPEAK, RUMOR. MOON SUIT. slang reference to any of the several styles of whole-body protective coveralls, typically self-contained, thats worn as a barrier against exposure to contaminants and hazardous materials (HAZMAT) so-called due to its resemblance to a closed environment outer-spacesuit, especially in its awkwardness of movement. See CBR, MOPP, JSLIST, CPOG, BUNNY SUIT, BLUE SUIT, H-GEAR, GAS MASK, DEMILITARIZE. MOORS KNOT. informal reference to a cryptographic book code, being a simple method of enciphering and deciphering a secret message by identifying the desired words in a particular book (by selecting the page, line, and word count), each party to the transaction having ready access to the identical edition a method of coding thats both relatively secure and convenient. Compare ONE-TIME PAD see CODE, KEY, TRADECRAFT. MOOSE. acronym for Move Out Of Saigon Expeditiously for unit decentralization and displacement. See MOOT. MOOT. acronym for Move Out Of Town being a program to reduce troop concentrations in developed or built-up city areas. See MOOSE. MOPP. Mission Oriented Protective Posture especially a CBR or HAZMAT protective suit, mask and related gear thats designed to shield against contamination from chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons. The MOPP suit is commonly called a body bag with a window. See BUNNY SUIT, MOON SUIT, BLUE SUIT, JSLIST, CPOG, H-GEAR, GAS MASK compare COFFIN, PRO KIT. cf: remote mechanical agents or servo-manipulation systems for use in sterile, hazardous, or contaminated environments began during WWII with the handling of radioactive materials initially in the form of insulated gripper arms named Waldo (being a cognate of rule or command, after the 1942 novel by Robert A. Heinlein), later known as the Waldo F. Jones Synchronous Reduplicating Pantograph, and now as a telefactoring device, useful in bomb disposal and extraterrestrial maintenance MOPPING-UP. in military parlance, the final reduction of isolated pockets of enemy resistance also expressed as mop-up see SEARCH AND CLEAR or CLEAR AND HOLD operations. MORAL COURAGE. a personal commitment to the ethical principles of right conduct dedicated or conforming to the established principles of virtue behavior thats based on fundamental principles of proper thought and action, rather than on law or fashion, regardless of difficulty or resistance. While morality and immorality can be instilled by psychosocial reinforcements, the human animal is predisposed by its physiology to imbue righteous behavior due to psychophysical rewards, from paliatives to homiostasis, contributing to a positive sense of well being for doing good (whatever that may be in any particular time and place), hence being in control of ones mental and emotional state, such that ones conduct is self-disciplined, exhibiting good character and proper judgment, probity and dedication as an impersonal commitment to social betterment. See A MANS GOTTA DO WHAT A MANS GOTTA DO, HONOR CODE, CODE OF CONDUCT, HONOR, TRADITION, DUTY, TOE THE LINE, STAND-ALONE, ABOVE BOARD, DUE DILIGENCE, PROMISE, FORTITUDE, GUTS, MOXIE, DIEHARD, ROOT HOG OR DIE, HOLD ONES FEET TO THE FIRE, CREED, OATH, KEEP THE FAITH, FOXHOLE CONVERSION, ARMY CHRISTIAN, STRAIGHT ARROW, QUIET PROFESSIONAL, WINTER SOLDIER, PATRIOTISM, SILENT MAJORITY, SHOOT YOURSELF IN THE FOOT, BEST AND BRIGHTEST, WISE MEN, MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, MIGHT MAKES RIGHT, THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS, DECENT INTERVAL, DOMINO THEORY, KNOW YOUR ENEMY, APOCALYPSE. v: numinous, deontology, eudemonism cf: meliorism, Solomonic compromise, opportunism nb: No man is justified in doing evil on the grounds of expediency. by Theodore Roosevelt You can always count on Americans to do the right thing ndash after theyve tried everything else by Winston L. S. Churchill There is no man so dangerous as a disillusioned idealist. by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe There is but little virtue in the action of masses of men. by Henry David Thoreau MORALE. the mental attitude or emotional condition of people contending with opposition or hardship, especially their indwelling confidence or abiding determination its a measure of the psychological strength of a unit, and bears upon its endurance and willingness to encounter risks. Some factors affecting MORALE include food and resupply, rest and refit, the status of operations, and conditions on the HOME FRONT, especially mail delivery. but the most important factor is the estimate of worth ascribed to their service and sacrifice by their leaders and countrymen. See DOUGHNUT DOLLY, CAMPAIGN WIFE, SALLY, USO, AFR, AFRTN, MAIL CALL, SUGAR REPORT, CARE, MARS, SPECIAL SERVICES, FIELD HOUSE, PASS, LIBERTY, RampR, LEAVE, ATTABOY, PRO PAY, RESPECT, PAY DUES, I WAS THERE, FRUIT SALAD, GONG, TRASH, BOLO BADGE, PATCH, V-CAMPAIGN, VICTORY TASK FORCE, WAKE UP, BATTLE CRY, JODY CALL, ESPRIT DE CORPS, THE EDGE, FORCE MULTIPLIER, BLOOD CHIT, DEATH CARD, MEDEVAC, IampI, HampI, PSYOPS, WAR OF NERVES, PSYWAR, MUSHROOM, SUBVERSION, WHITE PROPAGANDA, BULLSHIT BOMB, PROPAGANDA, DISINFORMATION, SOAP CHIPS, SCRIPTURES, WIGGLE ROOM, OFF THE RESERVATION, RULES OF ENGAGEMENT (ROE), NFZ, COLLATERAL DAMAGE, HEADQUARTERISM, BRASS EAR, MICROMANAGEMENT, CYA, CHICKEN SHIT, MICKEY MOUSE, BITCH, BAD-MOUTH, MOAN n GROAN, PECKER CHECK, SUCK IT UP, SWEAT HOG, GUNG-HO, WETSU, HARD CHARGER, FIDO, WATCH MY SMOKE, DIEHARD, ROOT HOG OR DIE, BITE THE BULLET, A MANS GOTTA DO WHAT A MANS GOTTA DO, GUSTO, A FINE AND PLEASANT MISERY. nb: the field occupations most often targeted in combat, because their loss so immediately influences unit effectiveness and morale, are the leader, pointman, signalman, machinegunner, and medic MORALE PATCH. unofficial emblems, often of local manufacture, that are worn with or without authorization, as for expressing esprit (eg: PATRIOTISM, GUSTO, HOOAH, OORAH, YUT, GUNG-HO, WETSU, UCGC, SEMPER FI, KEEP THE FAITH, ESPRIT DE CORPS), as for celebrating achievement (eg: skill rating, class graduation, combat missions completed, promotion), and for commemorating an event (eg: deployment or assignment, training exercise participation, unit or weapon activation, retirement of weapon or vehicle, unit deactivation, heritage or lineage, milestone or anniversary) when the COMMAND ELEMENT does not permit these novelty items to be openly displayed, they are typically concealed by mounting inside a hat or helmet, inside a BLOUSE or FLIGHT SUIT, as an informal protest against political-correctness or censorship. MORALITY. see MORAL COURAGE, MORAL VICTORY, HONOR, HONOR CODE, CODE OF CONDUCT, CREED, OATH, PROMISE, TRADITION, DUTY, TOE THE LINE, ABOVE BOARD, SUMMUM BONUM, DUE DILIGENCE, CORE VALUES, A MANS GOTTA DO WHAT A MANS GOTTA DO, KEEP THE FAITH, STRAIGHT ARROW, PATRIOTISM, MIGHT MAKES RIGHT, THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS, WINTER SOLDIER. nb: Morality is contraband in war. by Mohandas K. Gandhi (vol 1 ch 268 Non-Violence in Peace and War 1942) For morality life is a war, and the service of the highest is a sort of cosmic patriotism which also calls for volunteers. by William James (Circumscription of the Topic, The Varieties of Religious Experience 1902) Our whole life is startlingly moral. There is never an instants truce between virtue and vice. Goodness is the only investment that never fails. the laws of the universe are not indifferent, but are forever on the side of the most sensitive. Listen to every zephyr for some reproof, for it is surely there, and he is unfortunate who does not hear it. by Henry David Thoreau ( Walden 1854) Of all the habits and dispositions which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. by George Washington (Farewell Address 17 Sep 1796) The moral difference between a soldier and a civilian is that the soldier accepts personal responsibility for the safety of the body politic of which he is a member. The civilian does not. by Robert A. Heinlein Introspection is the price of morality, and morality is the price of civilization. v: synderesis synteresis cf: debaucherdebauchee: one who has been seduced from duty or virtue one who subverts or corrupts anothers virtue MORALITY PLAY. an allegorical dramatic form that was in vogue during the late medieval era, wherein the vices (ie: seven deadly sins) and the virtues (ie: seven cardinal virtues) were personified so that manifest good could be shown to triumph over encroaching evil. Developed from the ancient Greek and Roman hero tales, these portrayals presented the conflicts confronting people in their everyday lives, and established civilized solutions to common dilemmas. Some of the better known compositions include: Langlands Piers Plowman . Spensers Faerie Queene . Dantes Divine Comedy . Dunbars The Dance of the Sevin Deidly Synnis in Fasternis Evin in Hell . Chaucers Parsons Tale in The Canterbury Tales . Everyman . Mankind . The Castle of Perseverance . Lindsays Ane Pleasant Satyre of the Thrie Estaitis . Skeltons Magnyfycence . Bales King John . v: miracle play, No Noh theatre MORAL VICTORY. (forthcoming) see LAST STAND. nb: an adage addressing the unanticipated consequences of right or proper action: The breeze from the flutter of a butterflys wings will create a storm in the next valley. Though the youth at last grows indifferent, the laws of the universe are not indifferent, but are forever on the side of the most sensitive. Listen to every zephyr for some reproof, for it is surely there, and he is unfortunate who does not hear it. by Henry David Thoreau Military power wins battles, but spiritual power wins wars. by George Catlett Marshall My strength is as the strength of ten, Because my heart is pure. by Alfred Lord Tennyson What stronger breastplate than a heart untainted by William Shakespeare cf: BIG PICTURE, RIGHT STUFF MORAL WATERSHED. a point of division or transition between morality and immorality, between rectitude and turpitude, especially when designating the last bastion of probity. v: moral sense MORE HONORED IN THE BREACH THAN THE OBSERVANCE. now meaning an admirable custom thats too often neglected, this catch-phrase has reversed its meaning since its inception, where it formerly identified deplorable practices that should be avoided or abandoned in favor of more enlightened mannerisms. the reference is to celebrations that are so boorish that they detract from the achievements that prompted them. See CUSTOMS AND COURTESIES OF THE SERVICE, INSTITUTIONAL MEMORY, IF IT WERENT FOR THE HONOR OF THE THING, ESPRIT DE CORPS, TRADITION. nb: But to my mind, though I am native here And to the manner born, it is a custom More honored in the breach than the observance. by William Shakespeare, act 1 sc 4 Hamlet (1602) MORE THAN ONE WAY TO SKIN A CAT. see CAT SKINNER. cf: Theres more than one way to kill a cat than to choke it with cream. adage MORNING PRAYERS. see OFFICERS CALL (aka: Captains Call on-board ships) compare EVENING PRAYERS. MORNING REPORT. the military considers the MORNING REPORT to be its most important form, hence it is designated Form 1, listing the status (ie: present, hospitalized, incarcerated, on leave, etc) of all assigned personnel, while the most common is Form 1049 for requests of all kinds to senior authority such time-consuming FORMS and REPORTS were derisively called PAPER BULLETs during the American CIVIL WAR. Compare SWINE LOG see FORM, 201 FILE, LOG, WAR DIARY. nb: If it isnt documented then it doesnt exist MORPHINE. a narcotic alkaloid (C17H19NO3H2O) extracted from opium for use as a pain reliever and sedative also called morphia and named after Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams when administered in the field (directly through clothing in an emergency), the empty SYRETTE was supposed to be attached to the patients collar, with a capital letter M marking (in grease pencil, blood, or iodine thimerosal) his forehead, so that intake medicos would be aware of the field treatment when receiving the (often undocumented) casualty from the combat zone. v: First Aid for Soldiers (FM 21-11 dtd 7 April 1943) MORRILL ACT. a law providing for the distribution of public lands to the states with the proviso that at least one college in each state be dedicated to the study of agricultural and industrial arts introduced by Justin S. Morrill, this bill was vetoed by James Buchanan in 1859 before being signed into law by Abraham Lincoln in 1862. Educational funding for these schools was augmented by the 1887 Hatch Act, and 69 land-grant colleges were established by this legislation. Also known as the Land-Grant College Act, this law provides for the training of citizen soldiers under the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC). MORRIS DANCE. a corruption of Moors dance from which the traditional military cotillion derives see WITH BELLS ON. MORSE CODE. an arbitrary alphanumeric system of short and long sounds or flashes, separated by spaces, thats used to signal messages also known as Morses alphabet or telegraphers signs. nb: in standardizing the transmission speed of the International Code, the following relationships exist between the elements: 1) the dit (dot) is the basic unit of length 2) the dah (dash) is equal in length to three dits 3) the space (pause) between dits and dahs within a character (letter) is equal to one dit 4) the space between characters (letters) in a word is equal to three dits 5) the space between words is equal to seven dits. (TM-11-459TO 31-3-16 - Sept 1957) Operator transmission speed rating, measured in words-per-minute (WPM), is established by counting the number of times the 5-letter word PARIS is sent in one minute See CW, EOT, GA, HAND, II, ROGER, SOS, RADIO, SALTING, TWX, ALDIS LAMP, HELIOGRAPH, WIGWAG WIGWAGGER, TAP CODE, NIGHT WRITING, BAMBOO TELEGRAPH. v: Alphabet Codes amp Signal Flags nb: in 1832, Samuel F. B. Morse was intrigued by the idea, propounded by Andreacute Marie Ampegravere, of transmitting code electrically, so set about developing it with the aid of Leonard Gale, Joseph Henry, and Alfred Vail the first message (successful experiment with telegraph) was sent on 4 Sept 1837, and was patented on 20 June 1840 with the demonstration test message: What hath God wrought nb: the original American Morse Code included pauses within some letters, but in 1920 the simplified International Morse Code (aka: Continental Code) eliminated them, and changed some letter patterns (11 letters, 9 numbers, and punctuation) a single chevron of RANK representing a Private First Class (PFC) during the Vietnam-era, formerly an E-3 but now, since the elimination of the two SLICK SLEEVE ratings and the introduction of Lance Corporal (LCPL) RANK, an E-2 Private (PVT) so-called for seeming small and forlorn in its solitary state, and for the fact that there is usually a multitude whenever any single individual is found. See MOSQUITO SMILE, MATING MOSQUITOES, SWINE LOG, EM compare NCO. MOSS. MObile Submarine Simulator, being a sonar DECOY (MK70) developed by Gould in 1976 and manufactured by Westinghouse through the mid-1990s this 10 submersible (without an explosive warhead) was able to generate both an active SONAR echo and a passive sound SIGNATURE represented as extremely similar to that of the launching SUBMARINE, with the purpose of creating multiple targets, each with the same profile, whether for training or defense. MOSSBACK. reactionary a person holding antiquated notions. Sometimes called mossy horn, and derived from a reference to a large old fish or turtle. See OLD BREED, OLD SALT, SALTY DOG, SHELLBACK, DINOSAUR, MAVERICK, BROWN SHOE BOOT, CONSERVATIVE, ANTI-FEDERALIST, SILENT MAJORITY. nb: a pompous old reactionary, Colonel Blimp, was a post-WWI cartoon character conjured by David Low that satirized resistance to progressive change MOTHBALL. to inactivate something disused for preserved storage as a reserve by extension of the protective storage process for textiles with balls of naphthalene or camphor see BONEYARD, TOMB, DUMP, CANNIBALIZE compare STANDBY. Also, to place an idea or plan in abeyance removed from further consideration, suspend from implementation. MOTHER ARMY. see GREEN MACHINE. MOTHER HEN. slang for the leader (LDR) of a CHALK or STICK, who is functioning as a team, squad, or section leader to get all the little chicks in a row properly known as the STICK COMMANDER or CHALK COMMANDER, which is independent of RANK. See HONCHO, TOP DOG, 10, MC, OVERSIGHT. nb: a female unit commander is not called the OLD MAN nor old lady, not chieftain nor chieftess, not the HONCHO nor honchette, not TOP DOG nor top bitch, but is rather antonomastically identified by the generic boss or boss lady, or by her designated NICKNAME or CODENAME also see GI Jane, Jane Bond, Acting Jane, Swinging Dickless, Dear Jane, SKIRT, ANGEL THE MOTHER-IN-LAW OF THE ARMY. sardonic reference to Fort Leavenworth and its environs, due to its importance, both historically and in career development, from the fact that many families remained there while husbands were posted farther west during and after the period of westward expansion, and from all the Army daughters who made good marriages to bachelors with excellent prospects for promotion. See CampGS, JEDI KNIGHT, USDB, MONROE DOCTRINE, OFFICERS WIFE, DISTAFF, PETTICOAT COMMAND, COW, THE DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT, RING THE BELL, DRAG, CLASS-B DEPENDENT, SLEEPING DICTIONARY, CAMPAIGN WIFE, SHACK-JOB. nb: You promised me my answer to-night. Well, you cant have it, Ben, Helen said, until you have fought the Yankees. What heart will I have for fighting, he said, if you give me no promise Ill not be engaged to any man, she said, until he has fought the Yankees. You distinguish yourself in the war, and then see what Ill have to say to you. But suppose I dont come back at all exclaimed Ben. Oh, then Ill acknowledge an engagement and be good to your mother ndash and wear mourning all the same ndash provided ndash your wounds are all in the front. Later, when Ben leaned out the window of his departing train, he whispered as she gazed up at him, Cant I have the promise now, Helen Yes Helen exclaimed. Yes, Ben ndash dear Ben, I promise As the train cars gathered speed and rolled away, Helen turned an calmly announced to the others, Girls, Im engaged to Ben Shepard. Im engaged to half a dozen of them, said one. Thats nothing, said another, Im engaged to the whole regiment. MOTHER OF ALL. a phrase most often associated with Saddam Husseins threatened mother of all battles (APOCALYPSE) during the Persian Gulf War, but the expression exists as a comparison to precedence in numerous other phrases (eg: The name, in its outer aspect, is the mother of all created things. The numeral one is the mother of all numbers. Vedanta is the mother of all philosophies. Philosophy is the mother of all science.) and not just in exaggerated allusions (eg: the mother of all leaps . explosions . mountains) to great achievements, tremendous acts, or monumental things, including ridiculous assertions (eg: the mother of all hangovers). See MOAB, MOAFU. MOTHER OF SATAN. white crystalline organic compounds eg: acetone peroxide, tri-cyclic acetone peroxide (TCAP), triacetone triperoxide (TATP), tetrameric acetone peroxide, peroxyacetone that are used explosively due to the ready availability and low cost of their precursors although not readily soluble in water, they are susceptible to heat, friction, and shock, which instability is greatly altered by impurities, including their own oligomers, and they slowly sublime into larger unstable crystals at room temperature. these are among the few high explosives not containing nitrogen, so can pass through scanners designed to detect nitrogenous compounds. Acetone peroxides, as bleaching agents, phenol synthesizers, and polymerization initiators, are common industrial by-products that can become hazardous when mishandled. See IED, APNC, BOOBY-TRAP, MINE, EXPLOSIVE. MOTHER SHIP. slang for a supply or maintenance ship (eg: TENDER) or delivery ship (eg: SUBMARINE) that provides combat support to other vessels see SRV, MINISUB, PIGGYBACK, DUMP, NSD, DEPOT, GODOWN, PRE-POS, LOGISTICS. cf: a large resupply submarine, called Milch Cow, provided fuel, ammunition, and provisions to patrolling Nazi U-boats during WWII, enabling them to remain on station in their sector for extended periods MOTHERS MILK. a colloquialism for any precious possession, especially liquid sustenance (ie: oil or fuel, beer or liquor, coffee or water), from that essential foodstuff generated in a parturient womans breasts for feeding to an infant see POL, PETROL, HOOCH, BREW, MOONSHINE, JUICE, THE DRINK, IRISH SODA POP, SAIGON TEA, WASH, BUG JUICE, GI JOE, NUOC, GASPER, PIGTAIL, BUTT, FAG, SOLDIERS BREAKFAST, CHEW, SNUFF. MOTHER WEARS ARMY BOOTS. see YOUR MOTHER WEARS COMBAT BOOTS. MOTORIZED DANDRUFF. slang for head lice also called cootie garage see COOTIE, GRAYBACK, CRAB, BEDBUG, COMFORT STATION. MOTOR MOUTH. someone who talks too much (if not incessantly) and works too little (v: HALF-ASSED), always trying to offer an excuse (v: NO EXCUSE) for substandard or failed performance instead of making the extra effort to accomplish the mission a typically fast talking and glib TAP-DANCER using SMOKE n MIRRORS. Compare SILENT INSOLENCE see SCUTTLEBUTT, SHOOT THE SHIT, TALK TRASH, VERBAL DIARRHEA, BLOW SMOKE, WOOF, BAD-MOUTH, RUMOR, BACK CHANNEL. MOTOR POOL. a fleet of motor vehicles made available for temporary use by assigned military personnel. Also, the designated lot or yard where such military vehicles are parked and maintained sometimes called vehicle depot or motor park. See JEEP, HUMVEE, TRUCK, TRACK, TANK, DUCKDUKW, GAMMA GOAT, CANNIBALIZE, PM, TANK PARK compare BIRD FARM. MOTTO. (forthcoming) compare NICKNAME, CODENAME, COVER, PASSWORD, CALL-SIGN, BATTLE CRY, GUSTO, HOOAH, OORAH, GUNG-HO, ESPRIT DE CORPS, WETSU, DIEHARD, WAKE UP, TOAST, SIGNATURE, CREST, PATCH. nb: the term slogan is derived from the Scottish words (sluagh plus gairm) meaning army cry or war cry cf: misnomer slughorn nb: Imperial Japanese banzai (ten-thousand years not bonsai gardening) similar to Chinese wagraven-sue cf: warison v: clarion call nb: the thin red line was applied to the British (Redcoats) in the Crimean War because they did not form into a defensive square when engaged, making their line weak, which impugned their military prowess likewise, the Scottish bagpipers accompanying British troops in WWI were labeled ladies from hell for wearing kilts into battle while playing an instrument instead of carrying a weapon. each attribution was initially offensive, but both were later adopted as proud distinctions v: mottoes and nicknames of military units Names of Foreigners or Foes MOUNTAIN. nickname for Xa Dao Tru (geo: 21 31 39N 105 31 52E UTM: 48QWJ55008040), site of major NVN prison camp for captive allied population also known as nb: some names only refer to sections within this prison Mountain Retreat, K.77 or K.71, D.1, Vinh Quang B, Vinh Ninh, Duong Ke. Dates US POWs present: 24 Aug 68 to 25 Nov 70. Located about 60 kilometers northwest of Hanoi, this camp was dismantled after the war. The Ministry of Public Security apparently ran this camp until LTC Ben Purcell escaped, but the military seemingly assumed camp administration afterwards. USAF Captain Robert N. Daughtrey, who was captured on 02 Aug 65 after his F105 went down in NVN, called this site Camp D.1, because this legend appeared on the building in which he was detained however D.1 could be an abbreviation for Doanh Trai No. 1, meaning Barracks No. 1. Captain Daughtrey recalled that the American POWs from this camp were moved to the CITADEL PLANTATION (17 Pho Ly Nam De) about two days after the American raid on SON TAY in November 1970. See POW. a person skilled in mountaineering able to conduct military operations in the severe climate and rugged terrain of various uplands. The Mountain Warfare training course is a challenging two-week program conducted under tactical conditions at Camp Ethan Allen in Jericho Vermont. The Mountain Warfare school develops and conducts resident training under both summer and winter conditions, emphasizing survival and mobility techniques. The WWII Mountain and Winter Warfare Board commenced training in 1942 at Fort Lewis (Mount Rainier and Mount Bryce), in 1943 at Elkins Maneuver Area (Seneca Rocks), and in 1943 at Camp Hale (Aspen, Vail, Mount Albert, Sawatch Range). The volunteers who formed the 10th Mountain Division (officially activated August 1943) received training in skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, tobogganing, and climbing with related snow shovel, ice axe, and rope work. Their infantry and recon elements were augmented by heavy weapons, including 81mm mortar and 75mm pack howitzer. The Mountain and Winter Warfare Board was assisted by members of the Sierra Club in developing specialized equipment, including boots, mummy-style sleeping bags, mountain stoves and rations, a rucksack that converted skis into a toboggan, and the first operational snowmobile (IRON DOG). The mountaineering phase of both RANGER and SPECIAL FORCES qualification has been conducted in some sector of the Appalachian range since their inception, with only occasional treks to more rugged or severe or higher ranges, to real mountains. See RAPPEL, BELAY, SNAP-LINK, BIGHT, KNOT, LINE, ROPE, ROPE BRIDGE, TYROLEAN TRAVERSE, SNOWSHOE, BUNNY BOOTS, MICKEY MOUSE BOOTS, X-C, OSV, WEASEL, CAT-TRAIN, LRRP-RATIONS compare WINTER WARRIOR, NWTC, MWS, MWTC, JUNGLE EXPERT. v: Climbing Terms MOUNTAIN TENT. (forthcoming) experimental waterproof neoprene tent developed for alpine operations during WWII was uncomfortable and unhealthy for occupancy see TENT MOUNTED INFANTRY. also called mounted rifles see MECH, BLUELEG, INF, DOZER INFANTRY, DRAGOON, PONY SOLDIER, LONG KNIFE, YELLOWLEG, CAV, ACR, AIR CAV, AIR ASSAULT, AIRMOBILE, HELIBORNE. MOURNING BAND. a black-colored cloth or ribbon (crepe) displayed as a symbol of grief or sorrow, mourning or lamentation for a period after a loved ones death may be coincident with flying the flag at HALF-MAST. Wear is restricted to individual display on CLASS-A and dressier uniforms for personal (not unit) expressions of grief for only the period lasting from the time of death to the funeral or memorial such MOURNING BANDs were intermittently conspicuous on all uniforms during the American CIVIL WAR. See YELLOW RIBBON. MOUSE EARS. slang for the oversized head-mounted hearing protection worn by aviation support personnel who work around idling aircraft on the APRON or RUNWAY also called EARS. MOUSE HOLE. a one-man SPIDER HOLE situated in an urban area see MOUT, FIBUA, HOUSEWARMING. MOUSTACHE. (mustachemustachio) commonly called a cookie duster, soup strainer, snot mop, womb broom, or simply stache which, by regulation in the modern era, could not extend beyond the fullest part of the upper-lip or below the corner of the mouth, so the drooping gunfighter and mandarin styles worn OFF-DUTY were waxed upwards into walrus and kaiser, bulls horn and handlebar style for duty display see FACE FUZZ, RELAXED GROOMING STANDARDS. v: Zapata-style, Daliesque, Hitlerian toothbrush, etc MOUSY DUNG. a play on words for Mao Tse-tung (Mao Zedong), also called Chairman Mao and the Great Helmsman, who was then premier of Red China, as used by KOREAN WAR prisoners subjected to BRAINWASHING during their captivity a clever homophone that represented the POWs opinion of their opposition: drab and timid (mousy) shit (dung), which is also spelled mousey dung. See THE LITTLE RED BOOK, PAPER TIGER, CIVILIAN, PRC, CHICOM compare UNCLE HO, UNCLE JOE, BUTCHER OF BAGHDAD, UNCLE SAM, VINEGAR JOE. MOUT. Military Operations in Urban Terrain commonly called urban combat or house-to-house fighting. See FIBUA, BREACHER, SQUAD, FIRE TEAM, STACK, WAY POINT, MOUSE HOLE, CORDON AND KNOCK, HOUSE CALL, HOUSEWARMING, KILL HOUSE. MOVCON. MOVement CONtrol the command and control element for a convoy. A MOVEABLE FEAST. an ideal period of youthful discovery that may be experienced anywhere in the great variety of lifes multitude being a metaphor for joyous satisfaction or unbridled repletion, as is also expressed by heyday, salad days, or halcyon days this expression was popularized during the Vietnam-era by Hemingways usage: If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.. this epigraph from Papa Hemingway edited by A. E. Hotchner (1966) headed the posthumously published collection of Hemingways Paris memoirs. cf: The worlds mine oyster, which I with sword will open. as boasted in The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare (1597) MOVE OUT. the informal command used by a leader to commence or continue an operation see CHARGE, SADDLE-UP, FOLLOW ME, WATCH MY SMOKE, STORM, JUMP-START, GOYA, HOOPLA, BATTAILOUS. nb: Anticipate enemy action and move quickly before the shooting starts, then keep moving once its started, and dont take cover until the firing stops. anonymous MOVE OUT n DRAW FIRE. an injunction to stop dithering inconclusively (like a civilian) and take decisive action, even if its dangerous this admonition is also represented as Get with the program and Get off the dime, and is often used to motivate indolent slackers and play-it-safe survivors. See CROSSROADS, PUSH COMES TO SHOVE, CUT THE GORDIAN KNOT, CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER, DONT SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF, DONT DO NOTHING, CLUTCH-UP, PING-PONG, KEEP A STIFF UPPER LIP, RISKY-SHIFT EFFECT, DOESNT KNOW SHIT FROM SHINOLA, PIG LOOKING AT A WRISTWATCH, HOLLOW BUNNY, DRONE, BRASS EAR, EMPTY SUIT, DELEGATOR, CYA, MILICRAT, GOYA, HAUL-ASS, BUSTER, PULL PITCH, SCRAMBLE, JUICE, ASAP, PDQ, STAT, CHOGI, CHOP CHOP, RIKI TIK, FORTHWITH. MOVERS n SHAKERS. see RING-KNOCKER, BOYS CLUB, KHAKI MAFIA, RABBI, PATRON SAINT, SEA DADDY, RAINMAKER, THE UNHOLY TRINITY, MILICRAT, THE ESTABLISHMENT, CASTE, FAMILISM. MOWING THE LAWN. slang description of the typically repetitive search pattern used during surveillance or rescue operations by air or sea, whether by sight or by device, so as not to skip any of the designated area like SENTRY duty, such grid-work repetition, also called cutting the grass, becomes boring when extended over time, which increases the likelihood of missing the objective by inattention, even when supplemented by automation. Compare SWEEP see SAR, SCREEN, GRASS. MOXIE. bold vigor and courage, fortitude and endurance derived from the trademark for Moxie Nerve Food, an invigorating temperance tonic widely sold as a refreshing beverage since 1876, being more popular than CocaCola until the Depression Era. See V-DEVICE, GUTS, ONIONS, BRAGGING RIGHTS, WATCH MY SMOKE, BITE THE BULLET, PAIN, SCAR, DIEHARD, BEARING, MACHO, HERO, SLOW MATCH, WINTER SOLDIER. nb: We also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulations produce perseverance. Romans 5:3 Grace under pressure. by Ernest M. Hemingway MOX NIX. deliberate misspelling of the German expression (es macht nichts) meaning it doesnt matter and also used by post-WWII occupation troops to express no worries, in the manner of the What me worry proposition posed by the cartoon character Alfred E. Newman. See LO AND BEHOLD, ATTENTION. MOX NIX STICKS. slang reference to the mechanical turn-signal indicators that lifted out of the door post in many economical foreign automobiles (eg: Fiat, Simca, Lancia, Renault, Peugeot, Citroeumln, English Ford, Austin, Austin-Healey, Morris, Hillman, Saab, Subaru, Opel, Volkswagen, etc) from the pre - to the post-WWII era predating the electrical turn-signal indicator, this device (engaged and disengaged by a lever on the steering column) permitted the driver to signal a turn without steering with only one hand and without extending his arm outside the vehicle during inclement weather. Although too small to be as obvious as the drivers protruding arm, this clever device was soon displaced by signal lights, which automatically shut-off after completing the turn. The name for these turn-signals probably derives from the fact that they had to be mechanically disengaged after finishing the turn, so were often forgotten. left out so that nobody knew when the signal was intentional or just an exposed oversight. MOZAMBIQUE DRILL. alternative designation for the practical shooting tactic called TRIPLE TAP (qv), wherein the controlled technique of rapid semi-automatic fire is used to effectively and positively terminate the opposing target this referent derives from the close-quarters combat experience of Mike Rousseau, a Rhodesian mercenary fighting FRELIMO guerrillas in the Mozambican War of Independence, which LESSONS LEARNED were shared with Jeff Cooper, who formalized and disseminated them. Military Payment Certificate, or Military Payment Currency, also called FUNNY MONEY for its resemblance to gaming play money a form of color-coded scrip paper not script (also called shinplaster) used by MIL-PERS stationed overseas during the period from WWII through the VIETNAM WAR, in lieu of American dollars (USDUS), to help control inflation in the local economy. Technically known as fiat money, it has no intrinsic value and is not convertible to any specie or commodity, being based only on the trust of the government. See CANDY, SLUSH FUND, CUMSHAW, SCROUNGE, MIDNIGHT REQUISITION, SPIRIT MONEY, BAD PAPER, BENSON SILK, CHARGE, CHIT, HARD TIMES TOKEN, LEGAL TENDER. v: flying money, credit money, spirit money Also, the abbreviation for Message Processing Center. MPS. Maritime Pre-positioning Ship, stocked with Roll-On Roll-Off containerized military weapons and equipment to speed operational deployment see PRE-POS, CONTAINERIZATION. MR. Military Region being the redesignated regional Corps Tactical Zone (CTZ) areas: MR1 - MR4 see I CORPS, II CORPS, III CORPS, IV CORPS. Also, Memorandum for Record or Memorandum of Record compare MFR, MEMCON see TICKLER, SNOWFLAKE, RBI, PAPER BULLET, FORM, RAPPORTEUR, WHITE PAPER, REPORT, ANNEX, RED TAPE, 90-PAGE WONDER, FILE 13, CYA, PING-PONG, SHOOT YOURSELF IN THE FOOT. v: dossier cf: bout de papier, aide-memoire nb: If it isnt documented then it doesnt exist MRAP. Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected category of wheeled vehicles thatre protected by an armored V-shaped hull to withstand improvised explosive devices (IED) and land mines while carrying personnel and cargo this 2004 program includes versions of the COUGAR, BUFFALO, and CAIMAN, with some models configured for patrol and others as ambulances. MRAPs are scheduled to be superseded by the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) when it enters service in 2016, but will continue to be used until 2022, when the inventory of JLTVs will be sufficient to displace them. nb: at 14-24 tons each, MRAPs are too heavy to cross more than 72 of bridges around the world, and their top-heavy profile makes them vulnerable to roll-over on the narrow crude roads prevalent in most countries MR. CLEAN MISTER CLEAN. the personification of a powerful GENIE (jinn) used as the advertising mascot for an all-purpose household cleaning product Procter amp Gamble (1958), which archetype has come to symbolize a strong champion who obliterates immorality and evil a superhero who rids society of its disgusting dirt and slimy filth. See STRAIGHT ARROW, FICTIONAL CHARACTER. nb: because this cleanser was originally developed to remove grease and grime from ships, the original model was a well muscled sailor, tanned and dressed in white with an earring Meal Ready-to-Eat, also called Meals Rejected by Everyone, Meals Refusing to Exit, or Meals Refused by the Enemy which apportionment replaced the three meals per day per person C-RATIONS with an MRE issue of four meals per day per person to obtain the same caloric value. This new and improved thermostabilized field food is neither wet packed (like C-RATIONS) nor dry packed (like LRRP-RATIONS), but is moist packed in a microwavable package that includes a great deal of rubbish for pre-postprandial disposal. Although microwave ovens are now available in many modern military vehicles, the MREs are not amenable to conventional heating from flame, mandating use of the chemical heat pack (if not eliminated during mission prep) or necessitating cold consumption in remote or survival situations. Pre-operational field stripping typically reduces three MREs to the normal area of one MRE a sustainment pouch holds three MREs, and can be mounted on belt or harness. Because most modern units are light, mobile, or mechanized, the field troops find that the MRE diet is excessive, and many give away their extra rations to children and other needy civilians in their operational area. Compare HDR, FIRST-STRIKE RATION see RATIONS. nb: We never repent having eaten too little. by Thomas Jefferson (1825) MRF Mekong Delta Mobile Riverine Force sometimes called BROWN WATER Navy. In 1968, a combined US NavyArmy command assembled to combat the Viet Cong forces in the Mekong Delta, involving 2nd Brigade 9th Infantry Division and River Assault Flotilla 1. See CCB, ALPHA BOAT, TANGO BOAT, SEALORDS compare JUNK FORCE, NAG. MRRF. Mobile Road Reaction Force MRUV. Mine-Resistant Utility Vehicle, a smaller and lighter version of the wheeled Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected (MRAP) vehicle with an armored V-hull thats designed for use in constricted urban areas (CAIMAN) or off-road patrolling (M-ATV). MSC. Medical Service Corps, the administrative department for medical combat service support known by the Navy as the Medical Administration Office see REGISTRAR. Also, abbreviation for Military Sealift Command compare MAC. MSEAADR. Mainland SouthEast Asia Air Defense Region. MSF. Mobile Strike Force, also called MIKE FORCE or STRIKERS operating under the Mobile Strike Force Command (MSFC). See MGF, CSF, SF, BLACKJACK compare UNPFK. MSG. abbreviation for Master SerGeant, being the non-commissioned officer (NCO) grade (E-8) between Sergeant First Class (E-7) and Sergeant Major or Command Sergeant Major (E-9), and represented by three chevrons above three ROCKERs as sleeve rank insignia formerly abbreviated MSgt, this rank is rated equal to First Sergeant (1SG FSG). See SARGE, BUCK, RIGHT ARM, FIRST SHIRT, TOP, NCO, SUPER GRADE, RATING, GRADE, RANK. M-6 SCOUT. see SCOUT, ASW, OVER n UNDER. cf: the LeMat revolver was a double-barreled nine-shot pistol that was developed by Jean A. F. LeMat, a New Orleans physician, in 1856 for close combat by naval and cavalrymen chambered for .40 caliber and 18 gauge, it was preferred by Confederate generals J. E.B. Stuart and P. G.T. Beauregard M-16 RIFLE. an assault rifle (AR) used by the military since the Vietnam-era see BLACK MAGIC, WIDOW MAKER, OVER n UNDER, POODLE SHOOTER, TUPPERWARE, AR-15, UP-GUN. M-60 MG. the 7.62mm machinegun see NUMBER SIXTY, PIG, MG. MSL. Mean Sea Level, being the average height of the surface of the sea for all stages of the tide, and used as a reference for elevations. Compare AGL see G gravity. cf: geoid MSOS. Marine Special Operations School established 27 June 2007 with the stated intent by USMC of becoming the premier Foreign Internal Defense (FID) and Unconventional Warfare (UW) university in the entire Special Operations Forces (SOF) community. Compare Joint Special Operations University at USSOC, SWS, SWCampS. MSR. Military Supply Route also Main Supply Route see COMBAT LOADED, RED BALL, BLUE BALL, LOG compare MLR. MTB. Motor Torpedo Boat compare PT BOAT, GUNBOAT, MICKEY MOUSE BATTLESHIP see BOAT. M-3 TRENCH KNIFE. see TRENCH KNIFE compare BAYONET. nb: The Trench Knife M-3 has been developed to fill the need in modern warfare for hand-to-hand fighting. While designated for issue to soldiers not armed with the bayonet, it was especially designed for such shock units as parachute troops and rangers. U. S. Catalog of Standard Ordnance Items (1943) MTO. abbreviation for the Mediterranean Theater of Operations, being the WWII designation for the area encompassing Italy, Sicily, Greece, Crete, Turkey, and the Balkans the MTO supplanted the North African Theater of Operations, US Army (NATOUSA) see ETO, NATO. MTOE. Modified Table of Organization and Equipment see TOampETOE, TO, SPAGHETTI CHART. Meritorious Unit Commendation, effective 1 Jan 1944 for combat related service initially existed as a laurel wreath worn on the sleeve cuff, with subsequent awards designated by numerals within the wreath, but the award was redesigned in 1947 as a red ribbon framed by laurel leaves. Due to military procurement, there were so many of the sleeve-style awards remaining in inventory that the revised breast-style was not issued until 1967. The MUC is issued in an Army (red) version, in Navy Marine Corps (blue, gold stripes) version, or in Coast Guard (blue, green, white stripes) version. The Army designates that UNIT CITATIONs (and foreign awards) shall be worn opposite individual decorations, but the Navy and Marine Corps integrate them in their order of precedence. Compare OUA, JMUA see UNIT CITATION, GONG. MUD. slang for military coffee, also known as joe, sludge, washy, java, mocha, espresso, brew, black water, brown blood, boiler acid, battery acid, and nectar of the gods see GI JOE. Also, the natural and normal operational environment of real soldiers see GRUNT, SNUFFY, ATLAS compare TOY SOLDIER, WHISKEY WARRIOR. MUD DUCK. slang for any shallow water sailor, including Marines and COASTIES also known as a BROWN WATER SAILOR serving in the Mobile Riverine Force (MRF) or Brown Water Navy. See JUNK FORCE, SEALORDS, NAG. MUD-FOOT. slang for infantryman see GRUNT, SNUFFY, CRUNCHY, BOONIE RAT, DOUGHBOY, GI JOE. MUD MOVER. slang for any low-level attack aircraft providing close air support (CAS) to ground elements, such as A-6 INTRUDER or A-10 WARTHOG also called mud pounder or GROUND POUNDER. MUD ON YOUR BOOTS. a suggestion to put theory into practice, to put concepts into action, to put ideas to the test of actuality, as in Lets try it by getting a little mud on our boots. or Go out and get some mud on your boots. a recommendation (if not an admonition) to get out of the classroom and into the field, to get out of the office and into the dirt, to get off the parade field and into the mud MUDPUPPY. slang for infantryman see GRUNT, SNUFFY, CRUNCHY, BOONIE RAT, DOUGHBOY, GI JOE. a mock qualification badge ironically presented to paratroopers for sexual performance, especially cunnilingus badge depicts a fully exposed naked woman spread across Army or Marine parachutists WINGS. A similar Navy or Air Force pilots badge was awarded to BUSH PILOTS. See CHOWING DOWN, LOVE HANDLES, HEAD, HUMMER, DAISY CHAIN, HAT TRICK, WINGS, BIB, TRICK, BUTTERFLY, FUCK, DIDDLY, HOOKUP, CHURNING BUTTER, BOOM-BOOM, SHORT-TIME, SHACK-JOB. nb: a red wing variant is awarded for performing cunnilingus during menstruation aka: 60, 69, oral sex, oral copulation, cunnilingus, cunny-delicious, rug carpet muncher, eat eating out, lickety-splitter, cunt licker, pussy eater, pussy chewer, cunt chomper, tongue n groove, lip sucker, lick the cat, eat the beaver, taste tuna taco, go down - on, pearl diver, deep dive, Aussie kiss (a French kiss down under) nb: lecher derives from to lick gluttonously MUFTI. civilian clothes worn by someone usually in uniform the implication being that the clothes cannot hide the man, or that the man wears casual attire like a uniform would be worn. Origin obscure, but probably derived from the similarity of deportment between Muslim counselors and off-duty military officers. See DOG ROBBER, BEARING, CIVVIES, T-SHIRT, SKIVVIES, PARTY SUIT, FEATHERS, DRESS. MUGR. (mugger) Miniature Underwater Global positioning system Receiver a waterproof tactical locatorplotter selectively issued to SEALs and other SOF elements see GPS. nb: in an effort to control costs and reduce waste, the DoD has instituted a policy of non-duplication in military procurement (Military Adaptable Commercial Item ), such that a mil-spec contract will NOT be let whenever a commercial off the shelf (COTS) product is close enough for government work and does not require special features so some name brand items are now in logistical inventory MUHAMMADAN. of or pertaining to Islam or the prophet Muhammad, as a follower or adherent thereof a Muslim see MUJ, SANDY, HAJJI, ALI BABA, SKINNY, STREET ARAB, BAD GUYS, ISLAMOFASCISM, INSURGENT, TERRORIST, ALLAHS WAITING ROOM. nb: the argument about the efficacy of discouraging Muslim fanatics by tainting them with pork (ie: bullets coated with lard, corpses sprinkled with pigs blood, body parts buried inside pig carcasses, corpses buried with pig entrails and offal) has been revived since the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks, claiming continuity with John J. Blackjack pershings (restrained) treatment of the Moros on Mindanao (cf: Mount Dajo campaigns by Blackjack Pershing vs Leonard Wood), when the association should properly be made with the British in colonial India during the Sepoy Rebellion (aka: Indian Mutiny 1857-8) when the atrocities were profoundly savage Muslims scorn these scare tactics, noting that the body of a martyr who dies for the faith is so pure that his body is exempt from the usual practices, and that his soul goes directly to paradise, regardless of any enemy mistreatment v: It was Colonel Alexander Rodgers of the 6th Cavalry who accomplished by taking advantage of religious prejudi ce what the bayonets and Krags had been unable to accomplish (on Mindanao). Rodgers inaugurated a system of burying all dead juramentados in a common grave with the carcasses of slaughtered pigs. The Mohammedan religion forbids contact with pork and this relatively simple device resulted in the withdrawal of juramentados to sections not containing a Rodgers. Other officers took up the principle, adding new refinements to make it additionally unattractive to the Moros. In some sections the Moro juramentado was beheaded after death and the head sewn inside the carcass of a pig. And so the rite of running juramentado, at least semi-religious in character, ceased to be in Sulu. The last cases of this religious mania occurred in the early decades of the (20th) century. The juramentados were replaced by the amucks. who were simply homicidal maniacs with no religious significance attaching to their acts. Jungle Patrol: The Story of the Philippine Constabulary by Victor Hurley (E. P. Dutton, New York 1938) MUJ. (mooge) contraction of Mujahideen Mujahedin Mujaheddin, being a Muslim GUERRILLA fighting in and around the region of Afghanistan also called The Muj, as derived from one who wages jihad. This term is more descriptive than derogatory, with its usage dependent upon tone and context, and upon which side the MUJ is fighting it should be noted that these fighters take credit for toppling the USSR as a religious triumph, while America is given credit for causing the collapse of Soviet communism by economic means. See GULF WAR, ABSURDISTAN, RAGHEAD, SANDY, HAJJI, STREET ARAB, LITTLE BROWN BROTHER, INDIG. aka: camel jockey, camel cowboy, goat roper, snake charmer, carpet pilot, rug rider, sand flea, sand monkey, sand nigger, desert darky, dune coon, tarsh, ali baba, ahab, aladdin, habib, zalama, zol Army mule mascot a small, lightweight, low-profile, open-frame, four-wheel drive utility vehicle that was used in Vietnam to rapidly transport up to a ton of equipment, weapons, and men over difficult terrain probably inspired by the dune buggy, and developed before the later military imitations of the All Terrain Vehicle (ATV), namely the Light Surveillance Vehicle (LSV) and Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV). The MULE, designated M-274 half-ton truck, was operated by an opposed two-cylinder pull-cord (Tecumseh) engine, and could be propelled while the driver was prone. It could transport men and their equipment, or mount a 60mm mortar, a 90mm recoilless rifle, or 75mm pack howitzer. The MULE was withdrawn from inventory due to inadequate wheel and axle performance the lack of protection for the driver and passengers compromised its function when later redesigned. Compare CHAPARRAL, GAMMA GOAT, IRON DOG. Also, Air Force slang for a towing tractor (tug) thats used to maneuver maintenance or cargo loads, and to move airplanes into and out of HANGARs or REVETMENTs see PUSHBACK. Also, the sterile offspring of a female horse and a male donkey (as distinguished from hinny) being the mascot of the U. S. Army thats traditionally maintained at West Point (USMA) see BULLDOG, GOAT, THE BIRD, BLACK DEVIL, MEAT MARKER. nb: the Black Knight is the mascot of the U. S. Military Academy nb: although the mule has been designated as the Army mascot since 1899 (to counter the Navy goat), the first Army mascot mule to be named was Mister Jackson (after Thomas J. Stonewall Jackson) in 1936 others have included Poncho (or Skippy), Hannibal I (or Bud), K. C. Mo, Trotter, Hannibal II (or Jack), Buckshot, Spartacus (or Frosty), Ranger I, Black Jack, Traveler (or Dan), Trooper (or Ernie), Raider (or Joker), Ranger II (or George), General Scott (or Scotty), Ranger III (or Jack), Stryker (or Abe) Also, a stubbornly determined person someone mulish, headstrong, willful, obdurate, obstinate, intractable, or fractious see HIDEBOUND, BRASSBOUND, BRASS EAR, HARD-SET. nb: Because I knew that thou art obstinate, and thy neck is an iron sinew, and thy brow brass. Isaiah 48:4 KJV Bible Also, a mixed drink made with vodka, ginger beer, and lime juice thats traditionally served over ice in a copper mug garnished with a slice of lime or a sprig of mint also known as a buck or Moscow mule, this cocktail was created during WWII to demonstrate solidarity with Americas Russian allies, but after the onset of the COLD WAR, its popularity diminished, as did all vodka drinks see BREW, HOOCH, GROG, JUICE, MOONSHINE, THE DRINK, HOIST, GUSTO. MULTIPLE UTILITY BUILDING. a modular arched-roof building, also known as a Multiple Building, that could be expanded in both directions sized 82 X 102 that could be extended in width by 61.5 increments and extended in length by 100 increments. According to the Multiple Building manual National Steel Products, it was possible to add an endless number of segmented sections, since the design allowed for expansion in both directions. Using many of the same parts fabricated for the UTILITY BUILDING, it accomplished larger spans by introducing a rectilinear steel frame upon which arched roof segments were joined, one to the other, with low sloping valley gutters. The largest assemblage of Multiple Buildings was said to have been a 54,000-square-foot warehouse in Guam that was nicknamed the Multiple Mae West. Compare STEELDROME, ELEPHANT HUT see DEPOT, GODOWN, BLDG, BILLET. v: British Nissen hut MULTIPRONG MULTIPRONGED. coined during the KOREAN WAR-era as a COMBINED ARMS tactic wherein separately projecting subdivisions coalesce upon the target, or several separate elements converge and coincide from different directions as a concentrated force upon the objective see FORCE MAJEURE, compare FRONTAL ASSAULT. Also, a concept used figuratively to represent the approach of several points of view from different perspectives in systems analysis or problem solving also represented as multidisciplinary or heterodox. MUM. silenced or concealed, suppressed or quashed see HUSH-HUSH, QT compare CLASSIFIED, NEED TO KNOW. nb: hush-hush and mum mean silent (dont talk about it), rather than secret war materials, weapons and ammunition derived from fortify or defend. Ordnance is marked blue (mock, dummy) for training, and white (live) for war shot. Emptied munitions cases were often recycled or re-used, as in FORTIFICATION, BUNKER, REVETMENT, or SANDBAG. See AMMO, LINK AMMO, TRACER, COFRAM, HARDBALL, DUMDUM, HOT SHOT, CARTRIDGE, SHELL, CALIBER, BURSTING CHARGE, BEEHIVE, CANISTER, HE, HEAT, APHE, API, SABOT, WP, ICM, BOOBY-TRAP, HME, IED, EFP, MOLOTOV COCKTAIL, SOUP, COCKTAIL, TOE-POPPER, MINE, MCCM, CLAYMORE, GRENADE, FRAG, BLOOPER, RIFLE GRENADE, POP SMOKE, FUZE, FUSE, EXPLODER, TRIGGER, C-4, IRON BOMB, BUTTERFLY BOMB, BUNKER BUSTER, FAE, CBU, SUBMUNITION, GBU, LGB, JDAM, SNAKE, SNAKES n NAPES, NAPALM, WMD, NUKE, BIG STUFF, HEAVY STUFF, STABALLOY, DU, STAND-OFF, FLAK, AIRBURST, DAISY CUTTER, COOK-OFF, WARHEAD, BRING SMOKE, LOCK n LOAD, SILENCER, MAGAZINE MAG, DRUM, BANDOLEER, MUSETTE, RACK, HARDPOINT, SUMP, DUMP, TOMB, BOMB FARM, CACHE, BB STACKER, HEAVY DROP, DROPMASTER, LOADMASTER, SHORT-SHOT, COLLATERAL DAMAGE, LETHAL RADIUS, EOD, UXO, DUD, ELDEST SON, CONTRABAND. MURDER BOARD. slang for a committee of questioners assembled to prepare a candidate for a qualification test an informal review board thats been convened to scrutinize the qualifications of the candidate, exposing their deficiencies and delinquencies in hopes of preventing failure at the actual test. This preliminary panel prepares both enlisted and commissioned servicemembers for a rating. Originating in the military, these preparation panels are now widely used in academics and politics for their efficacy, with this descriptor based upon the severity of their questions and the detailed knowledge expected for approval. See BOARD, MIL-CRAFT, RATING, STRIKER, OJT, 3 Rs, CROSS-TRAINING, MOS, PMOS compare BAYONET, BAYONET SHEET, ARTICLE 32. cf: oral comprehensives nb: not murder as constituting a group (murder of crows) but anything extremely difficult or unpleasant MURPHYs LAW. any concise aphorism or succinct maxim, often representing some universal experience by an anonymous composer often subdivided into variations (eg: Sarges Corollary to MURPHYs LAW, or Docs Contamination Theorem of MURPHYs LAW). Ostensibly derived from a fictitious bungling mechanic in the USN educational cartoons of 1950s but actually originating with USAF Captain Edward A. Murphy Jr, who discovered that the deceleration gauges on Major John P. Stapps rocket-sled test in December 1954 at Edwards AFB were installed wrong, and he proclaimed the first law: if something can go wrong, it will If theres more than one way to do a job, and one of those ways will end in disaster, then someone will do it that way.. Over the next decade, MURPHYs Fundamental LAWs were created by scientists and engineers but the VIETNAM WAR generated a new version: Murphys Laws of Combat. Compare GREMLIN, BUG, PLAN B, SEAT OF THE PANTS, CATCH-22 see PARKINSONS LAW, PETER PRINCIPLE, OCCAMS RAZOR, LESSONS LEARNED. v: An order that can be misunderstood will be misunderstood. attributed to Helmut von Moltke cf: Finagles Law or Finagles Law of Dynamic Negatives has been rendered as Anything that can go wrong, will. or If something can go wrong, it will go wrong at the worst possible moment., which is a generalized version of Murphys Law, but is not eponymous. finagle (derived from renege) means to trick, scheme, manipulate, deceive, defraud, swindle, cheat cf: Hanlons Razor is a corollary of Finagles Law, asserting Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. and has been alternatively stated Never invoke conspiracy when ignorance and incompetence will adequately suffice, since conspiracy implies intelligence. v: graffiti, samizdat, pasquinade. political jokes were called tiny revolutions by George Orwell v: Murphy by Samuel Beckett (1938) MUSETTE MUSETTE BAG. a small bag or satchel with a shoulder strap, used for medical or military sundries also known as haversack. Until the grenadiers vest for the M-79 was developed, this bag was primarily used for carrying grenades and mines. Compare MED BAG, AWOL BAG, FLIGHT BAG, WAR BAG, DUFFEL BAG, BIVY. nb: rucksack back-sack knapsack bitesnap-upeat, food sack kit-bag soldiers small bagknapsack haversack single-strapped feed bag worn over one shoulder musette single-strapped small bag worn over one shoulder cf: bundle, bindlebindlea, swag, bluey, dilly bag, tucker-bag, bag, pouch, tote, sack, traps, pack, grip, gripsack, overnighter, weekender, holdall, carpetbag, B-4 bag, suitcase, one-suiter, single-suiter, two-suiter, three-suiter, portmanteau, Gladstone bag, traveling case, garment bag, Val-Pack, luggage v: scrip wayfarers bag or wallet viaticum travelers money and necessities nickname for a pawn, tool, CATS-PAW, foil, stooge, or other clandestine operative, who was subject to NEED TO KNOW cutouts, being kept in the dark and fed on horse shit (KITD-FOHS), or Watch em grow like MUSHROOMs when kept in the dark and fed a lot of shit such is known as a toadstool in the Navy see RUMOR, BRAVO SIERRA, BURY ONES HEAD IN THE SAND, SPOOK. nb: mushroom is the general class of fleshy fungi, among which the toadstool is poisonous Also, slang for a parabolic or round-top PARACHUTE. Also, slang for a civilian victim of COLLATERAL DAMAGE, so-called for their tendency to suddenly pop-up in TARGET areas thought to be vacant or clear of noncombatants see CIVCAS, SOFT TARGET, SURGICAL STRIKE. cf: kindermorde (slaughter of the innocent) nb: it is an irony of war that more civilians die during combat than do soldiers, sailors, and airmen not just COLLATERAL DAMAGE from inadvertent propinquity, but due to starvation, disease, exposure and other mortal adversities MUSHROOM CLOUD. a large mushroom-shaped cloud that forms rapidly from the smoke and debris dispersed into the atmosphere after an explosion, which shortly dissipates this formation is especially characteristic of a nuclear explosion. See GENIE, DRAGONS BREATH, FLASH BURN, NUKE, ZERO POINT, GROUND ZERO, MOAB, BIGGER BANG FOR THE BUCK. cf: pother MUSIC. slang for RADAR jamming, BUG masking, or other ECM techniques, as loud MUSIC or heavy MUSIC see NOISE, MIJI, FANFARE, CHAFF. Also, organized sound having the forms of rhythm, melody, harmony, and dynamics see BEATERS n BLEATERS, TOOTER, BUGLE CALL, TATTOO, SALUTE, RUFFLES n FLOURISHES, REVEILLE, RETREAT, TAPS, NO-DOZE, FACE THE MUSIC. Also, any of the normal sounds of the conduct of military activity, including training and operations, such as sounding JODY CALLs, shooting MAIN-GUNs, firing RIFLEs or machineguns, detonating MINEs or EXPLOSIVEs, the rotor noise of flying CHOPPERs, the TRACK squeak of TANKs or SP artillery, the passage of CONVOYs, the CADENCE of footsteps MARCHing together, BUGLE CALL announcements. any of the sounds that stir the heart of a WARRIOR (Thats music to my ears) and speak to the lifestyle of uniformed MIL-PERS. MUST. Medical Unit Self-contained Transportable also abbreviated MUSCT see HOSPITAL. MUSTANG. originally any Naval Petty Officer advanced to commissioned officer RANK, as promoted up through the hatch, but universally adopted for any commissioned officer having prior enlisted service, having been promoted by any means see MAVERICK, UP THE HAWSEPIPE, BLUE BLOOD, COCKTAIL, OFFICERS COUNTRY. Also, the North American P-51 fighter-bomber that succeeded the THUNDERBOLT, and was later designated F-51 F-6 for close air support (CAS) compare TWIN MUSTANG, see BIRD. MUSTER. to summon, gather, collect, or assemble a military unit for inspection or duty, sometimes jocularly referred to as cluster muster see FALL-IN FALL-OUT, CALL TO THE COLORS, FOLLOW THE DRUM, RA, VOLUNTEER, TOTAL FORCE. Derived from show, display, demonstrate related to MUSTER roll for roster, to MUSTER out for DISCHARGE, and to pass MUSTER for approval (used in the same sense of being found worthy as cut the mustard). cf: warison v: clarion call MUSTER DAY. historically, the annual day for enrollment in the MILITIA of all able-bodied men, aged 18 to 45, according to a law established in 1792, remaining in effect until after the American CIVIL WAR. MUTILATE MUTILATION. to disfigure or make imperfect by irreparably damaging or removing parts thereof, especially when permanently injuring the configuration of a person. Also, to deprive a person or other animal of a necessary or essential part, as by impairing or crippling derived from cut off or maim. See MILLION DOLLAR WOUND, PROFILE, ZULU, WHOLE MAN. Also, made essentially defective or imperfect, as in the tactical result of sacrificing a part for the whole see LAST STAND, SUICIDE SQUAD, DECOY, AUTOTOMY. MUTINEER. a soldier or sailor who rebels against duly constituted authority that is, someone who commits MUTINY. See RIOT ACT, BATS n HATS, CALL ON THE CARPET, PETITION, DRUMHEAD. v: sedition, misprision, lese legravese-majesteacute, barratry MUTINY. an insurrection or rebellion, such as a takeover to overthrow a duly constituted authority compare INSURGENCY, REVOLUTION, COUP DETAT, STRUGGLE, CONFLICT, TREASON. v: sedition, misprision, lese legravese-majesteacute, barratry cf: 1783 Newburgh conspiracy MUTT. (forthcoming) acronym for the 4WD, quarter-ton, M-151 Military Utility Tactical Truck see HUMVEE, GAMMA GOAT, DUCKDUKW, FAV, ORV, MULE. nb: in 1970, the M-151A2 revised the rear (semi-trailing arm) suspension, which improved safety and fast cornering, but also added combination turn signals and blackout lights to its reworked fenders MUTUAL ADMIRATION SOCIETY. an informal syndicate setup to benefit its members a form of the self-promotion and mutual-protection league or the old-boy network see BOYS CLUB, GOOD OLD BOY, RING-KNOCKER, KHAKI MAFIA, THE ESTABLISHMENT, BROWNIE BROWN NOSE, VET VETERAN, PROFESSIONAL VETERAN, MILICRAT, RHIP, FAST TRACK, TICKET-PUNCHER, VULCANIZE. nb: every MILICRAT knows that the most dangerous people in the military are not HEROes, but are disgruntled MIL-PERS who are frustrated by MICKEY MOUSE and CHICKEN SHIT, by SNOW and RED TAPE, and having been passed over twice for promotion, are serving their terminal assignment, and because they are honorable men who have not STACKed ARMS, they know that there is nothing that the TICKET-PUNCHERs and RING-KNOCKERs of the KHAKI MAFIA can do to them MUX. MUltipleXor, also spelled multiplexer being a transmitter, or system of transmission, that simultaneously sends two or more signals or messages over a single channel or circuit. Also, a stereoscopic device used in mapping that makes it possible to view pairs of aerial photographs in three dimensions. MUZZLE. the discharge end, or mouth, of a firearm, PISTOL, RIFLE, cannon, or gun derived from snout. Many soldiers formed the habit of covering the MUZZLE of their RIFLES with a cap of 100 MPH TAPE, later replaced by a condom after the open-prong FLASH SUPPRESSOR on the AR-15M-16 was modified, which helped to keep the RIFLE barrel clean and dry and this muzzle capping unwittingly imitated the practice of soldiers in previous centuries who plugged (tampion) their gun barrels when not in use. See BORESIGHT, SUPPRESSOR, MUZZLE-BRAKE, BLANK ADAPTER, MG, SMG, MAIN-GUN, SILENCER. nb: when condoms were requisitioned during WWII, the reason given was for muzzle capping of SMALL ARMS rather than prophylaxis nb: the 1795 Springfield Arsenal musket (smoothbore, flintlock. 69 caliber muzzleloader) was the first official shoulder-firearm to use standardized interchangeable parts v: Firearms Glossary MUZZLE-BRAKE. the modification, by porting or attachment, of a firearm barrel that reduces recoil, stabilizes rotation, and compensates for climb during discharge by deflecting the explosive exit of the propellent gases also called a recoil compensator or simply compensator. While a SMALL ARMS compensator will reduce muzzle climb during automatic fire, it greatly increases the muzzle flash and discharge report of the weapon. Although this deflector may superficially resemble (at least on SMALL ARMS) a FLASH SUPPRESSOR, its purpose is very different and its function is directional: sending the muzzle blast upwards on submachineguns (SMG) and RIFLEs, while porting the blast sideways (for improved viewing) on the MAIN-GUN of cannon and TANKs. Compare SILENCER. v: Cutts Compensator on Thompson submachinegun

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